Caught Again

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Asher was already sitting inside the wedding mandap. (The main wedding ceremonies take place under the mandap.) He was wearing a white sherwani ( traditional Indian clothes for men) and his face was covered with a headdress. The wedding hall was decorated extravagantly. The hall was decorated with shimmery golden strings, oversized handcrafted flowers, and silver and white hanging adornments. The wedding decorations were on next level and why not? The two mafia leaders are going to, become one by this wedding. The priest was chanting some mantra. Asher was feeling hot due to the holy fire, which was set upped in the middle of the mandap. He was feeling irritated and bored due to the long process. Finally the priest called the bride. As the priest was talking in Hindi, Asher couldn’t understand a word and for that purpose only he had hired a translator. Who can translate everything that the priest is saying. The translator told Asher that he is calling the bride now. Asher was now grinning evilly, as finally Gina will become his only. He already searched for the weddings that take place here and their believes. He learned that here the people believes that the seven rounds around the holy fire represent that the two people will be tied together for their next seven lives. He was happy by the fact that she will be only his for their next seven lives. The bride started to come down from the stairs. Everyone gazes moved to her way. Her face was covered by the veil completely and she was moving with the help of Gina’s uncle. No one knew that she was not the real bride but a beautician, who took Gina’s place. She sat beside Asher and he felt that something is weird about her. The priest asked them to exchange the sacred garlands. He asked the bride to first put the garland around the groom’s neck, as it depicts that she have chosen Asher as her husband. She started to put the garland around Asher neck but before she could put the garland around him, he grabbed her hands. He feels that her hands are not as soft as before and her hands are more rough and hard. “ Baby, just a minute. First let me see the face of my beloved and why she suddenly is so happily doing all the rituals without even trying to rebel. ” He asked the woman in a cold tone with a dangerous look on his face. He have now removed the headdress and he tried to remove the veil from her head. The woman tried to resist and shook her head with all her might. She said while trying Impersonating Gina’s voice, “ No, it’s not a good omen to look at the bride before the wedding. ” Asher always believes in his hunch. He knew that something is wrong from the start. He removed her veil and Gina’s father was shocked to see the girl. Asher was now stoop up from his spot and grabbed the woman by her neck. The woman started to gasp for air. Asher grip was now tight around her neck. “ I’ll ask you only three questions. If you answer them honestly, I might let you go but if you don’t, then I can guarantee that you will not have a future of your own. First, Where is Gina? Second, Who the f**k are you? Third, what the hell you are doing in her place. ” Said Asher in a loud and rough voice while still holding the woman by her neck. She was still struggling in his grasp and tears started to come out from her eyes. She was cursing herself inside her head for being greedy and now, she understand that why did Gina run away from here. She started to answer him while stammering, “ She . . . . . ran. . . . . away. . . . . with . . . . . some. . . . . guy. ” Asher now let go of her neck and looked at her sternly and coldly. She started to breathe heavily while holding her throat. She knew if she told him the truth, he would definitely kill her and she thought it’s better to blame all of this on Gina. “ I am a beautician and I was here today to help her to get ready but she asked me for help. She told me that she loves someone else and she don’t want to marry a guy like you. She begged and even bribed me to take her place, so that she could escape from here. I only listened to her and I didn’t mean to cheat you at all. It was all Gina’s idea. Sir, I really am sorry. Please leave me this last time. I promise that from today I won’t try to cheat anyone. ” Said the woman with a pleading tone while bowing her head down. “ You really believed I will let you go. Let me tell you one thing. I don’t forgive someone, who tries to betray me. ” Said Asher while grasping her jaw. He was now very furious and wanted to find Gina at any cost. “ Samrat, what’s all this? I thought that after this marriage our family will become one but your daughter ran away with someone.” Asked James in an infuriated voice while looking at Samrat Kapoor. “ Believe me James. If I had known that what she was planning, I would have personally killed her and you know that. Don’t worry. I will find her for you and then it’s up to you, to decide her punishment. ” Said Samrat in a low voice while clenching his fists. “ Dad, it’s not the mistake of father in law and you don’t have to worry, as I will find my own wife. ” Said Asher with a calm tone while looking at both of them. After that he grabbed the beautician by her hairs and then he started to move out the wedding hall. “ Sir, I told you everything and you have promised to let me go. ” Said the woman while trembling. “ I told you that I’ll let you live but I didn’t told you that you will have the same life of yours as before. ” Said Asher while smirking. After that he called one of his man and asked him to take this woman to the place where she belongs. “ You loved to take place of people’s wife, right? Now, from today you will really enjoy the place where you will stay. Send her to one of our brothels and if she don’t wants to go then simply kill her.” Said Asher in a low voice. “ No, please don’t kill me. I will do everything that you’ll ask me to do. Just please don’t kill me. ” Said the woman while folding her both hands in front of her. After that they left and Asher asked his minions to look at all the places like railways, bus stops and even the airports. He warned them to find her as soon as possible or else he really will kill all of them one by one. He also started searching her. He sat inside his car and started to look for Gina. He swear if he will find her out he will surely give her the appropriate punishment for her mistake of leaving him. After some moments he received a call. Someone told him about the whereabouts of Gina and where she was. He started to drive that way and then he remembered the guy who was with Gina in the NGO. He was getting irritated to even think about them being together. He started to drive rashly. He called his men to meet him at the location which he is sending them. Meanwhile at the airport Gina breathed a sigh of relief as she was now out of the grasp of the devil. She looked at the guy who was arranging her luggage and all the necessary things. He was one of her friends. He always helped her whenever she faces any problems. “ Advik, thank you for always helping me. ” Said Gina in a sweet voice while looking at him. “ Are you crazy or what? Of course I will always help you. I know that you see me as a friend but you know that I always loved you. I confessed to you so many times in the NGO but you always thinks that I am kidding with you. ” Said Advik while faking a hurt look on his face. Gina started to laugh. It was after so many day that she is actually laughing like this. “ Finally, you are laughing. I told you, I am such a nice package. You should just accept my proposal . See, I am good looking, I am a rich guy. I can make you laugh, any time and I won’t let you cry and of course I won’t ever hurt you. ” Said Advik while counting everything on his fingers. Gina started to chuckle and finally she heard the boarding announcement. After that she hugged Advik and closed her eyes while hugging him. It was like, she was last time hugging him. “ Wow! Such a romantic scene it is. Look, I am even crying. ” Said Asher while wiping his fake tears. Gina and Advik looked at him with a shocked reaction. Gina was now trembling and after that she hid behind Advik. “ Love, you really think that he can save you from me. ” Said Asher with a calm and cold tone while looking at her dangerously. He asked his men to grab that guy for him. The men grabbed Advik and now Gina was all alone. Advik tried to push them off but it was of no avail. After that they bring him in front of Asher. He punched the guy on his face. Advik was now bleeding. “ Please leave him. It’s not his mistake. It was my plan to run away. He was not involved. ” Said Gina with a pleading voice and she was now crying. Asher started to move to her way and after that he grabbed her arms and replied her in a warning tone, “ If you ever tried to be this worried for someone else, other then me. Believe me baby, I will kill that person with my own bare hands. Do you understand? ” “ I understand. So please let him go. ” Said Gina in a low tone.  “ No, Gina. Don’t lower yourself for me. I can handle him. Don’t worry about me. ” Screamed Advik while glaring at Asher. Asher looked at Gina and said while smiling, “ Love, I thought of let him go but I think that he don’t want to live. If someone is so desperate to die then how could I neglect his request.” He knew that no one will dare to witness against Asher Lawrence and he have already cleared the area beforehand. After that he moved to Advik direction and grabbed him by his neck. After that he took out his gun and shoot him on his head. Advik died instantly . He asked his men to clear the mess and Gina was shocked to see the demise of her friend in front of her own eyes. She looked at his body and remembered, how he always tried to make her laugh. Even before this he was trying to cheer her but he got shot because of her. She was cursing herself. “ Aww, such a tragic ending. I am not sorry at all, love for your incomplete love story. As at last you will only belong to me. If you ever tried to run away then only this thing will happen. Run all you want love but remember one thing that, every time you run then I will catch you every time. Just like today. So don’t waste your and my energy. ” Said Asher while grabbing her wrist. He then started to move out of the place while grabbing her. “ Where are we going? ” Said Gina with a confused look on her face. “ Honey, you forgot. We have one wedding to attend and that’s our wedding. ” Said Asher with a deep husky voice. Gina gulped down all the saliva, down her throat. After that they moved towards his jeep but before that Asher took a rope out from inside his car and after that he tied Gina’s hand with the rope. Gina was confused and asked him while stammering, “ What . . . . are. . . . .you . . . . . trying. . . . . to . . . . . do? ” Asher hold her from her waist and pulled her towards him and then whispered in a low voice in her ears in a deep and husky voice, “ Time for your punishment love. For trying to leave me. ” He after that started to move closer to her.
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