CHAPTER: 43 Brother & Sister Bond

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“After what happened boss did anything happened between you and your mother like fight between you two about not meeting each other for long time, something like that?” Kayle was so interested in his life and started to ask some questions and Megumi started to explain clearly to her about what happened at restaurant. Kaguya was so fond with Megumi soon after knowing that he was her brother.    “Brother can you tell about yourself and I say about myself so we both know each other more. What do you say?” Kaguya was asked to him and looking at him so eagerly to accept it. And without any choice Megumi also accepted it and started to say about himself. “I am maintaining the department of merchandise and side by side I take control of other companies which deals with us or become competitor with us and that’s it”.    Kaguya shocked “What is it? It’s not good I asked about what you like and what you dislike?” After she asked Megumi started to think so hard and then he realized that in his life until now he never thought anything as his favorite or liked. He just cross anything in his life goes on. “Sorry sister I didn’t have anything favorite to me. How do I say to you…? There is nothing to me like or dislike, I never had these kinds of thoughts in my mind, that’s how my life runs”.    Megumi replied with a smile which made Kaguya feel so bad, and Mina also started feel sad bad because of her mistake that his son just turned like an machine which has nothing like and dislike and lives a life nothing like other human just like Toyama wanted. Megumi’s life always been in this way he never had anything close to his life so he started to not to care about it.    Even in his school days mostly he attends the class and after finishing it he attends the sports training and then gets to company and learns how to maintain the company and work their staff and gets the profit for company. Megumi never had a single heartfelt friend in his life than Yuno. He never had a girlfriend or love in his life. It’s like his life was totally being like in a building which never gets any rain.    “Brother your life is so sad to imagine. I am really feeling bad about you now. Ok then I tells about me so you can able to understand your sister”. Kaguya started to tell about her and Mina was just watching Megumi and Kaguya talking each other which makes her heart happy. The orders were came and placed on the table. Mina helped the waiter to place the food on table slowly.    Mina can’t able to speak with Megumi, she feels like something was holds her voice whenever she tries to speak with him. “Mother why are being so quiet, brother really came here to see you and wanted to talk with you but you are just watching us”. Kaguya made Mina to speak her son Megumi and her first word and the first sentence came out from her mouth. “How are you?”    Megumi so happily smiled at her and said “Thank you mom, I am totally fine nothing to worry”. As soon as he spoken Mina was so happy to talk with her son after so many years. I am really talked to my son, and he was grown too well. He is so looking different in real than seeing in on media. Really he was different from that man; I hope he never does any harm to my son’s life just like he did to me.    “Now say what you like and dislike my sister, and by knowing it I can able to get you gift easily”. Megumi said and smiling so happy, in his life Megumi never smiled that much to anyone. More than seeing his mother he was happy to have a small sister who just talking to him without giving any stranger feels. “Right brother then tomorrow we will go for shopping at 1’o clock”.    “Sure there is nothing much work I have at my office so I will be there. You choose the any mall to go and text me later” Megumi said and then they both started to talk so much. He was so happy to talk with his small sister and Kaguya also happy to have new brother who was so famous on Japan and she wants to know more about him and make his life little beautiful.    Mina understands why Kaguya wants him to go for shopping with her, after he said he has nothing in his life as likes and dislikes Kaguya felt sad and wants his brother to live a normal life. And Megumi was happy to be with his little sister and let her smile which he can’t able to do, I really happy to have them as my children.    And after finishing the food Mina and Kaguya started to move out, Megumi felt little sad by seeing his mother leaving without speaking well but on other hand he was happy to talk more with his little sister who changed his character completely for a short time. “Bye Megumi, we both have to get back to home soon” Mina said and started to move out.    At that time Kaguya hugged Megumi and said “Thank you for introduced yourself brother. From now on you have a sister and I am going to follow on every social media so act nice otherwise I am going to scold you”. Megumi smiled at her and nodded his head as yes and said his personal social media id to her. Then Megumi got back to home and started to do his work.    At that time he remembers that he never had a sister and tomorrow he has to help her on shopping, so he started to feel like confused. What I have to do, I never thought my sister would be so talkative type which is totally opposite to me and tomorrow I have to go with her for shopping but I never been done this before. I need someone’s help who good at socialize. At that time Megumi’s mind started show Izumi’s face and tells he was best suited for this.    No I can’t able to say this to him now then sure he would try to come with us and it not only put him into danger also drags Kaguya just like happened with Miyuki so I have to be careful and also not to say anything to him. And soon he started to think about Miyuki and planned that she can able to help for this trouble. I think Miyuki will sure help me if not then at least she will ask to Kayle for advice and say to me.    And at last Megumi said everything to Miyuki which happened yesterday and also why he called her so importantly. “So need to know how to be great big brother and do shopping with your little sister right?” Miyuki asked to him directly. “Yes, that’s what I need to know and also I can’t able to ask it to anyone other than you so please say anything important even it was little”.    And without any choice Miyuki accepted Megumi’s request and started to think how to help him problem. “I think you don’t have to worry Megumi because I think she wants to know more about her brother and that’s why asked you to come with her and if you changes then you can’t able to show your true self to her. So just go and act just like you do or what your heart tell you to do”.    Miyuki finished the things so simple but Megumi was not satisfied with her answer and also he started to get doubt on his own self. And now he has no one to tell anything for tomorrow. Megumi’s fear started to increase hour by hour and soon he got back to home while the time was running out. The time was 12’o clock and he was being without any plan to make his sister happy and not show his true self which was nothing special.    I don’t want to show my true self because it will force her away from me. I used to be act like this because I don’t want any other sympathy or love which eventually betrays me on future and that fear created this personality which makes others to hate me while I acts as so cold to others. Without any other plan I have to go and do just like my minds acts because I have no other choice here.    And Kaguya calls Megumi on time and asks him to get on mall soon and sent the location on message. Megumi got his car and started to drive so fast to meet her. Kaguya was waiting so eagerly to be with her new brother Megumi and wanted to know more about him and help him to find his own taste on things. Don’t worry brother from today you can count on your sister, I will give you a prefect normal life taste and knowledge.    At last Megumi gets on the mall and searching for Kaguya and he calls her to find where she is. “Kaguya where are you? I came here and waiting at ground floor”. “Brother I was at first floor on dressing shop, get here soon I will be waiting here for you” Kaguya says and cuts the call. And Just like she said Megumi gets on there and searches around the mall and at last he finds the dress shops and gets inside.    Megumi saw Kaguya and gets near to her. “Kaguya I came now say what are we going to do today?” Megumi asked with curiosity because he has no clue what will happen today. And that day with his sister was started and the surprise wills also going to rise one by one.   
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