Chapter Five

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“Hey Mike, why aren’t we heading towards the strip?” We had left Lianna’s about ten minutes ago and I just noticed we were going in the opposite direction.  “Apparently Randazzo will be staying at his house while he’s in Vegas, instead of in a hotel.” I don’t know why but the thought of being in his home made me nervous. For some reason, I always felt safer in hotels. But I knew Mike would be right outside if I needed anything. “It’s not too far out in the sticks, is it?” “No, we’re actually about to turn into the driveway now. You ok? You look a little nervous.” Mike looked at me from the rearview mirror.  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. This Randazzo guy is just a little more intimidating than most.” Mike pulled up to the front of the house and stopped. “You want me to walk you up or are you good?” “I got it. See you later.” I got out of the sedan and walked towards the front door. Before I had a chance to knock the door opened and a man was standing there smiling at me.  “Ms. Taylor, welcome.” He opened the door wider and motioned for me to come in. “I’m Troy, one of Mr. Randazzo’s assistants. He apologizes, his meeting has run later than planned. He asked that you wait for him in the study. If you’ll follow me please.” I recognized Troy as one of the guys Dominic was talking to when I was leaving Aquino’s suite that morning. We came up to a set of double doors and Troy opened them. I walked in and turned back to face him. “Thank you.” “Can I get you something to drink?” He asked.  “No, I’m fine.” “Ok. If you change your mind I’ll be right down the hall. But Mr. Randazzo shouldn’t be too long.” He smiled at me and closed the door.  I looked around the room and in the center was a large mahogany desk with nothing on it. Either Dominic was the most organized person in the world or this room was just for decoration. The walls were lined with bookshelves so I walked over to one and started looking through all the titles. It was an eclectic mix and included most of the classics.  The two shelves in the middle didn’t have any books but pictures instead. Many of them were of two different couples. I could only assume they would be Dominic’s parents and grandparents. Then came the pictures of Dominic. Some were of just him and some with his family.  There was one in particular that caught my attention. It was of Dominic and four other guys. They looked to be maybe in their late teens. They were dressed in suits and each one of them had a huge smile on their face.  “That picture you’re holding is of me going to my senior prom.” I jumped almost dropping the frame. I hadn’t even heard the door open. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” “No, it’s ok. I’m the one who should be sorry. This is your home and I shouldn’t have been looking at your personal things.” I took in a deep breath to calm myself and put the frame back on the shelf. Dominic walked up and stood next to me.  “That guy right there is Troy, the one who greeted you tonight. This is Paul, who you’ll meet eventually. And these other two are Luca and Anthony.” His eyes lingered over the last two guys he pointed out.  “Are they here in Vegas with you as well?” I asked.  “No, Anthony passed not long after this picture and Luca a couple of years ago.” His eyes turned dark and he looked away from the photo. “I’m sorry.” “Why, you didn’t kill them.”  Ok, then. I turned away from the pictures not really sure how to proceed. I remembered the words Genevive used to describe him and figured I would just move forward with the reason I was here.  “So, is this the room you’d like to conduct our business in?” This had to be one of the most awkward conversations I’ve ever had with a client.  “I spent the majority of the day sitting in a very uncomfortable chair. I was thinking of relaxing in the hot tub for a bit. I can show you to the guest room where you'll find a suit to change into.” I nodded my head and followed him across the hall. “That door is the closet and that door is the bathroom. Once you’re ready, walk outside and the hot tub will be to the right. Don’t take too long.” He walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.  I walked over to the closet and it was full of clothes. I saw a few bathing suits hung up and oddly enough all of them were my size. There was a mix of one piece and two. I grabbed the white eyelet bikini and headed to the bathroom.  Once I was dressed I put my hair up in a messy bun and walked outside. I turned to the right and could hear the jets of the hot tub. Dominic was sitting inside and was leaning against the headrest with his eyes closed. When he heard me coming he lifted his head and his eyes traveled over my body.  “I’m glad you chose that one, it’s my favorite.”  “I guess you got lucky, it was a hard choice considering they were all my size.” I stepped into the hot tub and sat across from him. “I’m just glad I guessed your size correctly. If I would’ve known your shoe size I would have had sandals in there for you to wear as well. Maybe next time.” Wait so was he saying he had purchased this just for me?  I watched him for a moment and then I stood up and walked towards him. He had his knees bent so I placed my hands on top of them and stood in between his legs. “This hot tub feels great. But what else can I do to help you relax?” He had his arms draped over the edge and I could see how muscular they were. For a man almost forty years old he was in incredible shape. I licked my lips and then realized I had been caught eye-f*****g him.  “Like a book.” Was all he said. He put his hands in the water and I felt them grab onto my hips and he pulled me forward until I was straddling him. “Tell me Quinn, are you just this good at your job, or do I actually turn you on?”  I looked into his eyes and smiled. “No matter what I say you’ll think it's a line. I guess you’ll just have to trust your instincts.” I looked at his lips and wished so badly that they were already on my body. I felt his hands move up my back and soon they had unclasped my bikini top. He moved the straps down my arm and removed it completely. “I don’t know what it is about you, but all I’ve thought about since I met you is making you cum.” He grabbed my chin and looked me in the eye. “Don’t you dare f*****g fake it with me.” I nodded my head but he didn’t release me. “Tell me you understand.” “I understand.” His lips came crashing down onto mine and I parted my lips allowing his tongue to enter. I felt one of his hands move to my breast while the other gripped my ass. He kneaded my breast and then moved to my n****e. He started to roll it and pinch it which caused a reaction in my core.  I started to grind my hips and I could feel his bulge growing. He released my mouth and stared at me. Suddenly I felt his hand between my legs. He teased me for a minute over the fabric and then pushed it aside. I felt his finger slowly start to circle around my clit. I dropped my head back and let out a moan. His touch felt so damn good.  I felt his other hand move from my ass and soon he slipped one finger inside me and then another. He curled them upwards and started hitting my g-spot. Between that and the circles he was making around my clit I felt myself getting closer and closer.  “Oh god, please don’t stop.” My plea fell upon deaf ears as Dominic came to a complete hault. I opened my eyes and looked at him. “It’s not god making you feel this way, baby girl. It’s my name you need to be calling.”And just as quickly as he stopped he started again. A few moments later I felt myself reach orgasm. I grabbed onto his shoulders and dug my nails in.  “Oh g- Dominic. f**k, yes.” I felt him remove his fingers from my folds as he was placing soft kisses along my neck.  “Mmmm, I need to be inside you. We need to go back to the guest room, now.” He could tell I still wasn’t completely done with my orgasm high so he helped me stand up. I went to reach for my bikini top and he stopped me. “Leave it. There is no one around to see us. Trust me, they know better.”  We made our way out of the hot tub and walked back towards the guest room. He grabbed my arm and spun me towards him. His lips were on mine and he was moving me towards the bed. I pulled away and looked at him. “It’s my turn to make you feel good.”  I sat on the bed and pulled down his swim trunks. I could feel from his bulge in the hot tub that I was not going to be disappointed with his size and I was correct. I reached out and gently grabbed it. I swirled my tongue around the tip and heard him groan. I placed him in my mouth and closed my lips around him and moved up and down. “Even f*****g better than I imagined you'd be.”  I looked up and saw him watching me. I held eye contact and soon felt his hands in my hair. He started rocking his hips and palmed the back of my head causing me to increase my speed. After a few more thrusts he pulled my head back completely so he was no longer in my mouth. He walked over to the nightstand and pulled a condom out of the drawer.  “Put it on me.” He said while handing it over. I ripped open the package and pulled it out. I pinched the tip and then thoroughly licked my lips. I placed the tip of the condom in my mouth and gently held it between my teeth. I grabbed his d**k with one hand and then brought my mouth down to it. With my other hand, I made sure that the condom was correctly in place and then I lowered my mouth onto him. When I felt like the condom was secure I slowly removed my mouth and looked up at Dominic. “Jesus f*****g christ. That had to be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”  I smiled up at him “There’s no fun in being boring.”  “I’ll have to take your word for it. Now lie down.”  I layed back on the bed and soon Dominic was on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt him at my entrance. He pushed himself forward slowly until he was fully inside of me. He stayed like that for a moment and then started to pump in and out of me. Why did this feel so damn good? He continued to move in and out of me for a few more minutes when suddenly he stopped.“I want to see you ride me.” He pulled out of me and stood up.  I got up and Dominic laid on the bed. When I was directly over him I reached down and grabbed his d**k with my hand guiding him towards my entrance. I came down slowly and watched his face as I did. He had both of my breasts in his hands and was teasing my n*****s. “Touch yourself, Quinn. I want to watch you c*m again.”  I moved my hand down and parted my folds with my fingers. I started rubbing circles around my clit as Dominic watched with a hungry look in his eye. He grabbed my ass and I felt him lift himself up. As I moved faster and faster I felt my orgasm building again. “Don’t fight it, baby girl. c*m with me.”  Dominic grabbed onto my hair and brought my face to his. “Dominic,” I managed to breathe out. He kissed me and soon I felt my orgasm hit. I felt my walls clench around him and shortly after his orgasm came.  I placed my face in the crook of his neck and felt his fingers running up and down my back. I can count on one hand the number of real orgasms I’ve had with clients. Nothing like this had ever happened before. This man was definitely going to be bad for business.
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