CHAPTER: 53 Keep the Promise till the END

1950 Words
At last Megumi and June reached the house and picked up Izumi at the entrance gate. As soon as he entered June accelerated and drives off from that place. At that time Megumi calls his friend Yuno and asks him to get his best men and get to the stadium and kills every man who looks so suspicious. At the time Izumi and he arrive Yuno need to get the entire stadium under his control and not let any single person out from his eye.    “Megumi are you sure about it because if we do it sure it grabs some attention, and everyone start to do some ruckus. Then we can’t be able to do anything to the common people”. Megumi been quiet for a few seconds and said a plan to him “I need you to say that Megumi is coming to watch the match and for that you guys are preparing the security”. When he said it Yuno asked “Are you really want to say the truth that you are coming to see the tournament?”    “Get my body double and sends him after I get into the stadium. But before that you need to get all men you have to surround the stadium. Izumi and I gets in there within twenty minutes so finish the job just like I said. And one more thing get Raj to this job, I think he would be prefect for it” Megumi said to Yuno and cuts the call. And just like he said Yuno gets his all men and said to them to surround the stadium and then he calls Raj and says what Megumi said to him.    “You don’t need to worry just like boss said I would finish the job” Raj said and cuts the call. After he started to walk down from the apartment where so many people died in his hands and Raj just getting down slowly and lighten up his cigarette. After long time boss gave me a boss, I think this could be interesting than the job what am I doing now.    After a while on stadium Jay ordered his men to cover every entrance and ordered them to kill Megumi and Izumi on the spot. After he gets inside and watching the match while listening to his men’s conversation. And then suddenly one by one his men started to die but he can’t be able to hear anything from then. For a second Jay shocked and confused at that time and Kayle noticed Jay and started to suspect him.    As soon as Kayle started to watch him Jay noticed her that she been watching him continuously. At the same time his men are being killed by someone, but he can’t be able to find anything. So, all the sudden he gets up and move out to check on the things. He thought Kayle would follow him and if she does then he planned to kill her without waste any time by asking questions. Jay just getting out fast and getting rid of his mobile.    Then suddenly he stops at the second entrance by seeing there was a man who standing in front of him and just smiling so casually. “I never thought I would meet you here my long-gone friend. What’s your recent name?” Raj just asking at him and keeping his cigarette on his hand. Jay just being quiet for a second and feels down by seeing Raj there. “There is nothing to say to you Just move away otherwise sure I will kill you this time Raj”.    “What was the hurry, we met after a long time so let us enjoy the moment by having a friendly non killing fight but first can you say your name because I want to know so desperately” Raj just keep on talking to him while Jay was gets his knife out of his pocket and started to strike on him, but every time Raj escapes from his attacks like it was a child’s play.    “My name is Jay; I am not going to change this name because it was given by my boss whom I trust my entire life”. When Jay said it, Raj was shocked and stopped moving for a second and at that time Jay scratched Raj a little on his shoulder. “You’re so slow Raj, I never thought I can be able to make a mark on you with this slow move” Jay started to mock Raj and he puts back the knife on his pocket. “What are you saying by keeping your knife back at your pocket?” Raj asked to him. “You are being weak and using the knife would be show that you are strong, so I am just going to use my bare hands and knock you down”.    “Don’t think so high of you Jay because it would get you down so easily then at last you are the one who going to feel sad. I just lost my concentration for a second other than that you are still below me”. Raj said to him and provoked his anger. The word ‘You are still below me’ is risen his anger out which started to create mistake on every Jay’s attack. After being anger his every moment started to be predictable.    Then the fight goes on for more than ten minutes but still Raj did not use his weapon against him, which is like mocking Jay and his pride that he was the most trained and powerful assassin. Then suddenly some person came on the side to see Raj. After seeing them soon Jay stopped fighting him and escaped from that place. “Don’t ever think this match was finished as your winning because I still didn’t used my weapon against you and survived. You are still the same pathetic looser who can’t even beat me and ran away”. Raj shouted at the direction Jay ran away from there.    Yuno’s henchmen were tried to follow them but Raj stopped them and said to them to go inside and protect Megumi. Before the fight between Raj and Jay started the situation at then stadium entrance while Izumi and Megumi coming with June. Every Yuno’s men were started to kill Jay’s men without giving any time for them to react. At that time June brought Megumi and Izumi to the stadium on time.    Megumi and Izumi get out of the car and sees around to find Yuno. “After finding him Megumi said to Izumi to go and see Yuno and get inside the stadium as soon as possible so Kaguya would see and won’t feel sad and play the game without any worries. And Megumi stayed and talked to June “Thank you June and now you go to my office and finish the remaining work. I will attain the work tomorrow and watch over you work once again. I trust you June, now go soon”.    After he sends off June to his office and Megumi started to see around and gathered every Yuno’s henchmen and said about the plan of body double. After he get near to Yuno and asked about the situation. He explained everything and said about Kaguya. “Megumi now the stadium is in our control, you don’t have to worry but you sister is being sad and not concentrated at game. If you do not get there soon then sure she would lose the match”.    Then soon Megumi started to run towards the entrance and gets inside the stadium and saw the match. Kaguya was watching around and searching for her brothers. Megumi noticed that Izumi was trying to shout to get her attention, but nothing is working out. Then Megumi planned to make Kaguya back to her sense. He says to Izumi to grab some bottles from the near seat person and at that drum finishing time break them with loud sound.    And just like he said Izumi waited for a time to the drums to stop and at that same time Kaguya was being ready to serve on other side. Soon the drum sound was down, and Izumi didn’t waste a single second and broken the bottle on the ground with heavy sound which grabbed everyone’s attention on the audience rows and as well as the players. At that time Kaguya also saw the place where she heard the sound.    Kaguya was so happy to see her two brothers were came at last to see her first match on tournament. After seeing them she came back to normal and served the ball good and the match started without any problem. Then Megumi and Izumi get near to Miyuki and Kayle to seat. Then Megumi explained everything to Miyuki why they were late to come here.    And soon the match started to get finish the first set. Kaguya’s team were plays the game so well that the opposite team can’t be able to do anything against them. Later Kaguya’s team won the first set and changed the court place. While changing the stadium team announced a big announcement which is says that businessman Megumi going to come here to see the match. When they said it most of the people were shocked to hear and started to write it on their blog.    Kaguya was scared for a second and saw Megumi on audience row. At he was said everything it ok while being there. She trusted his brother’s words and calm his mind and started to second set game. Everything started to go so well and well. Yuno and Raj were standing in the security room and watching the whole area of stadium and Kaguya’s match. “Is she really our boss’s younger sister? I can’t be able to find any similarities between them” Raj says to Yuno.    “Sure, she is… You can’t be able to see because you not seen the other side of Megumi which is Kaguya expressing out. If you know her sure you can be able to know Megumi’s other side which he never shown to others”. While hearing it Raj just looking at window of match of Kaguya’s. “I think this the right time to make the entrance of fake Megumi” Raj says and gave ordered to men to let fake Megumi inside and make some quite good entrance.    “And now tell me how it went between you and Jay?” Yuno asked to Raj. Raj just looks down and being quiet for some second and replied “He just being normal and the meeting went too normal like he trying to kill me and I just being in defensive state so I would not hurt him. I really didn’t want him to get into this world but still he just getting sunk deep and deep”.    “Afterall he just your friend and why are you being so acting like you are his big brother? Are you trying to imitate me and Megumi’s relationship?” Yuno just asked it as fun. “No you two are really different, you both knows everything about each other and tells what the other one thinks but in my situation and my relationship with Jay is different I can’t able to find out why he was become as assassin even after I gave him a chance of freedom. So, you can be happy that we both are nothing like you and Megumi boss’s friendship”.
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