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                                       This dream doesn’t feel like a dream. I somehow had a strong feeling that it was true. That dream, it happened to me in my childhood but I only remembered bits and flashes. I just relived it once again. All the memories of my childhood were blurred. I searched the internet to know the reason for this. According to the internet, my brain suppressed my memories in response to severe stress. It makes sense; the alternative for not fighting the pain is to forget them. That's what my brain did exactly.                                                                        I had various theories now. Some were logical, some were practical, and the rest were supernatural. My first theory is, as I was feeling gloomy, lonely and dreamed of the mysterious figure two times, my defense mechanism is trying to reduce stress by making me imagine that the mysterious figure is my father. My second theory is, as I was a grownup now, my brain started to make me remember all the memories that were suppressed. My third theory and also the most absurd one is that the blurry figure is the soul of my father who is trying to connect with me and help me in times of need. There might be some another possibility, or I am just exaggerating..                                  The good thing was I started to remember my childhood, but in bits and pieces. Now I was sure that I used to hear whispers when I was a kid. Some made sense, and some doesn’t. I was too small to understand even if it made sense. I don’t know if all of these are just random thoughts or connected, but I just couldn’t find the connection. Despite everything, it made me feel less alone. I then checked my phone. There were many thank you messages from David. Few missed calls from Nyssa and nothing from Ronny. I guess he was busy with his shop. I called Nyssa. She answered and said, Hello in a dull voice. I asked her, what’s wrong? There was not even a single call or text from you the previous day. I have taken the courtesy and called, but you wouldn’t even answer. Maybe I should just be happy that you called now. I’m so sorry, Nyssa. That was not intentional, and I explained her whole story from the call by a police officer to sending David to hospital. I didn’t share about how I was feeling after that. The whole matter infuriated her. She became so furious for keeping her in the dark while her friend was having an emotional breakdown. Do you even consider me a friend, Steve? She questioned. Nyssa, I am terribly sorry for not sharing. My intention was never to hide it from you. When I came to know about his arrest, I was so worried and I did not want you to worry. So I took care of the situation myself. I would have definitely said you eventually when everything calms down. Her anger is always short-lived. She cooled down and said; I share everything with you, Steve. I told you things not even Ronny and David knew and I expect the same from you. No matter how serious or how absurd it is, you will tell me from now on. You understand that? Yes, my dear Nyssa, it won’t happen again. I promise. She smiled and cut the call. She was right, she literally tells me everything. She is the most talkative person in our group. Now the question is should I tell her about my dreams? Well, I decided, if it repeats, I’ll probably tell her that time. Anyways, she would think of me as some crazy person if I say her about my theories. Firstly, I don’t understand what’s going on and it’s not right to expect Nyssa to understand and believe them.                                 I needed some air, so I went out of the mansion to take a stroll. It felt good feeling the breeze. I thought this would take my mind off from the paranoia. I went to a park and sat on a bench. All the fears, questions and tensions were carried away from my mind and I felt light as feather. Seeing all the kids playing with no worries and responsibilities made me want to become a kid all over again and never grow up. Not the kind of childhood I had but a peaceful and lovable one. As I was looking at everyone, I saw a person who looked familiar. When I focussed on him, I realized that he was the person who saved us a couple of days before. He was the driver of the truck who applied breaks at the right moment. I didn’t get a chance earlier to thank him properly. So I decided to approach him and thank him. I walked towards him. He seemed silent, just staring at some trees. It appeared as if he was in a trance. He was in his pyjamas. I called him, Mister? There wasn’t any response from him. I touched his shoulder to bring him out of trance, and then he turned towards me slowly. As soon as he saw me, he started running away.                                    It was unexpected, weird and strange too. He acted as if he has seen a ghost. He seemed scared and I wanted to know what was wrong with him. Maybe it’s because of the trauma; he hasn’t recovered from it yet. I started running behind him to catch him and confront the reason for his flight. I chased him for a minute. Then he dashed some people along the way and fell down. It hurt his knee so badly that it started bleeding. He couldn’t run anymore, he tried desperately but failed. I then took out my handkerchief and covered the wound and applied pressure over the area. I suggested him that I’ll take him to my house. He was not okay with my idea but his pain made an exception. He put his shoulder over me and I helped him walk. Maybe my fate was not good these days. I came out to find some peace and here I am witnessing other injury. We started walking towards my house. I wanted to ask him about why he ran, but he kept whimpering. I thought it would be inappropriate to ask at that moment. My anxiety to know is not greater than his pain. He should be treated with the wound first. So I called my family doctor, Mr Jackson, and asked him to come to house to treat one of my friends. We reached the mansion, and I took him inside and laid him over the bed. I offered him some water and also replaced my handkerchief with new clean cotton cloth. I applied pressure over it and bleeding stopped within few minutes. Mr. Jackson called.    ‘It would take some time for me to approach. Would that be okay? Or should I send someone?’ ‘It’s alright, Mr. Jackson. No worries. Take your time but I need your presence.’                                     .As soon as I cut the call, I saw the driver, he was already sleeping. I didn’t even know his name yet. Anyways, I came to the living room to watch TV. There I found a wallet lying on the floor. I opened it to see who it belonged to. Oh, it was the truck driver’s. Maybe it fell while I was carrying him to the room. According to the driving license, his name is Thomas Foley. At least now I know his name. As I was seeing his license, a phone started ringing from inside the bedroom. I went in to check it and it was Foley’s phone that’s ringing. I took it from his pocket and answered.   ‘Hello Dad. Where the hell did you go? I have been searching for you for 10 past minutes.’ ‘Ah, actually, I am not your father. He’s been hurt, so I brought him to my house. I’ll share you the live location.’ ‘Is my father all right? What happened to him?’ ‘Yeah, he is fine. Don’t worry. Just come as soon as possible.’                                              *** [Call disconnects] ***                                             Five minutes passed, and his son, Jeffrey arrived. He was worried so I took him directly to his father first so he can be relieved.   ‘What happened to my father?’ ‘He dashed into some people and fell to the ground, and it hurt his knee. My doctor will be here soon to treat him and then I’ll drop you home if you don’t mind.’ ‘That’s kind.’ ‘Can I ask you a question about your father? If that’s okay with you.’ ‘Shoot it.’ ‘When I saw your father in the park, he seemed a bit weird. I’m sorry to ask like this, but is there anything wrong with him.’ ‘Yeah, yeah, he is acting strange from past two days. He was fit and well before that. I don’t know what made him like this. He is silent all the time but sometimes he keeps saying, "It will kill me.” Rest of the times he is numb.’ ‘I thought the incident deeply disturbed him. All the hard times shall pass, and your father will become normal in no time.’ ‘Did you know what happened? Doctors said that he might have witnessed or experienced some undesirable incidents.’  ‘Two days, your father’s truck would’ve hit us off but thank God he applied breaks at the right time. Maybe that’s what has been bothering him.’                                      My doctor arrived at that moment and I took him to Thomas. By the time we went inside, he was already up. The moment he saw me, he got scared and acted uncannily. He got up from the bed and started acting like a mentally challenged person.        
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