moved on?

1185 Words
Ryan was sitting on the ground after his practice session , he looked around and saw all his students sitting in the ground some were drinking water while some were taking deep breathes after the long dance session. Some of the girls were looking at Ryan drooling over him , he looked damn sexy when he was covered in sweat , he noticed the girls who were looking a him and gave them a smile and all the girls were literally dead . While Ryan was drinking water, Felix his friend came in side the room and sat down beside him , "all the girls are really mad after you, seriously most of the students come to this studio just for you " he said "well that's really bad since I am already taken and besides they don't come here just for me , you are also one of the main attraction of this studio" Ryan said with a smile and "I already know that , anyway how is Kevin, it’s been a while since we all had a reunion" Felix said "Kevin is just fine , we are doing well " he said "that's really good to know" Felix paused for a while and then continued " you know Ryan I am really happy for you and Kevin, I am glad that you both were able to protect your relationship after what happened back in the high school, I hope that both of you will always remain strong like this and never let anyone mess with your relationship" Felix said, he was quiet for a while but then asked "Ryan do you still think about him?" Ryan was quiet for a while thinking about everything Felix said , it was true Kevin and Ryan had suffered a lot through their relationship because of a certain someone , that certain someone nearly ruined their entire relationship and made them go through hell. Ryan can never forget those dark days when that certain demon made Kevin and Ryan an outcast in the school and made them a laughing stock for all the students. Just thinking about that boy makes Ryan's blood boil, never in his entire life he has felt so much hate for anyone , he was a really forgiving person and can forgive anyone except that boy because that boy hurt Ryan's loved ones , because that someone hurt Kevin , he didn't cared about himself because if it was just him Ryan would have forgive and forget him a long time ago, but the fact that he hurt Kevin who was Ryan's life was unforgivable. If that Ryan ever came face to face with that boy he was going to make him regret everything he did to him and Kevin he would make his life a living hell and make him regret being born. But the fact he had Kevin beside him was enough for him "you are right Felix  I am also proud of ourselves and I am never ever going to repeat the same mistake of letting some else come between our relationship.  we are enough for each other , and that's what we need to be by each other's side . And to answer your question then yeah I sometimes think about him, and whenever I do I always think about the ways I can use to harm him and punish him for his misdeeds" Ryan said "Ryan did you really forget him , you know it’s really not easy to move on from someone you love " Felix said with concern  "No Felix I don't love him anymore to me he is nothing more than a pathetic excuse of a human , who does not deserve love , I and Kevin moved on from him a long time ago and we don't need anyone as long as we have each other . Anyway how are you and your girlfriend Rose  doing?" Ryan asked with a smile . Just the mention of his girlfriend  name was enough to bring a bright smile on Felix's face "yes we are doing perfectly well just last night we went on a date and let me tell you it was awesome that girl is really amazing and I feel really to lucky to have her by my side" Felix said with a bright smile which was brighter than the sun . Ryan was really happy to see his friend happy , Felix truly deserved to be happy  "I am happy for you “Ryan said with a smile . and Felix smiled back at him . Soon the break was over and they all resumed their dancing. But their was one thing Ryan was thinking and that was a question 'did they really moved on' was their love for that someone was really gone. No matter what he says or thinks Ryan cannot deny the fact that he really sometimes think about that boy and wished that that boy was with him and Kevin ,but he knew that it was impossible. After the practice was over Ryan was walking out towards the road after locking up his studio , Felix left early because he had a date with his girlfriend. He Kevin's car and went towards it and opened the door of the passenger seat and sat beside Kevin . When he saw the face of his fiancé all his tiredness disappeared and his face was covered with a smile and the same thing goes with Kevin "how was your day sweet heart" Ryan asked  "tiring , what about you?" "very tiring" Ryan said  "lets go for dinner okay?" "yeah sure I am starving " Ryan replied and Kevin smiled and drove towards the restaurant . "you know today my meeting went successful but the interesting part is that the client asked me to teach his son some stuffs about business " Kevin said to Ryan who was happily chewing his steak "so what was you answer" Ryan asked  " well after discussing with Chris I agreed , besides it will a good thing for the relation with other companies. "  "if Chris said that its okay then I don't think it will be bad , he is a smart man you know" Ryan said . "Yeah , but the problem is that , Chris said that Roy’s son is extremely egoistic and arrogant and stubborn he is also cold and never listens to anyone " Ryan stopped eating and looked at him "he sounds like someone we once knew" Ryan said " no, I am sure he can't be as bad as him and I pretty sure I can handle him I think people are just exaggerating " "I don't know Kev I just don't want you to face any problem" Ryan said  "don't worry sweet heart I will be fine and I know how to deal with these kinds of brats" "now we should focus on our dinner " Ryan compiled , and started eating , trying to ignore the uneasy feeling in his gut.  
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