CHAPTER 5 (Attention√)

1102 Words
8:00 PM I sat on the sofa while eating spicy noodles. The TV was on and the show I was watching was almost over. I'm not really watching, I just want to turn on the TV. [Flash News] Four are dead at the incident at…They show the CCTV footage and the reporter continues talking about the incident near the green tea corner. That is exactly what I saw earlier. It's hard to explain, but it happened. I just closed my eyes to forget what I had seen, but that seems impossible now. The only thing different from my vision was Daphne wasn't there. She listened to me. She followed what I said. … The next day… a new morning came, but the event is only repeated every morning. Murmur… Gossip… Rumors… every corner I hear that every time I pass by. Their judgemental tone, their whispered and exaggerated stories. I pass by the freedom board, which is full of paper about the achievement of the students in White Wise Academy. When I enter the room, Miya isn't there to greet me, which I find very unusual. I noticed that my classmates had stopped talking when I entered and they're now watching me as I sit. I see in my peripheral vision Daphne is also staring at me. I can't place her expression. I know she can't stop thinking about what's happened. I'm not so sure if she watched the news last night.But based on her expression I confirmed that she had indeed watched the news or maybe he heard it from my classmates. “Hey! Lorie.” Miya poops out of nowhere, grabs my left arm and pulls me, running to somewhere. “You need to see this, Lorie.” I keep quiet and let her pull me. It is almost time for class to start, but based on her tone it mustn't be good news. Her serious face is rare to see. We go to the computer lab. No one else inside except me and Miya. One unit is open and that's where she sits and opens a browser. I stay standing behind her, waiting for what she does next. “Did you know what they were all looking at earlier?” “No.” I keep walking earlier without looking at them so I don't have an idea what they were looking at earlier. “Look at this.” she showed me and my eyes got widened. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LORIE HOSEO ONE OF THE MOST ASSUMING HEARTLESS BREAKER. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The post fills my vision… the headline. “What the hell is this about?” “This was posted on the blog last week. But it's just now spread to the whole campus.” I quickly started the content of the blog. She's horrible! She doesn't care about other feelings. Look what she did to three guys! “Who’s guy?” I asked myself. She doesn't care about everything… she's heartless. She might look innocent and sweet but for sure she's a slut horrible woman. Lorie Hoseo is a psychopath! She's a killer for sure. Her dead eyes are scary! I stop reading. I'm not even mad at them how they view me as a person. I just felt sorry for them. I'm stumped, but who would do something like this? “Lorie are you okay?" I smirked. “What do you think? Maybe I should be happy after reading this… but I'm obviously not.” I can't help but be irritated. She stares at the floor and I can't help but throw my irritation at her at the moment. I wring my hands that are smarting from my irritation. Calling one killer is too much. When I read the word psychopath I got irritated immediately. I don't care about other people as much as possible. I let myself stay away from them but they keep doing this to me. I just need a peaceful life for pete's sake. “Who did this?” “I-I… I don't know, Lorie. Sorry! I'm just worried about you.” I just give her a sigh and leave the lab without saying a word. I notice him at the entrance, but I don't spare him a glance. He is calmly leaning against the white wall of the computer lab with his hands in the pocket. He looks worried. I can clearly see his gaze following me as I walk away. “Oh Gosh!!!” nice, the girl just bumped into exclaims, the glass tips over on the tray and the soda spilled on my right arm. We grab everyone's attention in the cafeteria. The students stop eating and whispering at each other. She deserves that. I heard. “Gosh! You're not even looking where you're going!” she's right, I'm not even looking. “You almost spilled my soda on my expensive watch!” Lenie shows her latest version of Cvx watch. We knew it's expensive. “Let me buy you another drink.” I offered since it's my fault after all. “No thanks, I can afford it.” when I heard that, I started to walked past her and forget about what's happened, but she seems to enjoy the attention I made. So she quickly blocked my way. “Well, you're Lorie, right? The famous girl at the freedom wall.” Her voice is loud enough to hear for everyone in the cafeteria. “Don’t you feel ashamed? You attention seeker and you slut—” before she continues what she's planning to say. I already poured the remaining contents of the glass on her wrist. Her expensive watch is now wet. “Sorry. I didn't mean it.” I seriously said. “How dare you!” “If you really want attention, I give it to you.” She faces the people watching us.“Didn’t you all see what she has done?” She then faced me again. “You are so mean Lorie!” I ignore her. “I hope the blogs update!” my ears perk up when she mentions the blog. I can't help myself but turn around and glare at her. And there you go. I already saw what's in her eyes. But still. I don't care if my whole day is ruined because of that blog. “What’s with that look you psychopath?” she teases. “I knew, you're killing me in your evil mind.” She's crazy. I knew who was the attention seeker, it's her.
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