4. Try to keep your panties on

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CHAPTER FOUR “Please Ma’am,” I tried for the umpteenth time, feeling my nails digging into my palms. That was the only way to stop my disappointment from crowding my judgment and make me lush out at the poor receptionist. After taking a bus then switching to a taxi to get here, apparently I was already thirty minutes late for the interview.     “Mr. Wells is a rather strict man and tardiness really pisses him off,” She shook the free ends of her red hair, an irritated look building up on her face.   “If you could just let me through, I could probably talk to him and make him understand. Please,” I f*****g needed this interview. Couldn’t she see that?   “I’m really sorry Miss and if you don’t leave these premises right now, I’ll be forced to call the security,” She stated point blank with no hint of sympathy in her voice.   Disappointment hit the pit of my stomach like a thunderbolt in the sky. I came here, risking the only job I had and my boyfriend’s uncontrollable temper…all for nothing. If Mrs. Grey didn’t take me back despite me leaving without a notice, then I was done for. A single tear treaded slowly down my cheek right cheek even though I tried to stop it.   “Morning Ann,” A female voice greeted the receptionist from behind me.   “Good Morning to you too Miss Badoni,” Her tone was different, almost as though she feared the woman.   Miss Badoni laughed airily behind me and this time I risked a glance at the super gorgeous but heavily pregnant woman behind me,” Please. Just call me Lana,” Then her gaze skirted towards me. She was not older than me but with a face like that, she had to be some super model meant for the Milan runaways.   “Are you okay dear?” She asked full of concern.   “She was scheduled for the CEO’S PA interview but she arrived thirty minutes late. Mr. Devon hates tardiness,” The receptionist answered before I could.   “Why? What happened?” She asked, her gaze never leaving me.   “I was not sure if coming for this interview was the right decision, at first of course but now it doesn’t matter, does it?” I sighed in disappointment, turning to walk out.   “Yes it matters. Come on, let’s go and get you an interview dear,” I stopped in my tracks, wondering who the hell this woman was.   She was already heading towards the elevator. On noticing I wasn’t following, she turned around with a light smile.   “I doubt Devon really has that much patience if you keep lagging behind him,” I shook off my uncertainty, striding off after her into the elevator. Whoever she was, I would rather give her a shot instead of scurrying back home.   As we waited to reach our destiny, I fiddled with my fingertips, hating the nervousness dripping inside me. I pursed my lips, thoughts topsy-turvy, wondering what it was going to be like in the interview if I managed to get it.  Would this Devon Wells conduct the interview himself or a different interviewer would do it? Would this interviewer ask difficult questions or would they be simple? Would he be some old man wanting my body in exchange for the job or some mean, gorgeous lady in red lipsticks?   “Your first interview huh?” Lana asked, a little amusement detectable in her voice.   “Is it obvious?” I asked, breathing out immensely in the hoping of relieving the edginess in my nerves.   “Very obvious. But don’t worry, Devon might be a little strict but he knows when there is potential and you clearly have potential,” She smiled at me in a poor attempt to sound encouraging.   Strict.   Hmm…same word the receptionist used to describe this Devon Wells. He definitely had to be some old mean man, who obviously worked his ass off and never cared about anything or anyone else at that matter.   The Elevator pinged to a stop and we both stepped into an exquisite hallway with offices on both sides of it. Everything in here including the few people moving about had the word exquisite written in capital letters all over them.   I was not sure what I expected, but definitely not an empty space outside the office written DEVON, CEO. Before the woman could knock, another man walked out of the opposite door. A smile immediately broke on his face as his gaze met the woman’s. There was something strikingly familiar about the particular man. Maybe it was the same dark brown eyes like the stranger yesterday night.   “Babe,” He muttered and Lana was immediately distracted, the edge of her lips pulling into a wide grin. His fiancée maybe?   He pulled her into a lengthy kiss and I was forced to fidget nervously, while casting my gaze anywhere else apart from them. The door we were standing outside of, suddenly flung open and a brunette with too much lipstick and an inappropriately huge cleavage walked out, her cheeks puffed out as she muttered incoherent cusses under her breath. I heard the couple chuckle beside me, obviously amused by the spectacle. She brushed past us, rage very much tainted in every step she took towards the elevator.   “She must have been trying to charm him with her t**s. Too bad my brother is in a pretty, shitty mood right now,” The man sympathized but obviously trying to stifle another chuckle.   “What is it about this time? He didn’t get a good f**k last night or what? “The woman laughed. Did she forget she was supposed to get me to the interview?   “On the contrary it’s about a woman he was with last night. Apparently he can’t get her out of his head or something,”   “That’s a first,”   “I know,” Choosing that moment. I interjected in a small, polite voice.   “I’m sorry miss but can you…” The words died on my lips when the door opened once again, an out of the world hot specimen, leaning there. What the hell!   “f**k!” I cussed under my breath. Not because he looked edible but because he was the same guy from the club, the same guy I had s*x with. Was he here for the interview too?   “Have you found your woman from last night Devon?” Miss Badoni asked mockingly.   Somebody kill me right now. Taking the advantage that his attention was captured by the couple, I turned around my heart beating really fast, hoping to make it to the elevator or stairs before he noticed.   “By the way, I think you still have one more candidate for the interview. I know she came late but Devon, you need to hear her out first. She…where are you going? I promised you I would get you to the interview,” I felt her footsteps padding after me and I was immediately frozen from where I stood.   “Is she okay?” I heard Devon’s brother ask but I could not bring myself to turn around. How was I supposed to react or say to Devon?   “She is just nervous. It’s her first interview,” Miss Badoni came to my rescue.   “Hmm…Is it really about the interview or is this about…me?” Devon’s deep voice had me cussing. So he had recognized me despite my back on him.   “Jesus Devon. You are such an ass, you know that?” His brother chuckled.   “I’ve always known that,” his voice was already distracting enough, stirring a ring of memories I thought were supposed to be just for yesterday night.   Mastering enough courage, I turned around almost gasping out loud at the Greek god looking back at me with an easy smirk dancing on his delicious lips. Those lips…If it had not been Lana’s grasp on my arm, I would have probably collapsed on my knees.   “Don’t let anything he says get to you, no matter how tempting or scary it sounds,” She whispered and I just nodded.   With bold steps, I walked back to where Devon stood, loathing the butterflies dancing in my belly. An interview was what I came for, and that was the only thing I was going to do. No thinking about yesterday or about what was beneath the layers of clothing on Devon’s body.   “After you,” He motioned and the moment we walked inside the spacious office, he shut the door.   “And we meet again, stranger,” he inched closer but still I refused to turn, my gaze set on the blinds drawn up in front of me.   “I’m here for the Interview,” I tried to change the subject, my voice surprisingly calm.   “Yeah. Thirty minutes late, I know that,” He whispered in my ear, his hot breath making me feel live instantly.   He walked past me to seat in the swivel chair at his office. Leaning back, he watched me with a blank expression as he tapped his lips with his index finger. The movement pulled my focus to his lips, remembering them all over me, trailing hot kisses on my body. I shook my head, pushing the thoughts to the back of my mind.   “If what happened yesterday between us is going to be a hindrance then-“ I stopped when he raised his index finger in the air.   “What happened between us…Miss Brookes?” I could not tell whether he was testing me but if he meant to put my nerves on edge, then that was definitely working.   “Nothing Sir,” I bit my lower lip, a habit I developed every time I told a lie.   “Good,” He leaned forward, his arms now resting on the office table in front of him,” Now try to keep your panties on for two minutes,” The smirk was back, making me breathless yet again.   One thing was definitely clear. This interview was the worst decision I had ever made.
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