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                                I asked Maximus if I could stay for some time and he agreed. She took me back to the stream where we sat yesterday. I looked at her waiting for her to open up. After five minutes of silence, she turned to me. She didn't know how to start. I made her feel comfortable. My name is Selene, she said. Her voice was like music. Your name is as lovely as you, I complimented. She blushed. Her blush made her more beautiful. I am the last person alive in my coven. I am a witch but the irony is I have no magic in me. It's not rare. People like me were born many generations earlier too. All the witches who had born without powers decided to form a coven. We named ourselves as “Commoners.” My family belonged to that coven. Since we have no magic, we mastered many physical arts. And one day the elders of our coven grew angry as they were not granted magic by the God. So they decided not to worship the Pan, the horned god of the wild Earth. But the Witches weren't okay with our decision. They conducted a meeting of all the Witches and asked us to worship God as they thought that defying God would make him angry and he would unleash his wrath upon them. But our elders stood on their decision. We left the meeting. On the very night, the Witches surrounded our coven and chanted some spells. Everyone fell to the ground as if their life form is drained from them. I had a friend in the Witches, she saved me by teleporting me here. I ran back to save my family but there was nothing left. Everything burned to the ground. I decided to end up my life too. Before I attempted it, my friend met me secretly and said, your family and everyone aren’t dead. Their souls are trapped in the Demon World and their physical bodies are being guarded by a monstrous creature. I don't know what it is. But if we kill it, it will destroy the entire race of species that are responsible for its death. I went there and fought with that monster. It's huge. It countered my every move. I fought it three times but defeated. The Werewolves gave me shelter seeing my condition at that time. I wanted to escape this realm, that's why when you said you came from another world; I got astounded for a moment. But I cannot leave my people behind knowing that they are suffering. I isolated myself from the people. I built up barriers around me and became heartless and then you came and made me remember how I used to be, so lively and joyful. I guess things will never be the same again.                  Oh, my dear Selene, I promise you, from this moment on, you are going to live the happiest days. Don’t be so harsh on yourself. Only good things will happen to you. I will treat you like a princess. Whatever affects you affects me, staring from now. I will bring your people back. I really wish to stay with you for a while, but I have to return. I will take you with me, once after I put my affairs in order. I promise I'll come to you. I kissed her on forehead and teleported back to the Citadel.                    I went to my room to find Luther but he wasn't there. May I be of assistance? Charlie said. Yeah, Mr. Hardwell, I need some information about the incident of trapping souls of the Commoners by the Witches. Do you know anything about it? I asked. Everyone knows about it but I know more, he replied. Please, tell me everything, I asked. Well, the Witches separated the souls from their bodies and trapped them in Demon World. In the Demon World reside demons, the only species that have the potential to defeat us. The witches cursed one of the victims and turned him into a monster this world has never seen. It guards the physical bodies of its own coven. It is said that no magic works on him and defeating him physically is nearly impossible for a single man. Then we can take an army to defeat it, I suggested. That's the problem; the monster that is guarding the bodies lays many eggs. Upon its execution, all the eggs hatch and they exterminate the entire race of species starting with the one who is responsible for the murder. And then, only one of it survives and it guards the bodies. The same cycle repeats. Where is it located? I asked.  It's called "The Cursed Land," and is located 10 kilometres away from the witch territory. I will send the location to your mind, he said. Also, no magic work inside that place. Thank you, Charlie, that's all for now. Charlie left from there.                        I then went to the underground where Luther first took me. I opened my bag and I saw something glowing. It was the Pagan box. I took it out and the tree symbol was glowing. I touched it and I could feel something entering my body. I couldn't take my hand off the box. Finally, when the feeling stopped, I withdrew my hand. Strange, I thought. I put it back inside and carried the bag with me. I then teleported to the location shared by Charlie. It's a vast land with high walls as boundaries except for the gate. Since magic doesn't work in there, I had to go through the door. The door was unlocked. I went inside. There was a house in the centre which is approximately 200 meters from the door. There was no sign of a monster. I ran towards the house in an attempt to finish things faster. I could hear something as I began to ran, I stopped. The monster came out from the ground and stood against me. It was twice my size with a big hammer in its hand. Its face looked like an animal but is indescribable. Go away, it said. Not until you give me the bodies, I replied. Then he charged towards me and tried to hit me with the hammer, I dodged. He tried again, he got me this time, and I fell 3 meters away. But surprisingly I neither bled nor felt hurt. Vampire strength maybe, I thought. As Selene said, he was counter acting to my every move. But I could use my Earthly martial arts with him which he isn’t aware of.                          I fought him relentlessly. He grew frustrated while I became tired. It looks like he has enormous stamina. I couldn't fight him anymore. I was exhausted. He kept attacking continuously and I kept dodging. I should come up with a better plan, I thought. I then remembered the flash bangs that Ronny gave to me back on the earth. They aren't magic, they are science. They should probably work, I thought. I ran to a distance and unzipped my backpack and took out one of those grenades. Clicked his picture with the camera and set the time to 10 minutes and threw it at him. Now, he was just swinging his hammer randomly in the air as he was blinded. I figured out that it worked. I immediately ran towards the house. As I opened the door, I could see all their bodies. They didn't deteriorate maybe because it's been only months or they were being preserved by some spell. There were hundreds of bodies. Without magic, it was not possible for me to carry them all. I came out of the house to look around. I could see a huge cart beside the house. Maybe they brought the bodies here using it. I started to shift the bodies onto the cart. I could only carry 3 people at a time. I did 10 trips and the monster was now able to see and it rushed towards me.                        Out of blue, I started feeling the warmth inside as if the fire is burning inside me. But it's not hurting. I don't know why but I felt I could stop the monster. When it approached closer to me, I screamed, stop. It stopped. It f*****g stopped. It sat on the ground just like how pets do. I am doing wonders every day. Can you help me shift the bodies? I asked. It came and carried 10 bodies in a single go. We shifted them all. Can you pull the cart outside? I asked it. It did whatever I asked. It pulled the cart and stopped just outside the gate as I asked. I came closer to it and it bent down. I put my hand on his forehead and said, I'll try to undo the curse on you. You don't deserve to be like this. I'll return to you soon. Saying so, I teleported all the bodies to Sarman. The sight of their parents made her cry. Her happiness had no bounds. She ran towards me and hugged me tightly. I love you, she said. For that instant, I forgot about all the responsibilities and promises I had made. I love you too, I replied. How did you manage to get past the monster without killing it? She asked. Leave all those to me. Be happy, that's all I ask. The Werewolves faith in me increased after this heroic action of mine. What's to be done next? I asked Selene All I know is that their souls are trapped in Demon World. It's very dangerous and evil. We grew up listening to the horrors that Demons did. It's not safe for you to go alone. I'll come with you, she said. No, my dear, you take care of your people while I go and do some research about this Demon World. I teleported back to the Citadel.                             Where have you been, Steve? Charlie asked. I just retrieved all the bodies from The Cursed land. What? How did you even come back? I mean, how did you do it without killing it? Well, to be frank, I don't know too. I just did. I said. What have you done? We are doomed now, he said and he was on his knees. What's wrong Charlie? Talk to me. According to the curse, in case if it fails its task to guard the bodies. It will die and that would lead to our end. I should inform the king about this, he said and left. I followed him to the royal hall. Hearing this infuriated Archie. You have brought destruction upon us. We should hang you first, He shouted. The news spread to all the Arcanas like wildfire. People are now tensed and worried.                               As long as I'm alive, I won't let them hurt even a single child. How many days it would take before the eggs hatch and rally against us?  I asked. We don't know for sure but in between 2-5 days, Charlie replied. We still have time and I will figure this out. I went outside; all the Arcanas were waiting to listen about our plan. It's going to be okay. They have to go through me to get you. I swear I will stop them from hurting you. Don't panic. I said these things to comfort them, but it didn’t work effectively. I needed some peace to think about what to do. I went to my room and closed the door.       
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