
938 Words
I felt so paranoid. I didn't even want to go to school after yesterday! I feel like Sean already knew that I am gay! And I'm sure he will tell Kenton about it! Please! I will forgive all those molesting act that he did to me if he kept it for himself! I went hesitantly outside the house after saying my goodbyes to mom and dad. I took the bus to the school since dad won't drive me there. The bus will drop me at the pedestrian lane in a cross roads just in front of the school. I have to cross the other side of the road and jog to the campus gate. I was actually praying that I wouldn't bump with Sean in the cross roads since we always does. And it seems like that day was a lucky one since I didn't saw Sean's shadow or even a glimpse of him there making me feel so relieved. I just realized that I shouldn't be acting like that. It just made me look like I am guilty. I should act like nothing happened right? That I looked at him that time because. . . he was making me look at him! Gosh! I gathered my in a hurry books out from my locker and shut it close. I jogged at the way to the classroom when I saw Kenton the moment I turned to a corner. We almost bumped and I was supposed to feel so happy and maybe trip my own feet so I could stumble on his chest, but I felt uneasy. Because if Kenton's there, Sean will also be there. "Hey!" Kenton said and I glanced at his back and I wondered why Sean wasn't there.   "Hey, Kenton." I waved my hand. "Looking for Sean?" "Ha?" I frowned and straightened my back. "No, I'm not. I was looking for Mac." I said. Why would I look for him? duh. "Oh. I didn't saw him." He said and I nodded. "I'll see you later." He added before he walked away. I sighed as I looked at Kenton's back walking away from me. I sighed again before I turned around and gasped when I bumped into a wall making me growl. "You okay?" The wall said making me raise my head up. I can feel my heart beating so fast when I saw Sean grinning. I took a few steps backward and I opened my mouth but no words came out. It seems like I forgot what I was about to say! Yeah! I was about to throw curses at him! "F-fvck you!" I exclaimed suddenly making him frowned and he chuckled in amusement. "You're so cute." He said making me blush and he walked away passing me. "I'm not cute! I'm handsome! Thank you very much!" I said sarcastically and I just heard him chuckled without looking back at me. That was so embarrassing! Congratulations! You just made yourself a fool! WE WERE lined up at the cafeteria for lunch when Mac nudged my side with his elbow and motioned his lips to his side. I turned my head and saw Kenton alone while holding a tray of food looking for a vacant table. He looked handsome as always. The way his muscles flexed under his shirt every time he move was so hot. Sizzling hot! I looked away at Kenton when I felt an arm crawled around my waist making me snap my eyes at the other side. I removed Sean's hand and glared at him. He was the one next in line behind me. "Hey, cute." He said and I stepped on his foot making his face twist and he bit a low groan. I grinned truimphantly. The taste of vistory was sweet indeed. I snort at his face before I turned around while grinning. We shared the same table with some other baseball members. I found myself glancing at Kenton. The way he chew his food was arousing and Mac kept on nudging his elbow on me and whisper to stop being so obvious about it. I can't help it! "Do we have practive after school?" Mac asked. "No." Rick said and they all nodded. "Riel, why don't you join baseball?" Kenton said making my face heat up. I'm not really into sports. I just play but only for passing the time and not into tournaments. "Yeah, you should try. We can teach you." Sean said while Rick and Disel nodded in agreement. I shook my head. "No, I'm not really into baseball." I said as I glanced at Kenton who just nodded in understanding. He didn't even forced me. You should be forcing me to join! Maybe I'll change my mind and join! Anyway, I'm happy because he asked me to join. "Don't look." Mac suddenly whispered and I raised my head and I regreted it when I saw Jason. Shit! I bow my head and looked at Mac. "Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered and he just poked my head with his finger. "Didn't I warned you? Idiot." I rolled my eyes and glanced at Jason. I shivered when our eyes met and I immediately looked away. He looked as if he was so angry at me. I don't know why and how did he found out that I'm gay. Maybe his tracking device was so strong and I didn't understand why he hates homo people so much. I just resumed eating my lunch while feeling so conscious and uncomfortable with Jason's stares at me but I tried to act normal because I don't want them to know.
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