I'll Let Go With You

722 Words
*Annelise* "Your pathetic. To think he would marry A girl like you. But he will never know your pregnant or see you again. Hold her up." Two men come up to me and held me up. I tried to free my self. But the grip they had was tight. "Please! I'll never show my self again, but don't hurt my baby!" "You don't deserve that baby." Before I could do anything, she stabbed my stomach. With that single stab she killed my baby and me. "Throw her." With two words they throw me out in an ally. I looked down to my stomach and saw all the blood running out of me. The only thing I could protect, and now thats dead. I was breathing slowly, I looked up to the sky and closed my eyes. This baby was the only part of me that was alive. So now I'll go with my baby. My baby that will never be born. I felt the cold ground underneath me become warm. I thought I had finely left this cruel world. But at the time I was out cold. *Past* "Mom?" "Yes, Dear?" "Why does dad love me more then my brothers?" My mother only looked at me with loving and caring eyes. "You see since your the only girl in the family your father sees you as....A person who could help in in the future." "What does that mean?" "You'll know in the future, Dear." You were right mom. I did know when I got older. *End* "How is she?" "Well the child that was inside her is dead. The wound will take along to to heal, maybe Two months. She has bruises and cuts, which lead to abuse. I don't know where you found this girl, but she's lucky you found her." "Leave. I'll call you if anything comes up." "Yes, sir" "Annelise, will you tell me what happen to you when you wake up?" Who are you? How do you know my name? Why does you voice sound so familiar? Why can't I wake? When I tried to open my eyes but there to heavy. Then I was able to open my eyes i was surrounded by bright lights, white walls, and medical equipment. I looked around the room and notices a man asleep, in the corner of the room. He has black hair that was combed back, with well chiseled face. He had dark circles under his eyes and fine lines around forehead, like he was very stressed everyday. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties. There was a suit jacket on the chair next to me, I looked over a the man and notice that he was wearing a suit. I looked around the room again. There are two doors, ones the bathroom and the the one out of this room. I got up and went to the door that didn't have a little widow on it. As soon as I got in I looked in the mirror. I frowned at looking at myself. I had bruises on my cheek, arms and legs. Along with the bruises I had cuts. I touched my stoumch.  "My baby...." I was about to break down and cry, but I know if I did, I'll be letting them win. I went back out and the man that was once asleep, is now standing in front of me. His deep black, that looked cold but felt warm, caught me. He slowly moved to me, I should have moved back but my body stayed still, like I know the man. "Annelise? Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" I stared at the for a while before saying anything. "I'm sorry, Do I know you?" The man stared at in a shocked face. He moved back a little bit and said something under his breathe. "If this is a joke. It isn't funny." "I....I'm sorry but I really don't know you." He looked at me with sad eye and I felt my heart hurt. He put his hands to my cheeks, making sure not to hurt the cheek that has a bruises on it. He looked me in the eyes and kissed my forehead. It......It felt like this has happen before. "My name is Rafael. You can call me Rafe. It's nice to meet you Annelise."
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