Chapter 2

1592 Words
Kris was working late, she’d been ready to go when Susan had rushed in, begging her to help retrieve a document that she needed desperately. Kris had rolled her eyes, everyone always needed things desperately. But she’d felt sorry for the woman, who’d told her that the document was for Miss Roan, and she’d already missed her deadline. So, here Kris was, digging through a huge mess, that only Susan would know how she created. The building was dead quiet, everyone, including Susan, had left, after Kris had promised her that the document would be on her desk in the morning. It had been hours and she’d finally found the dark hole, all she had to do now was pull the right document out and make sure Susan never lost anything inside it again. Her head snapped up when she heard a cupboard door close in the kitchen. Then her whole body tensed when she heard it again. “Great, now you’re stuck in a building, with a ghost, alone.” Kris stood. “Could a ghost kill a person?” She shook her head. Surely not. She slowly made her way toward the kitchen then stopped when she heard a voice, someone was still here with her. But who? “I can’t make it tonight, I told you, I have work.” Kris listened and relaxed, Alexi was on the phone with someone. Not a ghost. “Yes, well, if you’d have asked me first, then you would have known.” Kris knew she should leave but, now that she smelled the coffee she wanted some too. “No mother, but at least acknowledge the fact that I will not be marrying a man, not now and not in the future.” Alexi spun around, coffee cup in hand, and screamed, she dropped the cup and grabbed the kitchen counter. “Oh, f**k, sorry!” Kris tried to stop the laughter, but couldn’t, she held up her hands. Alexi had one hand on the counter and one hand on her breast. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” “What the hell are you doing here?” Alexi shouted. Then when a muffled voice kept calling her name lifted the phone to her ear. “No, I’m fine, just an employee that snuck up on me.” She listened. “I have to go. Just makeup something. Bye, mother.” She hung up and glared at a still laughing Kris. “This is not funny at all.” “It sort of is, your face. I was the one almost ready to dash a second ago when you closed the cupboard door, and then you end up getting the scare of your life.” Kris doubled over again. Alexi stared at her, then to her utter amazement felt her lips curve, and for the second time since she’d met Kris, she laughed out loud. Through the laughter, Kris cleaned up what she could and made them fresh cups of coffee. She handed Alexi one. “Thank you, I’ve not had a scare like that since my brother…” She trailed off. “Since your brother?” “Nothing. Thank you for the coffee.” Alexi said and walked off. She’d almost told Kris about a personal experience, she never got this close to any of her people, she would not start now. Kris watched her go. Why was it so hard for Alexi to talk to her? Or was it that she didn’t talk to anyone. Even just now, with her mother, her tone was business-like, not warm and friendly. She shrugged and went back to Susan’s office. It took her another hour to finish up and start to pack up. When she got in the elevator her finger hovered over the lobby button, and on impulse, she pushed the button for Alexi’s office. Her gaze went to the camera, but she didn’t feel the usual surety that Alexi was looking back. Maybe she’d left. Kris lifted her hand to press the lobby button, but the doors opened. She stepped out and stared. Alexi was in tight, bright pink yoga pants, and a white tank top bent over in a position that should be illegal on all levels. Alexi’s head bent back, and her eyes opened, then she lost her balance and dropped to the floor. She sat up as Kris rushed forward. “Man, I’m sorry!” She didn’t laugh this time, as Alexi cradled her wrist and glared at her. “You’re fired,” Alexi said. “I want you packed up and out by the time I get up here.” “Nope, but nice try. Are you okay?” She reached down and lifted Alexi without waiting for a reply, her hands cupped Alexi’s elbows and she held her until she was sure she was steady on her feet. Alexi pulled free and stepped back. “I’m not joking, you almost killed me twice now and I want you out of here.” “Yeah? I’m sorry but you can’t fire me for scaring you. It’s against the law. Are you okay?” She repeated and reached for Alexi’s arm. Alexi took another step back and glared at her. “Why are you so damned difficult?” She went to her desk and sat down. “I’m fine, this is from this morning.” Her pride was what hurt the most at the moment. “I’m sorry,” Kris said and sat down opposite her. “I came up to tell you I was leaving and see if I could walk you out.” “No, I’m fine.” “Okay then.” Kris stood. “Don’t stay too late, I’ll see you in the morning.” It was after eight and she was starving. Had Alexi eaten? She shook the thought away, not her problem. “Do you want to get something to eat?” Alexi didn’t know who was more surprised by the question, her, or Kris. “Uh, I don’t know.” Kris looked at her, a smile slowly spreading. “Is it safe?” “You’re right it’s a bad idea. I’ll see you…” “Alexi, I’m kidding. Come on, my treat.” She held the elevator door open and waited. Alexi seemed to struggle with something inside her. Kris saw the moment she made up her mind. “Okay.” Alexi didn’t know why she agreed, or why she’d asked. They stopped just outside the building and Alexi watched Kris take a deep breath in her face lifted to the sky. “Long day?” “Yes.” But she smiled. “I like those days, the time goes by quicker.” She looked at Alexi. “What do you feel like?” “Honestly, a juicy burger and fries.” She smiled. “But if you tell anyone, I’ll deny it.” “What’s wrong with burgers and fries?” Kris asked. Wondering about the best place to take Alexi. She knew that the bar was out since the others might be there. And she knew Alexi wouldn’t want them to be seen like that. “Nothing, but if you ask my mother, everything.” “Okay, want to follow me in your car?” “Sure.” Alexi lifted her bag and searched for her keys. This way she could make her escape, she could tell Kris she’d gotten a call. “No, with me.” Kris took her arm and pulled her toward her jeep, she opened the passenger door and waited for a very startled Alexi to slide in. Kris closed the door and jogged to the driver’s side, a little scared Alexi might jump out and run. “I can drive myself.” Alexi protested. “You could, but then you’d be tempted to make an excuse and ditch me.” Kris grinned at her, then started the car. “I have a place in mind.” Alexi watched the woman beside her for a second, then settled back against the seat and leaned her head back. She was so tired. Her mother was going to kill her for ditching them tonight, but she did not have the energy to deal with another setup with a man. Her mother could at least try setting her up with a woman once or twice, but no, that would never do for the daughter of Magdalene Roan. Her mother, an actress, and owner of the golf club could not have her only daughter unmarried and a lesbian. But that’s what she had. And Alexi was getting so tired of fighting her mother. Maybe she should just give in and marry one of the rich men her mother tried to set her up with, that way she’d be left alone. She scoffed, alone and married to a man she had no interest in. “What’s wrong?” The quiet question, asked in a soothing voice in the dark, almost had her spilling her whole life story. But she turned her head and looked out the window. She knew Kris asked because she simply wanted to know and not to use whatever it was against her. But she just couldn't bring herself to open up, not to anyone. “Nothing, just a bit tired.” Alexi could feel Kris’s eyes on her for a brief second, but she refused to look around to the woman. She was already regretting getting this close to Kris, and there was no escaping now. 
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