Dark Future

1580 Words
Gina was getting ready to meet Asher. She was preparing herself to face him and tell him about her sister. She was afraid of him and the way he will react. She wears one of her Indian attire and a bracelet that her mother had left for her. She never takes off that bracelet, as that is the only last remaining of her mother. After that she went straight to her car and started to drive. After some time she reached Asher mansion. She was trembling and then she calm herself down by putting one of her hand, on her shoulder and after taking a deep breath, she mumbles to herself, “ You can do this Gina. Everything will be alright after this. ” She started to head to his mansion after calming herself down. After confirming her identify, one of Asher’s man opened the main gate for her and guided her inside. He guided her to hall and told her to wait for Asher, as he was taking care of one of his guest. Gina nodded her head and sat on a couch. After some moments, the man once again came and asked her, “ mam, boss is asking for your presence in his room. “ Gina was shocked and hesitant, as she don’t want to enter his room. She instantly replied, “ No, I can wait for him here and their is no need for me to go to his room. ” “ Mam, if you won’t go to his room then we will be forced to throw you, inside his room. ” Said the guy with a harsh tone and a dead look in his eyes. Gina was afraid of the man, so she agreed to go and meet Asher in his room. The man guided her again, she refused his help and told him that she already knew the way but the man was just not listening and still guided her. He left after sending her off to his room. Gina gulped down her salvia and knocked on his door. When their was still no response then after that she entered the room, only to find it empty. She was shivering, as it’s the same place where he tried to harassed her. She looked around the room and started to roam. After some time she found a photo frame, on the table. On that table their was one beautiful lady, with same ocean like eyes, as Asher. She was holding a baby in her arms and was smiling. Just before she tried to pick up the frame, a hand stopped her. When she looked at the person, who was holding her hands. She got scared, as it was none other than Asher. Who was looking at her with furious eyes. He twisted her wrist and yelled, “ What the hell you were trying to do. ” Gina hissed in pain and replied in a pleading tone, “ Please le go of my wrist, it’s hurting. I was not doing anything. I just saw a photo frame and just tried to pick it up.” “ Never talk about this thing again or your future won’t be bright, as you think it will be. ” Said Asher in a deep husky voice in Gina’s ears. While twisting her wrist and closing their distance at the same time. Gina’s eyes got wide when she saw blood stain on his white shirt. She yelled, “ You are bleeding. Are you hurt or are you feeling any kind of pain. ” “ Relax woman. It’s not my blood but of somebody else. Stop screaming but I like one thing that you care about me. Even though, you are the one, who’s caged in my arms. ” Said Asher while pulling Gina more closer to him. Gina was still struggling to getting out of his grasp but her struggle was of no use. As he is more stronger than her. She was feeling uncomfortable of their close proximity and his hot breathe on her cheeks. “ Please let go of me. I am here to tell you about something important. ” Said Gina in a low voice and a pleading eyes. “ What important thing? ” Asked Asher in a curious voice and after that he let go of her. “ Umm, you. . . . see. . . . . .that . . . . . my. . . . . . sister . . . . . . Avni. “ Gina was stammering while replying Asher. “ Yes, what about her? Can you tell me fast, as I am not as free as you think I am. ” Said Asher in an irritated voice and with an annoyed expression on his face. Gina replied immediately in one breathe,“ She is no where to be found. We went together for her wedding shopping but after that I left her due to my NGO work. She said that she can go home alone but when I reached home, she was nowhere to be found. Father tried to search her but her minions also couldn’t trace her. ” Asher was now having a dark and dangerous aura around him. He was having a dead look in his eyes and said in an loud and harsh tone, “ So you are saying that she eloped and abandon me before our wedding and even your father is unable to find her out. ” Gina was just nodding her head. After that Asher grasped her arms very tightly . He replied in a cold tone with a dark expression on his face, “ You think that I am f*****g stupid or what? You really think that I believe this bullshit. ” After that he called his own minions and asked them, “ I want the full report about the disappearance of Avni within half hour or else I will personally send you all out of this world with my own hands. ” After that he cut the call but he was still grasping Gina’s arm. After half an hour Asher received the phone call and he started to smile evilly at Gina. She was now sitting on the couch, as Asher let go of her arms but her arms was left with his fingers marks. After that Asher moved to her direction and sat beside her. Gina was now scared as hell. She was praying silently that Asher, won’t find about her sister. He glanced at her and asked in a pleasing voice, “ So, what were you saying? Yeah, that you left for some NGO work but I just got some footage on my phone. Want to see? ” He moved closer to her and played the video that his minion send him. In that video, Gina was sending her sister off with her lover and how she helped them. She gulped hard and thought just how did he got the footage. It was like nothing could be hide from his eyes. After that he replied to her, “ You see, that I knew that you never went to NGO. As I already assigned someone to always follow you. So, love just tell me why did you help your sister to escape. ” Asher moved more closer to her and now he grabbed her hairs and pulled them. She was now crying and her tears were falling down continuously. “ I think that you so much wanted to become Mrs Lawrence that you helped your sister to elope, right love? ” Said Asher while making Gina stand on her feet. He was still grabbing her hairs. She begged him to let her go but even after her sobbing and her begging, he didn’t let go of her. “ No, I never once thought to marry you. Believe me please. ” Said Gina in a low voice while crying. “Well, love you really think after all this I’ll believe you. Right now you really don’t have a choice either you agree to this or I’ll personally go and find your sister and her lover. To send them off away from this world. Do you want that? ” Said Asher while grabbing her waist and pulling her more closer to him and smelling her face and hairs. She was trembling now and was frighten out of her wits now. She really don’t want her sister to die but at the same time, she didn’t want to marry this maniac. She agreed to his condition and asked him to let go of her now. He was still holding her and after that he pulled her more closer and caged her lips between his lip and he bit one of her lips while kissing her. She was resisting him with all her might but it was of no avail . After some good moments, he let go of her lips and now she is gasping for breathe. She looked at him furiously. He smirked and replied, “ Just let me remind of one thing doll that I am born to f**k and not to love. You will have a really dark future ahead of yours, Mrs Lawrence. So be ready for our wedding tomorrow, love ” Gina made a disgusted face at his statement and finding her chance, she ran out of his place and made a resolve in her mind that she will not loose to her fate, she will try to escape from the grasp of this devil but what she don’t know is that, this move will only add fire to Asher anger and that the future ahead of her, will become worse than death.
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