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Melbourne rose from his chair, made his way to her side, and held out his hand to assist her to her feet. When they stood nearly toe to toe, he realized she was only a couple of inches shorter than him. Her height disconcerted most men who were not of their species. “Alyssa Faeryn, may I have your hand in marriage?” he asked, going down on one knee. He held open a velvet box containing an intricately wrought elven bracelet of promise and not a human ring as was werewolf custom. The Faeryn had dark hair and intense blue-gray eyes, unlike most southern elves who were blond and blue or brown-eyed, but they had the same fair skins. Further to the north, one encountered dark-skinned elves with shocking white hair and various eye colors. To the east, yellow-skinned elves with dark hair and slanted, almost black eyes. Far to the west, red-headed elves with milky white skin and emerald or blue eyes lived near the mountains. He had traded with most of them over the years, and their temperaments varied widely from kingdom to kingdom. Even her exceptional beauty and the way her hair was almost the same shade of chocolate brown as his own, did not make up for having to marry an elf. He always found elven women fascinating, and even this reserved princess was incredibly sensuous, but marrying one was not a choice he would make. Not of his own free will. But he agreed with his father on the benefits of this marriage. There was no denying that. She was not happy either. Her shock warned him she was not consulted in this process and had no time to prepare for her fate. He almost pitied her, but her intelligent gaze showed her understanding and acceptance of the inevitable. She would honor her father’s wishes—no matter her own opinion. He doubted whether she envisioned a future with a man outside her species or ever believed her father would suggest such a thing. None of the others did, and their outraged shock was almost comical. “I accept your proposal, Melbourne Carthagan.” Her gracious answer and her brave smile melted some of the anger in his heart. They were both victims of birth and circumstance, and blaming her for the unfolding of events was as unfair to her as the way her parents sprung this marriage upon her. They had feared her reaction, but they underestimated their daughter. Under different circumstances, he would love the smooth quality of her voice that lacked the melodiousness of most elves. He rose to his feet and slipped the platinum cuff on her right arm. It surprised him when it heated under his touch and adjusted itself around her arm. Melbourne had heard about this but did not think it was possible between an elf and a werewolf. Only the man who placed this bracelet of promise on her arm could take it off again, and if he died, it would loosen of its own accord. Her skin was cooler than his, almost human. Someone offered her a smaller velvet case, and she opened it, revealing a beautiful platinum seal ring with his personal emblem set into the seal with shards of sapphire. The elven people forged exquisite jewelry and weapons, but he was not one for jewelry, yet the ring was not a choice. “Would you accept my hand in marriage, Melbourne Carthagan, as I accepted yours?” she asked with the slightest tremble to her voice, and removed the ring from its seat. “I accept your hand as you accepted mine, Alyssa Faeryn,” he said the words expected of him. As she slipped the ring onto his finger, it settled there in the same way her bracelet had settled on her, and he suddenly understood the look in her eyes; these simple pieces of jewelry might as well be manacles. Elves lived for a thousand years, and few werewolves reached their four-hundredth birthday. If neither of them did anything unwise, they would be bonded to each other for what might as well be an eternity, but it did not sit right with him that she would outlive him, either. She could have another life someday, and he would not get the same opportunity. Alyssa watched Melbourne’s stormy gray eyes become calm. His tanned skin looked dark against her hand as she slipped the ring into place. Her skin never darkened with the sun, and not even when the southern winters forced him inside for those two months of deep cold would his ever be as pale as hers. It seemed a symbol of the differences between them. It was so much more than just her alabaster skin tone and pointed ears. This man was a werewolf. He shifted into a dangerous creature, and what she really knew of their kind originated from books. She suspected that he had dealt more intimately with elves over the years. Werewolves had a fondness for elves, but their interest was carnal. Most elves would not foul themselves with another species, but some enjoyed a brief dalliance. He took her hand and turned toward the gathered guests. They politely clapped hands, but the emotions behind their eyes were all but joyous. Most of the people gathered in this great hall had been chomping at the bit for years to get their teeth into El Faeryn, and Alois had thwarted them all. She would be proud of her father if she were not the sacrificial lamb. “Now, to inspect the goods,” Eagene suggested, approaching them with her hand outstretched. It took Alyssa only a moment to catch on, and the queasiness in her stomach became intensified as she took Eagene’s hand. Brother and sister definitely did not share a mother. The girl’s mocha skin was several shades darker than her brother’s. Her sensual beauty attracted the men and sparked jealousy in the women. The sibling’s eyes were the same shade of gray. The color of Malachai’s eyes and the contrast with Eagene’s skin was striking. A maid accompanied them to Alyssa’s dressing room, and if elves could blush, her face would be scarlet. The maid helped Alyssa out of her dress, but as she reached for the petticoats, Eagene stopped her. “You may leave,” she suggested, and the servant hurried away. “If this were up to me, I would leave it be, but my father is a very thorough man. If you are not as promised, your family stands to lose a lot, and I would rather not displease him any further. There is no need for the maid to watch me inspect you like a horse. You might hide a sixth toe in those fancy shoes or maybe an unexpected appendage,” Eagene teased, and it took a moment for Alyssa to catch on. Her expression made the other woman chuckle. “Not so innocent after all,” she drawled, helping Alyssa undress. Having been dressed and undressed by maids all of her life, Alyssa never felt so naked in another woman’s presence. “You shall not be inspecting me like a horse because you won’t stick your fingers up a horse’s private parts to determine if it is a solid investment,” Alyssa said darkly, and Eagene sputtered, respect entering her eyes. “A little spunk, I like that, and so will Melbourne. Since we are being honest, I am not exactly an impartial judge. Since we will share a house, my father having exiled me to Melbourne’s lands for my indiscreet behavior, I will warn you that I am bisexual. This way, you will be more uncomfortable with me than you already are, but you will feel less violated when you find out in a month or two. Yes, I find you incredibly sexy. You are a lot curvier than most elves, but you belong to my brother now. You must also understand that I am protective of him. You mess around with him, and I will slit your throat,” the fierce glint in Eagene’s eyes nearly made Alyssa take a step back. Anger replaced Alyssa’s discomfort instantly, only showing in the gleam of her eyes, which she saw in the mirror. “My parents did not forewarn me of this marriage, Eagene Carthagan, but I am a woman of my word. I know neither you nor your brother, and he may even be a brute, but to honor my father’s word, safeguard my people against attack, and allow my people their dignity back, I will do as is required of me,” her measured tone made Eagene frown as their gazes weighed each other. “My brother is no brute, you may rest assured of that, and he is a man of honor. He played the field as a bachelor, but he would remain faithful to this marriage and the promises of his father. Now, allow me to finish my inspection before your father sends someone to check on us. He may believe I had assassinated you or something,” Eagene suggested. She had barely finished when Elliandre entered the room. Eagene washed her hands as Alyssa started pulling her clothes back on. “She is whole of body and mind, as promised. And her honor is intact. I congratulate you, Queen Elliandre, on your beautiful daughter. We shall treat her well. She will want for nothing, and I shall escort her to visit you twice a year,” she said, turning to assist Alyssa back into her gown. “I will help my daughter dress, thank you. Feel free to return to the ball,” Elliandre suggested, guilt shadowing her eyes as she took in Alyssa’s calm gaze. “I will decline your offer, Queen Elliandre. My future sister-in-law is safe in my hands. Return to your guests. I do not wish for someone to think something amiss. I also believe Alyssa is not yet ready to discuss the events of the evening,” Eagene insisted. Elliandre opened her mouth to contradict her guest, but then her eyes met with those of Alyssa, and her mother realized Eagene was right; they should not have kept this from her. Her father still saw her as a girl who did not yet understand what was good for her, but she was not a girl, and she had a perfect grasp of the situation.
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