Annabeth and Leo's research

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- Told what? - Says Tayson who only began to pay attention to the conversation now that he has just shaved his plate. - Léo and I were a little concerned about his lack of control lately and Léo gave me an idea of how to find out the cause. - So you knew I could explode at any time and you didn't tell me? - You were very sensitive about your sister and Jason's death and after you destroyed the canteen just because you hurt your hand I kind of didn't find a time to tell you, and I'm still angry, you could have killed the boy. — But you're the one who beat him up. . . unless you already knew that possibility and that was the test you said you were going to do to see if I could still control myself, it was all part of the research? Am I really that stupid? — Look who's getting smart! You have a certain head of algae and how lucky I did it with Leo's help we're about to find the cause and then we can find a way to make sure you don't explode anything else by sneezing. But I honestly believed that everything we went through and the responsibility of being the camp representative you could control yourself better. - I know Annabeth for a long time and I know when something's bothering her. That's one of them. — Maybe you're right, I'm not being myself. The fate of the world weighed heavily on our hands, but now that I've become one of the strongest demigods, he's on someone else's shoulders! It makes the situation look even worse. - The climate is getting heavier every second even if no one was in danger. Luckily for these occasions, you have friends like Grover. He's getting agitated by the silence as he swallows the remains of a fork he's chewing comes to my rescue. - Okay, guys, enough of the depressing talk isn't just you guys having a bad day, but let's get back to what you found out? — ha yes, we were about to get the results of the reader and I came to take you to the bunker, so everyone sees together and if it is something bad, we. . . Shall we know together? - Can it be something bad? - I ask anguished, never thought of my increase of power as something bad. - Can it be something not bad why you blow up patents every time you get displeased? Oh laughed! - Replies a sincere distracted Tayson. - Wait a minute! Now it's Greco-Roman wrestling! I waited all day for the moment I was going to give these lessons! - Which algae head I'm sure the campers will thank you if you don't show up, by the way, it would be dangerous to try it in your state don't you think? - I'm not stupid enough to try to beat you in a battle of arguments, come on. We walked silently towards the bunker, at least it was good to cool our heads. What was I complaining about? Not having the weight of the world on my back? I still have some white hair strands for the last time I did that! Control my outbreaks, get back to my mom, Paul, my sister... — You will not run away from anything. - Annabeth's calm and decided voice wakes me from my dreams. As I walked lost in my own thoughts she had approached me enough to whisper in my ear. - Runaway from what? - I still ask confused. - I know you, Percy, you want to get out of here and run home, leave the Greek world behind. - And you wouldn't come with me? - The Greek world is a part of me, my family, and yours. Would you leave Tyson behind to return to the normal world? — No, certainly not. You know I feel divided into two different people. One forgives my father and embraces the mythological world as his home, wants to go out and help save the world, blow my force against monsters. The other one misses everything, is afraid of the monsters, the gods, and the power itself, wants to go back to when none of this existed and maybe even get a job? - Wow, I've been really sentimental about making that whole speech. -Ah! Ha, hahaha... woe seaweed head! - What was it? I was serious! What are you laughing about? - And there goes my sentimentality, blown by the shame of reality. — Haven't you noticed yet? You haven't changed at all! In fact, you seem to be more and more like your father! - Me? Like Poseidon? Come on, take my sea-green eyes out and you'd never recognize us as relatives! - Annabeth, explain it right, do you think I'm becoming a god or what? I'm lost here. — Almost that. Well, let's see. When you got here, you were just a scared, lost, extremely dramatic little boy named Perseus, but when the people you love come into play you turn into the great Percy Jackson, You go to hell to protect them and help anyone who comes in front of you and takes down anyone who gets in your way. - And this is my little know-it-all putting me back in my place. Nico turn at me and smile: — But don't worry Percy, you're still scared, lost, and making a big deal out of it, and we still love you for it! Let's fix your powers and you go back to training next generation of Olympian heroes! - And this is my optimistic best friend bringing me to reality. Interested in the conversation Tyson approaches us, it seems that Grover has not yet completely overcome his fear of Tyson, as he retreats when the cyclops arrives at my side. At least he doesn't run away like before. — I wanted us all to be together like before. We could try to contact Pipper in New Orleans or ask the Apolo to call Thalia and if we called Camp Jupiter, we could call Frank, Hazel, or even Reyna! - Says Tayson bringing nostalgia so big it hurts my chest. — Calm down guys, this is just the result of a medical exam and as a doctor, I can say for sure that not the end of the world as some tend to think! And.... I'm feeling a little isolated from you guys talking all the time about your great adventures. - Says Will who had also approached us. Poor thing, I had really completely forgotten that he came with us. - Ha, sorry man I think we're really taking this too seriously. - I reply a little embarrassed. — But as I recall you've also had your great adventures and even a prophecy! Besides being the best healer I know! If I wasn't an agent, I wouldn't need your help right now, would I? - completes Grover saving my pride for the second time today. — But of course! Will is cooler than any of you! He, ha... well he fought bravely for and survived the battle of Manhattan and... loaned the flying chariot from the Apollo cabin, even though he knew Apolo would be very angry and upset when you brought her back to ruin... helped sabotage the Onagros and distract Octavian and. .took care of Apollo after he fainted when he arrived at the camp... When the automaton attacked the camp, Will helped defend the camp.... - With every word that came out of Nico's mouth, he was redder. He always had a tendency to turn people he liked into figures of Mitomagia and memorize all personal information of the person. When Nico began to speak, all were silently amazed by the sudden outbreak of Hades' quiet son, but after the first five sentences, everyone made as much effort as possible not to laugh. Seeing Nico's change of personality at close range meant that I couldn't contain myself any longer and fell into laughter after the last sentence which triggered a chain of laughter between our little group and made Nico turn redder and redder. — Ai, ai my belly. Thanks, Nico, don't think we're making fun of you, I know I can always count on you to be on my side. - Will said when he could stop laughing. To complete a kiss on the cheek of Nico and causes him to petrify in place while the rest of us still in a crisis of laughter enter the cave that leads up to the bunker 9. The doors start to close when Will looks back and says: - Hey Nico, how long are you going to stay there? - Nico thaws and gives an ashamed and angry look to all of us. - I still haven't forgiven you! -Say it as you run to the bunker.
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