Chapter 8: Life at Midlands

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Kayla’s Point of View I shivered as my skin touched the cold, wet wall of the dungeon. Moving my hands, I hugged myself, leaning against the stoned walls. The chains around my hands and legs crumpled against the floor, making a resonating sound, earning a gasp from others. Yes, there were others in prison I was thrown into just after arriving in the Midlands. This cold, dark confinement was made for the breeders. No one talked here as if the curse of silence had wrapped their tongues, closing their mouth forever. Despite the burning sensation on my forehead, I placed it on the wall, closing my eyes. Never had I thought in my entire life to end like this. They burnt down my home, caged my people and treating them like a slave — just the way things used to be many centuries ago before the emerald broke. But I still couldn’t cry. I refused to cry. This was time to be strong and fight back rather than lament what I had lost. But only if I were given a chance! Suddenly the sound of a metallic door gained my attention. Was it already time for food? I didn’t know if it were lunch or dinner. Did it even matter? The warm liquid they served was only edible, not food. How long had I been here? Only a few hours? A day maybe? I couldn’t determine. The heavy footsteps made their way. I stayed put at my position, just like all other maidens here. Then, with a creak, the rusty door of our cell opened. Without moving my head, I peeked at the door. It was too dark to see anything. A sudden discomfort wrapped my heart. I lowered my gaze as soon as I felt someone moving closer. With a frowned face, I tried my best to concentrate. Was he coming for me? Then I felt him bending to my height. Gently, he removed the chains from my wrist and my sore ankles. “Stand up!” A deep voice rang in my ears. It was for me, no doubt. Without any argument, I stood up. My eyes tried hard to see the guard, but it was too dark. “Now, follow me,” another command echoed in prison. It was too dark to see anything. How could I follow him? Suddenly I realised his footsteps were moving away. Inhaling deeply, I tried to follow the sound. My legs took a few steps only to stumble onto something. “Ah!” a low instant scream left my mouth. I couldn’t even see where I was about to collapse. Quickly I closed my eyes, leaving everything on my fate. I was expecting my body to hit the cold floor. Instead, a pair of warm arms wrapped around me, followed by a very irritated voice. “So clumsy!” How did he know? How could he see in the dark? A gasp left my mouth. My heart was pounding like anything. A dragon! He was a dragon! That was the only explanation. They had a high sense of everything, be it hearing or eyesight; they were blessed. A sudden fear spread in my heart. What was he planning to do with me? Deep down in my heart, I knew his intentions. I was here for breeding. Still, a part of me wished it to end differently. He pulled me straight and made me stand on my feet again. His arms left me, and the warmth disappeared. I followed him closely this time, not to stumble again. He was also walking slowly. Was it because of me? Soon I heard someone shutting a door behind me, making me jolt. Soon I realised I was out of my prison. The area was still dark. My eyes struggled hard to see through the surrounding. My ears abruptly caught the sound of inhaling deeply, followed by an exhale. With that, the temperature around me warmed up, and soon enough, a ball of fire appeared in the air, making the back of my capturer clearer. With ease, he caught the fireball on his palm like a torch. The darkness disappeared in a blink. The arrogant back of his was walking away, not even glancing at me. The dark hair was unkempt. I followed him while my eyes scanned the area. It was a long hallway with several closed doors on both sides. Were those also prison rooms?  To my wonder, the entire area was dark, and the only source of light was the fireball on his palm. Suddenly I realised there wasn’t even any torch holder in the hallway, which appeared odd. Well, they were all dragons here. Why would they need light? As per the stories, they could see clearly in the dark. Why was he holding that fireball then? Was that for me? A faint hope built up in my heart. But why would he? It must be the way of treating every single slave here. He walked past the long hallway, and finally, I could see the faint daylight. The sun was already gone, leaving the last trace of its rays. We ended up at the entrance of the dungeon. A vast meadow welcomed my eyes, and the castle of Midlands was standing tall in the middle of it, surrounded by the deep, dark moat.  The massive gate of the castle was secured with numerous guards. Were they humans? I couldn’t tell. Then my eyes moved along the tall architecture only to find a few long-tailed, winged replies encircling the towers of the castle. Dragons! The sound of their wings rang in my ears. I swallowed my saliva in fear. Would they harm me? That man didn’t stop for a moment. The fireball disappeared from his palm as his steps kept moving forward towards the castle. I tried hard to keep up with him, though it was becoming harder with his long strides. Soon we reached the moat. The water there provoked me to use them in exchange for my freedom. But how could I? So many guards were around along with those fire-breathing creatures. I would never stand a chance. Doing anything right now would be just stupid. Silently, I crossed the metallic bridge on the moat and walked inside the huge castle to be greeted by a small gathering hall. That man strode out of the hall and turned left, and I did the same. Soon I understood we were heading towards the north wing of the castle. After crossing several corridors and taking numerous turns, he finally stopped and opened a door. We walked inside the enormous chamber. The room was perfectly decorated with a hug baldachin on a corner. The open door on the opposite side was leading to a balcony. Two huge windows were on each side of the door. A small table was there, along with a silver vase on the top, decorated with freshly picked flowers. The chamber was made for a lord or someone from a royal family. As we walked in, he took off his sword, placed it on a round marble top table on our left, and then made his way towards the balcony. “Close the door,” he ordered again with the same cold voice. I did as he said. Then I heard him again, “do you know why you are here?” “To… to serve you,” I mumbled as a vile filled my mouth. It wasn't hard to guess why someone would be picked up from the dungeon suddenly. My eyes kept scanning the room, looking for every opportunity I could have. Finally, my gaze fell on his back again. He was standing by the vast window defencelessly. A sudden thought came to my mind. He was just at the edge. What if I could push him a little further? I knew it wouldn’t kill him since he was a dragon, but it would undoubtedly startle him, giving me some time to find a way out. If I were lucky enough, I might make it out of this castle alive. Wasting no time, I silently approached him. When I was close enough, I took my stance and moved my hand. Gathering the water from the vase and the jug, I redirected them towards him. He was still standing tall, only another moment before I would gain my chance. Just when I thought the water was going to push him down, he turned, making the water move at his will. He could control water! A gasp made its way as I stepped back. My eyes were certainly wide open only to realise it was that man from the attack who scolded me. His dark blue eyes were piercing through me.  A smirk formed on his lips. “Brave!” He grinned as his legs kept moving, trying to close the distance between us. My heart was pounding. Never had I thought of being defeated that easily. I kept walking backwards until my waist touched the table. His sword was still there! Quickly I took the sword from the table and pointed it towards him, as I warned, “don’t come closer.” But my words gained another smirk from him, “your heart is thudding like a little rabbit being hunted.” In a blink, he closed the distance between us. His hand touched the edge of the sword, and his hand started to bleed. A gasp left my mouth, but his eyes were still calm. Suddenly, he snatched it from my hand. Then he commented, “your hands are too shaky.” I stood there in silence as he walked around me and whispered over my ears, “your voice was feeble. This isn’t a way to threaten somebody.” Was he humiliating me? Perhaps, just telling the truth. I never prepared myself for war. He put the sword on the table again. To my wonder, his hand was all healed! Then touched my cheek. His breathing was brushing my neck, bringing a shiver down my spine. What would he do now? He inhaled deeply, rubbing his nose along my neckline as he muttered, “Dimitrov. Remember my name.” A foreign sensation touched my skin, making me tremble. His actions made no sense. Gathering my courage, I moved my head to face him. Those blue eyes were different this time, somehow warmer. With another mischievous smile, he spoke, “you will be screaming it soon, unable to resist every touch.” With his words, his lips landed on my cheek. I closed my eyes tightly, unwilling to see the rest. Tears flooded my face. Suddenly the warm embrace was gone, and a cold wind brushed my face. I open my eyes promptly to realise he was gone, and I was left alone. What did he want?
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