Chapter 1

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Gia’s POV- Could there ever be enough books in this world? I did not believe so. At least for me. I stuck the selected book under my arm and slid all the others on the shelf. Taking a step back, I frowned and wiped the dust off the spine of other books. There was hardly anyone who came here, which was why I came here; had been coming for years. And the reason why the maids left the library uncleaned for days. What used to be the treasure room of knowledge years ago was merely just another room to add to the list of the features of a house. Slowly opening the door, I looked around to find nobody around. Closing the door behind me, I walked with slow yet quick steps, eager to hide behind yet another set of doors. Nearing the staircase, my steps faltered, hearing voices talking and my heart did the little leap it always did when someone came to my uncle’s estate before I could lock myself in my room. I always tried to be back before seven, since it was after seven when the guests came over for dinner and before five, my uncle’s men came to report to him. The last thing I wanted was to go before anyone and die each second I stayed in their sight. Clutching my book tightly, I chanced a glance from behind the wall. I saw my uncle, Aldo, and an unexpected guest— Corrado Accomazzi, the brother of the former Capocrimine of Famiglia Prescelta. His presence was unexpected because unless my uncle or any of my cousins were in trouble, he wouldn’t be here. But perhaps the matter wasn’t too serious or they would’ve been summoned by the Boss. Suddenly, Aldo caught my eyes and I quickly jerked back. It wasn't enough to hide my shadow so I slid back hastily, slightly hitting my head on the wall. The last thing I wanted was for him to doubt if I were eavesdropping. Thinking better of it, I cleared out of the scene and dashed back into the library, to the farthest shelf and dropped on my chair there. Even when hardly anyone came here, I still felt safer sitting in the corner, behind the shelves, under the shadow. This right here felt like home. This, right here was where I stood when people sang and danced and celebrated outside on occasions because even though I could not attend, I was closer to attending right here, in this room. That was unless Riccardo would choose to drag me out to any party and all I would hear was men talking about Santino, women about my character and young maidens pitying my fate. Riccardo did it to cheer me up. But getting dragged around in the name of dancing in front of the people who least respected me was not cheerful. It was embarrassing, and hurtful to the level that it should be considered sinful. Years might have passed since what happened, but things like these stayed in the memories of people forever. Gia Fabbri- who engaged in an intimate relationship with her bodyguard, giving him her most precious treasure. The only treasure women had in our world. Their bodies. Their first time, for the heir of any man in Famiglia Prescelta, couldn’t be carried in an impure womb. It couldn't be allowed to grow in a tainted womb. I read the paragraph thrice as my mind dangled between what I was incessantly trying to read and why Corrado Accomazzi would be out with my uncle. Suddenly, the door to the library opened, and I flinched before my muscles went rigid. “Gia?” The middle-aged worker called out, turning in my direction. I exhaled. I knew her. She was the only one I talked to the most in this house. To order me new books. “Gia, your uncle has asked for you.” I was tempted to ask if our guest was still present but I held back the urge like I had been doing my whole life. Sticking my finger where I had stopped reading, I walked out. Before I even saw any of them, I heard Riccardo yelling at my uncle. The wheels turned in my head but I couldn't find a reason which could cause a visit from the unexpected visitor, Riccardo's scream and my summoning. As soon as I entered, Riccardo stopped and Aldo’s eyes found me. He was the quiet one, the observer and I saw that quality as a lethal one. It was like he would read me inside out if I stayed in his sight any more than a minute. “Gia, come sit down.” I followed my uncle’s instructions. Riccardo came to sit right beside me, his thighs touching mine. He grabbed my knee and squeezed it in a warning even before I could try to scoot away. “Gia, you must well remember what happened five years ago. And its consequences later. “Your affair with Santino has caused problems for all of us, but it has affected you the most. To the point that you can’t show your face to the world and stay hidden away,” he said. My breath stilled, fists closed around my dress and my heart wasn’t even beating in anticipation. “I did not have any expectations for your marriage. But as your fate would have it, I have been approached for your hand in marriage.” My fingers loosened and my shoulders sagged in utter disbelief. “We had a very special guest today, Corrado Accomazzi. He brought in the proposal today,” my uncle said, and looked at me, waiting for my response. I knew it wasn’t strange for men to marry a younger girl but… “He wants to marry me…” “No,” he frowned. “He doesn’t want to marry— uh, he asked for your hand in marriage on behalf of Dino.” Riccardo’s hold narrowed on my knee but I couldn't look away from my uncle. This… Dino, Corrado Accomazzi’s nephew, Dino Accomazzi. The boss of Famiglia Prescelta– Dino Accomazzi, had asked for my hand in marriage. For what? Marriages were the way to gain something. Sometimes power, sometimes trade, sometimes alliance, or sometimes even just a beautiful bride. But what could Dino get out of this marriage? Nothing but shame and that wasn’t coveted. “Why…” “ ‘cause he is a motherfucker!” “Riccardo, language! He is your boss,” uncle reprimanded him, but Riccardo didn’t stop. He couldn't even sit still. He started pacing, right around me. “This is ridiculous! Why does he want her? Everybody knows what she did,” I flinched at his words because everybody knew what I had not done. “Nobody wants her, and yet, the boss wants her? Why?” “That is none of our business. Corrado has asked me to deliver Gia’s response as soon as possible, which means today. And I will deliver it. But I’ll let you know Gia,” he turned his attention back to me. “You won’t get any better chance to escape this life.” More like he wouldn’t get any better chance to get rid of me. “Gia is going to say no. Obviously! Do you realize how often you’d be expected to show your face around people? Do you realize you’d have to conduct a meeting with all the ladies of Famiglia Prescelta as your job being the Boss’s wife? Do you realize how unworthy those ladies will make you feel, how low all people will think of you despite your title—” “RICCARDO!” My uncle’s voice boomed in the room. He stood and Aldo held him back by his shoulder. I suddenly felt like I was supposed to do something other than just sit on the couch while the three men stood across from each other, but what could I do? Though doing nothing was clawing at my throat. “Dad, calm down,” Aldo intertwined. “Ask your brother to calm down, Aldo. Or better yet, take him away.” That was exactly what Aldo did. He was wise to access the severity of the situation. After three punches at the wall, Riccardo left with his brother. His absence did a lot in calming me but I was soon reminded of the tension in the room. “Gia, tell me what must I tell Corrado.” I felt helpless and baffled. He wanted me to answer now, and yes it should have been what concerned me, but I was distracted thinking of Riccardo. Of how I could get affected by it later tonight. He had said he'd be staying the night. "Gia?" “I… can I think about it, uncle?” I asked, quickly wiping my eyes. “I want your answer first thing in the morning.” He clenched his jaw and left the room. And just as quickly, I pressed my book to my chest, hoping to calm my throbbing heart before rushing upstairs to my room. I locked the door before throwing myself on my bed. The book in my hands lay open and I silently stared at it, my tears staining the page with a light ‘tup’. Though the room was silent, my usual haven, the dumbness of it was closing in on me. It was contradictory to my insides which were on the verge of bursting. “No…” I inhaled. This was my chance to get out of here, to get out of Riccardo’s reach forever. But… the consequences of it… and what kind of life would I fall into? If I could choose for myself, I wouldn’t choose either. And now, because I had to choose, I did not know what to do. It was dangerous on both sides, but at least I knew what danger lay here, in this house. I could be prepared for the worse. But then surely, nothing could be worse than here. So I wouldn't have to prepare as much for my new life. One decision— the decision I wasn't sure was even mine— and my life could change. A new place, new people and new everything. I could choose my hell or try out the new mysterious life. I did not know how many hours or minutes passed with me thinking the same thing again and again, but my heart did lurch at the sudden pounding at my door. “Gia, open the door,” I heard Riccardo slurring. He sounded drunk. He never came into my room drunk. I curled the bed sheet in my toes and hands, ignoring his fist against my door. The door rattled and fearing what would happen if I didn’t open the door, I took slow steps to open it. Riccardo almost fell on top of me, but I held him back, away from me. “Oh, Gia… they want to marry you off. You will go away… I don’t want you to go away,” he drawled, cupping my cheek as I tried to push him away, which angered him and he twisted my hand, snarling at me. Drunk or not, he was a monster. A true, vile monster. “Riccardo, please…” “Do you want to marry him? Tell me, Gia?” He kicked the door shut before stumbling toward the bed, dragging me with him. “You want f*****g marry him and leave, don’t you? This is your perfect way out, isn’t it? But mind you, dear mine, you are not going anywhere. Nowhere,” he said, stumbling onto the bed, taking me under him. I felt his hands around my waist, trying to bunch up my dress, and I regretted opening the door. But what would have happened then? Hadn’t I tried that in the past? “Riccardo, please… don’t…” my begging went on deaf ears as it always did. “You… you are going to marry him, huh? You are going to f**k him, probably even eager to. You are not to be married, Gia. You are not to be his,” he said, panting and groaning in distaste from his futile attempt to reach my bare skin. I turned around to move away but I saw him tripping on his legs, and he fell with a thud and remained laid on the floor, open-mouthed, passed out. A single breath of relief left my lips, and a could of it washed over me. I kept my eyes focused on his unconscious form, knocking the image into my head and trying to get off the fear I felt from him. “No, this is good, this is good,” I repeated even when I stumbled into my bathroom and quickly washed my face. Moving around Riccardo’s body, I ran to Aldo’s room on the other side of the house. Never had I thought I would run to Aldo for help against his brother, but I knew this was the only time he would side with me. So, I pounded on his door feverously until he opened it with a gun in his hand and simply looked at me. “Riccardo, he is passed out in my room,” I said before quickly adding, “he came to meet me and ask if I was okay.” Even though the world didn’t know his despicable truth, I always felt the need to justify my cousin’s presence in my room. More so with Aldo, because I didn’t think there was anything Aldo didn’t know about his brother. And if he did know the truth that got Santino killed, then he was probably even worse than his brother. Stepping aside, I offered him to move before me but he only bobbed his head for me to take the lead. Swallowing, I walked quick steps to my room but stayed outside as Aldo dragged Riccardo out and I stared at him, capturing his state in my mind where he was still a monster but so easy to kill. Everything I was thinking before Riccardo came rushed back to me. No sooner I locked the door than my knees gave in and I slid down the door, disturbed in the head, and aching in the chest. My life after marriage might be dangerous, but now I was sure it couldn’t be as bad as the life I was living. There was nothing that could happen worse than this, nothing that could shake me to my core more than this, nothing that could disgust me more than this. Riccardo had readied me for every bad thing Dino could do to me.
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