Chapter 18: Earrings of Love

1420 Words
Louisa’s Point of View With closed eyes, I inhaled a lung full of air. My hands were as cold as ever. My lips trembled as I opened my eyes, looking at my reflection. A few months ago, I was dressed the same way for my eighteenth birthday, and today it was for my coronation as the Duchess of castle Narodnye. Uncertainty was still lingering in my heart. Was I ready for it? It had been a week since the day I spoke up against my uncle, against the king of Frozen Sea. There were a series of discussions on the negotiation with other neighbouring islands, and many agreed. They never wanted to sacrifice their daughter for the king’s selfish reasons. Duke Albert was a great help in those meetings. Everyone knew how capable he was. The king, however, had no intention to forfeit his plan. I could still remember his burning gaze. Clearly, he was not happy with the new arrangements of Narodnye, either. The entire political situation on our continent was changing drastically. The bond we shared once was broken. People had lost faith in the king. This political turmoil was no good for the Frozen Sea right now, especially with the war going on. Rumours were there that many had spotted a gigantic creature flying over us. If that was the truth, I was afraid there would be another attack on us any day now. Hence the day of my coronation was chosen not for just me taking over Narodnye, rather rebuild our unity. Another meeting will be there after the ceremony to discuss our next step. What happened to Arak should never be repeated, not at least for a cowardly king like ours. The Frozen Sea needed someone strong and capable to rule at this moment of vulnerability, and hence I overheard, if the king acted against us, some of the council members would prepare to challenge the throne by choosing a new king. Among all these, my uncle was unexpectedly calm and never even uttered a word. Above all, he even congratulated me the other day! I was beyond shocked. The way he reacted in the hall in front of others obviously didn’t show his happiness. How could his mind change so quickly? Was that because I held power this time? Could it be possible he was scared? Another thought appeared in my mind. Maybe it was because of the two additional guards that arrived two days back, taking the name of Lumina. Miriam recognised them. No doubt my angel had sent them to protect me. One was elderly, whereas another was a few years older than Miriam. They were always stand-guard at my doorstep. “You look beautiful, my lady.” Miriam’s humble voice acquired my attention, though my eyes were fixed on those hazel orbs.  The maids decorated my hair with several small golden rose shaped hairpins, making an elegant bun, and I was wearing a matching golden gown that was wrapped tightly around my chest and then flowed freely down. It was my mother’s. She wore it when she took the oath. Well, they altered it to my size and added a few more embroidery, making it more suitable for the modern-day. The corset was a little too tight for my liking. Everything about me was extravagant. Unknowingly, my fingers touched the relatively pale green stone around my neckline, trying to gather some strength. How much I wished he were here!    I bit my bottom lip to swallow the sigh and asked Miriam looking at her through the silver-framed mirror, “will you be there?” I wanted someone to be there with me while taking the oath, a support perhaps. My parents weren’t there, and I was left with no family. I hadn’t heard from my angel in a while. Miriam was the only one I could rely on. She sat on the floor near me and looked into my eyes with adoration.     “That won’t be appropriate, my lady,” Miriam replied, holding my hands in hers. “But I will be around.” Fiddling with that locket, I sighed, “I understand.” I only needed company, and I was unlucky enough not to have one, even on the day of my coronation. “A duchess shall always hold her head high.” A baritone voice rang in my ears, making me look towards the entrance of the courtyard. My heart was pounding as that familiar tall frame was approaching me. “And a smile is the best regalia you can wear tonight, Duchess of Castle Narodnye.”  He smiled. His eyes were fixed on me, and mine was at him. His sudden appearance startled me, making me forget to breathe. For a moment, I thought I would die out of suffocation.  My heart was waiting for him to show up, even though my brain knew he wouldn’t. The person who brought strength and hope into my heart. The one I could trust blindly. I was lost in those mischievous eyes when Miriam timidly spoke up, “I will take my leave, my lady.” I gave her a small nod, and she left the room promptly, leaving us alone in my chamber. “I thought… you are not coming,” I confronted. “How couldn’t I?” He smiled again. His tall frame was wearing a silky golden-brown attire. A majestic brown mask was hiding his nose and his eyebrows, revealing the rest of his face. He walked towards me and knelt on the carpeted floor, making me gasp again. His rough hand touched my face, and my head tilted automatically towards his hand. I missed this warmth, his touch that could bring peace. “I have something for you.” He added, holding a small box in front of me. A gift? It was rare for me to receive a gift. I smiled brightly as I asked him, “what is it?” “Open it,” he replied, placing the wooden box on my palm. My giggles filled the room as I opened the box, discovering a pair of beautiful rose-shaped earrings matched with the hairpins I was wearing. Was it just a coincidence? I couldn’t tell. My gaze was sticking to those miniature roses stitched together with a golden thread. “Are they to the Duchess’ liking?” He pronounced. “They are beautiful,” I whispered shyly. “Then wear them.” He insisted, and I did as he wanted. The earrings were around an inch and a half long. They complimented my attire well. I checked on my reflection once. Then I turned towards him again. “How do I look?” My face was beaming red. Those blue orbs stared at me with no emotions. Suddenly he moved his hand and untucked a strand of my hair on my forehead. Then his finger tailed down on my face towards my ears and tapped on the earring once, making it move. “Naïve! Will you ever be ready?” He chuckled. That was odd. Without paying much heed to his words, I spoke anxiously while trying to fix the strand, “why did you do that? The maids spent so much effort to make it right.” His hand stopped me from fixing it, and his long fingers held my chin, forcing me to shift my focus to him, “leave it open. I like it better.”  He surprised me again. Those weren’t just mere words. I could sense they came out of his heart. A strange sensation filled my empty soul. His mesmerising eyes held so many emotions. I found my safe home again. A sudden knock on the closed door broke the trance, and I heard a castle knight, “my lady, it’s time.” “I will be there,” I replied quickly, glancing at the door. Then my gaze shifted towards my mysterious man again. He rose from his position and extended his arm towards me, “may I?” With a smile, I held his warm hand. Taking a deep breath, I stood up. My lips trembled as I spelt out, “I am scared.” His lips curled into a dazzling smile, “don’t be. If you fall, I will be there to catch you, Louisa.”
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