Criminal Assistance (3)

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Chapter 3: Criminal Assistance (3) *** The following day at the station was like any other. Sebastian drove there along side his new partner Irene who looked like a complete air head while staring out the window of the car. As they arrived, they walked together until Irene began speaking to one of the officers. Sebastian took the opportunity to look for his superior. Spotting Bernard in the distance, he went to catch up to him quickly. "Sir, can I speak to you for a moment?" Sebastian asked as he turned to glance at Irene who was currently being entertained by another officer. "Yes, officer, what is it?" Bernard asked as he crossed his arms. "If it's about changing partners I already told you that isn't happening." He said with a stern voice, he didn't seem particularly busy on that day but there was obviously something on his mind that was keeping him occupied.. "Not that..." He shoot his head. "I don't mean to question your judgement but... Sir, is it really necessary for the criminal to stay at home with me? I don't think it's a wise thing given the circumstances..." Sebastian explained in a calm voice, but from his superior officer, he was only met with a pair of confused eyes. "What do you mean by that? He has a place here in the station..." Bernard remarked as he glanced over at the criminal. "I didn't even get notice he wasn't here last night... what on earth did he do to trick us like that..." He began wondering to himself. "So, you didn't leave this note for me?" Sebastian asked as he pulled out a note from his pocket and handed it to the man. "Hm... I definitely didn't, but this is a brilliant fake... In fact a little too brilliant." Bernard said as he took a better look at the note. "...he even managed to make the same clumsy lines I do... that's impressive but also horrifying in it's own right..." He remarked in a quieter voice. "He could have easily made a few more notes and handed them to the right peple as if they were from me..." Bernard concluded. "Sir... are you saying he forced me to bring him to my home and stay the night? That's-!" before Sebastian could go off and ramble on about anything else, the chief officer stopped him. "Now, now... He seems to have taken a liking to you, so just play around with him a bit, if possible..." Bernard said as he nodded his head to the side. "But doing things at a criminal's whim is-" Sebastian was interrupted once more by the less than happy sounding voice of his superior. "Look... Sebastian, I don't want to have to deal with more issues when it comes to Irene. We can't even keep him at a prison sell if we wanted to, having him on our side is the best option, so cooperate with me on this one!" This time Bernard's stern and commanding tone made the other officer go into complete silence. He turned his back to the man and headed back to his office. "Understood..." Sebastian muttured in a quiet tone as he felt someone tap his shoulder. "So what happened? Did you already figure out I was lying?" Irene asked with a rather innocent look on his face, but hidden beneath it was a self satisfied grin. "I thought you didn't lie..." Sebastian muttured again as he glanced over to look at Irene who tilted his head to the side and circled around the man once, then stood right in front of him. "Oh, I most definitely do! Don't confuse 'not having to' with 'not being able to' I am by no means an honest man, but you should know that by now." Irene said as he put one hand on his hip and the other in the air as if he was explaining someone. He sort of looked like an eight grader's teacher, trying to teach the class an important lesson. "I knew you wouldn't allow me to stay with you if you knew the truth so I had to do that. I know you won't hold it against me either because..." He paused for a bit and grabbed Sebastian by his uniform's collar and pulled it down to him. " and I have a deal after all..." Irene whispered into the man's ear. "Of course..." Sebastian said as he backed away from the other's grip. He felt quite a bit of strength out of the man that seemed like he had a weak frame and no real strength to begin with. He was surprised but what left him even more so was the tone of voice Irene used, it felt somewhat sinister in a way, it was rather unsettling. "How about we head on to the stupid meeting, now? Since the other pigs look like they want to explain everything from the start for the plan to be successful... It's exhausting really..." Irene said as he grabbed Sebastian by the hand and dragged him away to the meeting room. "Wait... how did you even know about that?" Sebastian asked as he walked behind the man pulling him. "Hm? I asked obviously... That short one with the brown hair isn't really trustworthy, so make sure not to tell him any secrets, alright?" Irene said as he turned and smiled at the man, this time the look on his face almost seemed like an angel had descended from Heaven. There was a certain softness and beauty to him and few people possessed. And it wasn't anything strictly apperance whise that made him so attractive, his energy in itself seemed to have a magnetic pull that made people attracted to him. 'As always, he has a good read on people... but this man being here even for just a week, could be catastrophic...' Sebastian thought to himself. The very fact someone who's been there for less than a day managed to completely fool everyone so effortlessly meant that Irene was not only someone you should never underestimate but also someone you should never anger...
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