CHAPTER: 35 Get to Go

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“Megumi just like we thought Izumi were stopped at an unfinished building and if we wait for police or your special guards to reach there, everything will go wrong. So without any choice we are the one who have to help Izumi and also get back Miyuki from them” Kayle said to him and Megumi also planning something on his mind.    And at the building Izumi stopped his car and gets his laptop with him and started to walk inside. He was really scared about it and his mind started to think how to save Miyuki and guessing the probability of it. Is there any chance of saving Miyuki and also I need to be alive. It’s the first time I got a girlfriend who not treating me as an outsider and not as someone who used for money.    I want to live and live with Kayle; she is different than any women I encountered in my life. Most of the women were just thought me as a person who can do whatever with money and used me and some of the women were not considered my feelings and some of them were just got with me so they can get to my brother.    Kayle… She is different, she really loving me, and just taking care of me just like I dreamt and also she did not want some money or anything than enjoyment. Even she not treated me different like others do to me. Even at our first encounter she was different towards my eyes and just like I thought she was meant to be with me. So I need to be alive just to be with my Kayle and not make her cry.    And just by thinking of it Izumi was walking towards the building and slowly he started to feel someone following him at behind. But he didn’t freaked out about it and slowly walking towards the place where the person asked him to be within the time. After reached there, Izumi just placed his laptop on the table and standing quietly without turning back and moving anywhere.    He was just looking at his toes and praying to god to end this incident without any sadness. God please I need you to listen to me… Please do some miracle and let me and Miyuki to get out from this place and these people. And as soon as he was just being silent and looking down Izumi started to hear sounds of steps and he turned around to see who was that.    It was Shiba who coming towards him to check whether it was really Izumi or not. And after getting there Shiba started to speak with Izumi. “Do you know one thing we have no idea about leaving you alive from here” When he said it Izumi was not shocked because he already guessed it but his worries are pretty much about Miyuki and her safety.    “Where is Miyuki? I need to see her, bring her to me and you can kill me but just send her to her place” Izumi said just by looking at down. Shiba was really getting anger because from the start he just being silent and looking down even while talking. So he gets near to him and forced to raise his head and looked on his face. Izumi was crying, his eyes are drops out the tears so bad and his whole body shivers.    I just did to uncover everything about the gang because my brother did something bad when he was member of the gang. And at that time I promised to myself to take down every group by law but now I was being here and Miyuki was captured by them was because of me. But I was crying like a small boy who was feared by seeing a monster or ghost.    Shiba and others were shocked to see Izumi’s face for a second and his crying and after a moment most of them started to laugh at him for crying. Izumi was so much embarrassed there was being pathetic and weak who was crying by being in fear. But Shiba is the only one who was just looking at him than made fun of him and then he asked to Izumi “Why are you crying? Are you afraid of your dead?”    Izumi was slowly raising his voice and answered him for his question “Yes, I am in fear for not being with my Kayle but that’s not all. I was worrying about Miyuki. After you all killed me how can I able to believe that you sure leave Miyuki unharmed and let her live her life freely?”    “Just by thinking about the future and my situation and the condition I am now by being weak was making me cry and hurting me more than anything in this world” And when he said that the people who are laughed suddenly stopped laughing and looked at him. And suddenly Shiba started to laugh for that reply Izumi said to him.    Izumi was just being silent, he has no idea why he was started to laugh all of the sudden. And Shiba started to speak to him “You are really being normal Izumi, I too thought you were some kind of person who cries for nothing but not you were really feeling right for your situation and I allow you to cry all you want and also now I am going to release Miyuki so you would feel less on your heart of doubts”.    And Shiba started to walk out from that place to release her and got into the room but she was still in unconscious and lying in ground. Shiba took her and brought infront of Izumi to show him that she was alright. “After she woke up I am sure I will take back to her house and leave there so you don’t need to worry. All I need is your head so just let us to cut it down”.    And suddenly a blast sound was heard at the entrance, other people were started to move out to check on to the sound. “Hey… Why are you are standing just go there and check on the entrance. I think he must be come here to save them. Get him alive and if he does anything stupid then just break his legs or hands or even both”.    “And say one more thing to him if he not giving up so easily, Just let him to know that if he not gives up then we will going to tear every bone and skin of his brother Izumi and also his girlfriend Miyuki” Shiba shouted while looking at his people. Soon the surrounding people were run outside to check on there just like Shiba ordered them to do.    Exactly five minutes ago… Megumi and Kayle get into the building slowly without their car. “Megumi… wait and say your plan again because I am thinking it was a bad idea. Explain it clearly because if we are going to do something bad and it only affects Miyuki and Izumi so we need to clear the plan without flaw”. Kayle was really not into of Megumi’s plan because she really not trusts his plan and also not trust him.    “We are going to make something blast so some of them sure show up on outside and we are going to use that time to get inside and search for them. We both are going to be stick together because if anyone of us gets caught then this plan will fail. Our job is to make them delay to escape and also take back Miyuki and Izumi safely from them”.    “Do you clear with it?” Megumi asked to Kayle again but she did not trust it but without any other choice she accepted and started to do just like Megumi want her to do. And they both got near to some tanks infront of the building and planted some small type bombs to blast of the tanks and create some impact to draw more people from inside.    And just like Megumi planned more people started to get out and searching around for him and at that time Megumi and Kayle were successfully gets inside the building but they don’t know which way to go and they started to get top floor but Izumi and Miyuki were being in down. Shiba was being confused for a moment and soon he was started to realize and ordered some of his members to search the top floor soon.    Izumi was started to worry that if really Megumi was reached the place then sure they going to get him too and then the real reason why he came here will be wasteful. Brother why are you came here…. I didn’t want you to do this just let me accept my fate for my mistake. Izumi was just started to think about his brother and want him to be alive.   
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