|4| Don't Walk Away

1150 Words
"The heck your saying?" Her smirk, for having achieved victory, tensed Tony. "I said it, and it's your decision to make" She lifted the purse which had been on the table, swiped off her mouth to show she had enjoyed the morsel of sweet her taste buds had detected, and walked away, in a femme fatal style; that ramp walks kick-ass heroines made use of at the end of their confidence act or bravery show. Tony, felt hurt. Most of all, insulted. Never in his life did he feel so defeated. And never would he ever feel so. But this was like a coin's probability play. After having made ten thousand business deals, he was a major hit at this. Always playing his cards right, doing the right thing, gaining profits over losses, enjoying his own victory, devastating other hopes; he was so used to being selfish that he had never known what it meant to be stuck in emotion like this. This was so different now. He had experienced something he had never felt before. Now, it wasn't about that man being a chef, or his body being so cute that it could fit perfectly into his; it was only about him being him. And now everyone was after that, especially his biggest rival of all time. Tony fell upon the couch. There was no way out of this. He had to accept the proposal. No matter what he did, he knew he wanted at least a few days with him alone. There was no other way left out of this, and he knew it.  His plans ran across that burning head, once more and again. Just then a shadow lingered in front of him. A very familiar shadow. "Tony?" "Mm?" "Travis isn't coming out of the room. He has locked himself inside" Knock! Knock! "I don't wanna meet anyone, except for my mistress..Where the heck is she?" Tony remained silent. There was no particular answer he could give at the moment. "Let her in, and I will come out. Take me back!", he screeched. Tony left a sigh. Frankie and the gardener along with the Scottie had walked in through that kinking door, standing beside, waiting for orders. "Master?" Tony flicked his fingers, and showed them a finger, pointing in only one direction. They bowed respectfully and walked outside. The door closed behind them. Just then, a sound came from the other side of his room. "Master? Now, rich man, are you whom they address as 'master'?" Tony listened intently. A sneer came from inside. "That's weird. Mistress always wants herself called as 'Mom' or 'Aunt'. This itself defines you, rich guy" The humiliation reflected both in words and tone. Tony growled and smacked his fists at the door. "O-P-E-N" "No! Where is my mistress?!" Tony held his ears with fingers, to keep the shriek from getting into his head. "Travis, I wanna talk" Silence lingered Queer, because neither the men separated by the huge yet dilapidated barrier spoke a word. And slowly, the barrier gave way. The door was open. And in walked a grim Tony. The door closed behind him. "So, she just walked away?!" Tony nodded, both his hands on each thigh as he tried to take a breath better. The deal was still revolving around his head. No, he had never done this but it was happening and to him like this. Still hungover by that attitude never shown by Felicia, and her stupid deal, most obviously winning over him, he remained silent, waiting for Travis to say something. Something important.  Travis, on the other hand, was blabbering, now. Intermingling between important and not-so-ones. "What should I make out of this? Mistress just left me here like this? But that isn't what she said. She did say, she would take me and leave without much delay! Her plan...and it's all gone now when she sees you? Huh! I can't believe this...This isn't anything she promised! And to leave me, unaided with a man I met at the  bathroom, what?" Tony was taking deeper breaths as time passed, with his words. Everything pierced deeper and deeper, making him more confused.  "...Oh, God! Did her plan fail? Or did she just see you and fall deeper in love? Oh, Go! I can't believe this... This is bullshit, right? I hope it is...The good Lord knows, what you did to make her ..? No way! Did you ...no..did you bribe her with something greater than her land property?" That had got him enough. He stood up, flying from the bed, and stood, with clenched fists, and strained jaws. Travis, while, stood and stared hard. "Stop" "You aren't going to ..do anything to me...are you? You have no idea, but I'm a Taekwondo blue belt after three years of training and even Judo-and-d-d-d even the best of all training athletics you have ever heard about--" Tony was now drifting closer to him. Soft and swift, with a step closer and closer, he was making his way to the little chef who had caught him in this mess. Travis's breathing had quickened.  His heartbeat had accelerated. He was moving equally backward, finally smashing his back against the wall. It seemed no escape now. He lifted his hands, screaming, 'DEFEAT! I'M SORRY...PLEASE, LET ME GO!" The former gawked, struck by what he was doing. So childish, and as cute as a teddy. Tony felt that strange feeling arrive again. But it got lost in the depth of his dilemma. It felt more important than anything else to get this all done before it crossed its limits. "Please...", he pleaded, shutting off his exposure with two arms. "I will do anything...Seriously, I will", his squeaky voice, now kept shrieking, as he shivered.  Tony stopped inches away. Their noses met now. It felt unreal but as beautiful as the sun to feel each other's exposure to one another. Their noses met. Just then, Travis winced. He was undoubtedly uncomfortable by this skinship. However, Tony had turned himself on. But, it pulled him back. This range of dilemma and libido wasn't creating the scenes he had dreamt of to get better feels on the bed, it wasn't making him do things he had wanted to do with that ideal person he would invite into life, it was stopping him midway, threatening him of what was meant as 'two-sided' never existed, as of now. Tony held his breath. His arms blocking either way of Travis now. The nails he had forgotten to clip this morning, due to the hurries over arrangements for Travis, now scratched through the costly designed wallpaper, plucking it away by bits. The little lad with huge bushy hair styled away and earrings capturing those pinnas shuddered a little. "..Anything?" "Y-y-es-s" Tony held the wall closer. "Be my personal chef." Travis was taken aback. "B-but.." "Don't walk away from my life"
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