2200 Words

EPISODE 27 JEALOUS ALESSANDRA’S POINT OF VIEW. We have a new mission and it’s still related to Ludovica. Alonzo and I are going to the headquarters of Lorenzo Dela Valle, a hot business tycoon. We know he’s the leader of a secret elite organization here in the Philippines, but because he didn’t do something wrong that can affect the economy of our country, we will not arrest him or attack their organization. The Dela Valle, Coleman, and Miller family are friends in the business world and Lorenzo and I have known each other for a long time. We are going to Lorenzo to ask an important question that can lead us to Ludovica Brioschi. Until now she’s still hiding from us and we can’t find the exact location where she lives right now. “Alessandra, hindi mo na kailangan pa na sumama sa a

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