CHAPTER 22 - Comfort Over Beauty

1570 Words

  Demetrius's POV   "But why do you like to kill them?" she asked. "Do you like to hear their cries... their pleas... their last wishes...? Do you like to see them begging for forgiveness? Do you look twice at the person after you hit them? Do you ever try to think what they are thinking? Do you ever try to feel what they are feeling?"   "Guilty doesn't deserve to live," I said.   "What if you get the wrong person? Do you try to clarify if they are the culprit or not? I don't think so," she said. Her voice was shaking slightly, but she was trying hard not to look broken.   Her thoughts were going back and forth but always ended at the same place. There were voices in her mind- cries, pleas, screams... And right that moment, I knew what she had been through in her family. In her world,

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