Chapter 12: Escort

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The sky has already transformed orange-ish, telling the citizen the day has come to its end and the night would take over. Flocks of birds flew towards one direction, believably seeking for their respective nests. Most of the people have returned home safely, hence there was less people seen outside the buildings. It was time to get back from work and rest your head. Gratefully, the train was still working and the schedule displayed on the screen meant there would be more trains on the upcoming hours.             Tsubasa could not help herself but to peep from her corners of eyes. Takuya meters before her was processing the schedule, possibly estimating his own journey based on the available trains on that route. His one hand was calculating something, possibly the cost of the train ticket. Tsubasa did not know where this Takuya man lived, however she did not bother to inquire or even show some interest in finding out.             “All right, I could make it,” Takuya grinned from ear to ear and hopped happily. “Let’s go, Tsubasa! Your train has arrived!”             Almost instantly Tsubasa turned to her left. Takuya was right – She herself saw a train was approaching the station to pick up and drop off passengers. Takuya stood right at her side, as if he was ready to guard a princess into the coach.             The doors of the entire train slid open simultaneously, and at the same time, the impatient people from inside the carriage rushed out. They did not mind colliding shoulders with those from the outside, whereas they were given ways and spaces to walk through. Some of them even bumped into Takuya, and he was about to mock the person when he just realized Tsubasa has already fallen onto her butt.             “Hey, are you all right?” Takuya crouched to check on Tsubasa despite the packed crowd rushing into the couch. “Do you hurt somewhere?”             Tsubasa shook her head, “I’m all right. I was just shocked by the suddenness. Nothing serious, trust me.”             Takuya was giving out his hand to help Tsubasa standing on her two feet back when he heard the announcement from inside the coach, informing the passengers that the doors would be closed soon. Tsubasa seemed to not realize their current situation, plus she did seem confused and hurt. Takuya had no choice.             “Takuya, what-“             The scenery was pleasing the passengers, but irritating to Tsubasa. Not enough with following her home, Takuya even carried her in bridal style into the coach as the door was about to shut. Every pair of eyes stared at them along with whispers of complimenting and mocking. Tsubasa was at first panicked by the abrupt action, then she came to her senses. She lifted her head up, glaring fiercely at the playful Takuya.             “So you even took this opportunity to touch my body, huh?”             That line alone was enough to stutter Takuya, enabling him to put Tsubasa down and leaning his back against the wall of the couch. “I don’t mean to harass you. I’m truly sorry.”             Tsubasa crossed her arms, chirping in displeasure and facing towards other direction. Her heart throbbing relatively because of anger, not because Takuya was acting gentlemanly towards her. She should be since he did not even warn her anything before lifting her up and dashed into the carriage.             “I forgive you since you did it to help me,” Tsubasa sighed in moderate. She should not be mad continuously at the man who has helped her from being left. Takuya could be aware that she disliked staying outside during night.             The day when she spent more time with that Takato man was exceptional though.             “As a token of gratitude, I will treat you lunch one day,” Tsubasa added, but then she rolled her eyes. Takuya’s eyes glittered as if she was offering him a full set of Mobile Suit Gundam merchandise. “You don’t have to look at me that way, Takuya.”             “I’m happy though,” Takuya clung his arm around a holder near to Tsubasa, “Today, you mentioned my name more frequent than usual. Secondly, you wanted to treat me to lunch. Although it hasn’t been decided yet and I don’t think I have done too much to the point you should treat me, I will still accept it wholeheartedly,” He fidgeted shyly. “Thank you.”             Tsubasa squinted at the elder. “You don’t have to act all cute and shy like that. It’s creeping me out.”             It was a total lie if Tsubasa denied the mocking eyes she received by some of the passengers in the coach they were in. Most of the people in it were girls or women, and they could be coming from the same college as Tsubasa and Takuya. Seconds of indulgence in her own world, she just noticed one thing. Those who were staring at them were most probably Takuya’s few admirers. That was the strongest reason why she and Takuya became the attention since they together entered the coach.             “Well, I just treat nicely to people who do well to me,” Tsubasa purposely said it out loud. “I don’t think I owe anyone.”             The puzzled Takuya tilted his head on one side, wondering what Tsubasa was talking about. He, as the man who became the attention, was not that keen compared to Tsubasa – Men tend to be insensitive at times, unknowingly. He skimmed around and did notice there were girls at the age of Tsubasa filling in the coach, yet he was practically blinded by Tsubasa before him. it would be better if he chatted with Tsubasa through the way than minding about who those girls were.             “But if I owe you anything, please tell me okay?” Takuya suddenly drew close to Tsubasa. He refused to let other passengers hear him.             Nevertheless, it was not that good to Tsubasa. Takuyas’s insensitiveness really messed her head. She would not like extra attention, however this considerably stupid Takuya triggered eye widening of those unknown girls.             “Takuya, I’m sorry. You don’t owe me anything, but your behaviour does,” Tsubasa mumbled with clenched teeth.             The latter raised brows, asking for confirmation on what Tsubasa meant by that. Tsubasa ogled at him, then lured him to shift at the girls. Takuya could not be stupider than literally look at them, directly into the eyes and blinking like he was acting cute. The girls were obviously flustered and stammered, slowly averted and faked a very warm conversation among each other.             “So, what do you mean by that? My behaviour owes you?”             Tsubasa pursed her lips in hesitation. It was blurted out as a bluff. Takuya was not teasing her, or harassing her, or humiliating her. He just drew close to her specifically face – One mistaken step meant a crumbled world to Tsubasa if she accidentally pecked on Takuya. She could say the entire world would loather her childishness.             “I think too much,” came as an answer. She would rather maintain the gap between her and Takuya.             Considering thoroughly, Takuya was only her senior in college. Takuya was not her classmates to be close to, or a relative to be relied on. Takuya was originally an unknown senior who accosted her because of her bad habit of talking alone even in broad daylight. They never spent time together – unless on the day when that Takato man was absence, and he happened to stop by. She never thought of seeking attention from Takuya or such, so she should not be afraid of those girls.             “I just remember,” Tsubasa tried her luck to dig into Takuya’s secret, or probably an untold story, “By sending me home like this, don’t your girlfriend get mad at you?”             A laugh burst from Takuya. He pressed his stomach to supress himself from guffawing, yet he could not cease it. His face has turned red. “Who is my girlfriend? I don’t even have one!”             As if a flat stone fell on her head, Tsubasa gaped in disbelief. “You must be kidding me!”             “Why should I? I can’t just pick anyone to be my girlfriend!” Takuya frowned in denial. He locked his eyes on the squinting Tsubasa before adding, “Did you see me walking next to anyone until there was a sip of jealousy penetrating you in the heart?”             “What the heck are you talking about?”             “See? That’s what I’m feeling now.”             Tsubasa face palmed. This Takuya man somehow manageably pissed her off. “I was just asking. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to misunderstand. I really thought you had one.”             The screeching sound of the brake halted them, covering over the awkward silence lingering between them. Tsubasa clenched on the pole tighter, while Takuya leant his back against the wall with one arm still clinging around a holder. This time, his eyes fixated on the gloomy Tsubasa.             “I’m sorry, I might have forgotten to tell you regarding myself,” Takuya interrupted, naturally washed away the quietness and subconsciously attracted Tsubasa to look at him back. “Well, there’s almost nothing interesting about me though. I’m the secretive type despite my talkativeness, and I rarely hang around with my girl classmates or club-mates, or whoever girls I’ve recognised in my life. So far, at least for the time being,” he beamed at the uneasy Tsubasa, “So, if you’re claiming that you’ve seen me walking with some girls beforehand, I’m sorry. I had no idea who you saw then.”             Tsubasa evaded the distinct stare Takuya gave her and fidgeted in uneasiness. "Well, it’s only my presumption. You’re good looking, tall and dependable. Judging from the earlier effect, I must say that you’re kind of a hot stuff. Maybe.”             Takuya giggled at Tsubasa’s hesitation, finding it quite cute even though the latter would deny it completely. Although they only befriended each other for merely days (if you were to calculate the total days they confronted each other), he could always predict Tsubasa’s mind and action ahead. It was not that he was a stalker – it seemed to coincidentally happen as how he assumed.             “I would like to take it as a compliment, but your doubt doubted me,” Takuya gestured at Tsubasa the view outside the window. “Your station’s approaching.”             Again, the screeching sound of the brake halted them from keep on chatting aimlessly. They readied to rush out of the coach, totally ignoring the fact that they were still targeted by the girls Tsubasa disliked seeing elsewhere in the future. If Takuya himself has said he had no girlfriend, she had no reason to be either alerted of those girls or scared of being ambushed by Takuya’s so-called girlfriend.             “You don’t need to get off here too, Takuya,” To her, Takuya has done great by accompanying her up till the destination. From that station onwards, she should walk a little before arriving at her house.             Takuya raised his brows, whether in bewilderment or teasing her. His one foot has already stepped forward, close to the door. “Why not? It’s not far, right?”             “It’s because it’s not that far,” Tsubasa frowned even deeper, “I don’t want to burden you. You’re a senpai, you could be busier than me. You must be needing more rest than me.”             “It’s okay,” Takuya inserted his hands into his respective side pockets, “I can’t let you alone, especially in the dark. I can’t imagine how you fight against villains in that murkiness.”             Listening to Takuya’s concern, Tsubasa covertly peeked at the sky. He was absolutely right – The sky above their heads has outstandingly turned pitched black, whereas they left the campus while it was still orange-ish. It mysteriously frightened Tsubasa that Takuya sensed solely from her expression.             “It’s okay, let me accompany you to your house, okay? Or at least, to your street,” Takuya eagerly jumped up and down, eyes shining in excitement as if Tsubasa has promised him to go somewhere thrilling.             But it was different from Tsubasa’s perspective. She was not afraid of villains, or stalkers, or such. She was quite brutal herself compared to other girls at her age. It was just that she wondered if accompanying her meant Takuya would have to delay any plan constructed in his mind.             “All right, then. Just until Sakura Street, okay?”
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