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Sylvester P.O.V. I was going for a meeting with some investors for one of my ongoing projects. Ryan was with me. Today, I choose my baby, My dream car, BMW X7, royal black. I am really obsessed with cars. I have a wide range of all expensive and high tech cars in my garage. But this car, It's my baby. I just love this car. I was working on my laptop on a presentation which we have to present for a project in few days. After, what happened with Jackson's Project, I really need to be more careful with the quotations and presentation until I have any solution for my biggest problem right now named Anya Roberts. Car stopped at red light and I looked at the Ryan. He was looking outside and was shacking his head. I looked at the direction of his site. A public bus standing beside my car. There was a girl sitting at window site to whom Ryan was looking. She seemed to be familiar. Suddenly, Ryan started the car again and we passed the bus. I was wondering about the girl. Who was she?? Though I am not interested in personal lives of any of my colleagues.... but... we can say.... curiosity kills the cat.... "Who was she whom you were looking", out of curiosity I asked him in general looking in front mirror. He was shocked at first. It's not that I usually I asked any personal question. "She was Anya Roberts Sir", He told me.  "What", I asked shockingly. "Yes Sir, she was Anya Roberts, daughter of the CEO of Roberts Corps", He confirmed. I just looked outside in fazed. She is daughter of a billionaire and traveling in a public transport. Ryan some how understand what in my mind. "It's true Sir. Though she is a daughter of a billionaire but she lives like a general public. I don't know why but Mr. Roberts hates her whole heartedly. She works as a HOD of Operations and but doesn't get the salary like other employees. She get only few bucks as her monthly expenses." he told me in a cold tone. I don't know why but it pinch my heart. What's the use of the money if my family can't use it. I shook my head in disbelief and started working again. Soon we reached to our destination. I called Mr. Blakefield, our investor and he told me that they will reach in 5 minutes as they are stuck in traffic few blocks away. I exited the car and entered in the Restaurant. "Good evening Sir, How may I help You", a well dressed representative with a charming smile approached me. "I have a reservation under the name of Mr. Ryan Parker for 6 persons", I inquired him. I don't made reservation under my name as restaurant can use my name as privilege. He approached to help desk and asked the girl standing there. She throw her seductive smile to me. I scoffed and looked away. Yeah, sometimes I behave like a jerk, but because of my status and money, girls throw their selves to me like easily. I just hate these kind of girls. "Yes Sir, we have confirmed reservation for you. Please come with me sir", He waved his hand in forward direction with a simple request. I followed him and reached to our reserved table. Soon, Ryan came after parking the car with my laptop. He sat besides me. We were discussing some points when Mr. Blake field and 3 more persons in Armani suits approached us. "Halo, Mr. Blake. I pleasure to meet you", Mr. Blakefield greeted me with a formal smile. I stood up from my seat and shakes hand with all of them after greeting them. When we all settled in our seats and waved a waiter to take our orders. As it was almost lunch time, I requested all of them to order something for them. They all nodded  placed their order. Once all formalities were done, we started to discuss about an investment plan in one of my on going project. Though I am capable to take care every financial needs of my company, still I want some helping hands to expand my boundaries in other territories also. The meetings ended up almost after 2 hrs. It's really took toll on me. Generally, I am not a patience person. Mostly Ryan handled their queries. He is like 2nd hand to me. I admired him because of his professional ways. At last we were able to cracked the deal. Ryan left us 5 minutes before to take out car from the parking.  I was about to leave my table, when I saw her again. She was looking very nervous and rubbing her palms continuously. Something was wrong with her but I was not able to point out what was that. She settled herself on a table for 2. It means she was waiting for some one. Her pale face is explaining something else. It seems that she doesn't wants to be here. My phone ranged. It was Ryan. "Ryan, come inside. Park the car anywhere safe and meet me at the entrance," I picked up the call and instructed Ryan. I was standing at entrance behind a pillar. I saw her drinking water so quickly that her life depends on that glass.  "Yes Sir, what happen", Ryan came in and asked me. I was hesitant first. I don't know why but I want to know the reason of her nervousness. It seems that she is in trouble and on the verge of crying. "uhh.. do u know Anya Roberts personally", I asked him hesitantly. Ryan looked at me surprisingly and then gulped. "Yes Sir, I know her. She was my batch mate in the college", He told me hesitantly. Huhhhhh..... I made a disbelief sound. I passed my fingers through my hairs and looked outside in disbelief... what the actual f**k is Mr. Roberts....I was really pissed off. I regain my composure and asked again "how close were you with her". Ryan looked towards his feet. He was not making an eye contact with me. "Ryan, I asked you something," I yelled in whisper. "Sir, she is very introvert girl. She is always a lone soul" "Ok.... if you see her here, in this restaurant, what will you suggest her cause of trouble", I asked again annoyingly. I was annoyed by myself. I was looking her continuously. She was doing something on her out of dated phone. "She can't be here Sir. She was a scholarship student then and her father never provide her this much of amount to spend on a restaurant like this," He answered me in a sad tone looking outside. Instantly I understand the reason about her nervousness. Meanwhile, a person in suit approached her. She stood up from her seat and nodded her head to greet that person. They both sat down. I recognized that person. He is one of directors in Jackson & Jackson Co.  "Ryan, parked the car again. I am having headache. I need to take coffee. Go, parked the car till then I order", I instructed him. He nodded and left me there. I soon reached towards the seat just behind their seats. I want to know what are they talking about. If it was about that project, then I will know her methods of gaining project. Ms. Roberts you are in real trouble this time. I thought and sat straight behind the person. My back was their side.
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