Chapter 7 – A Lot Of Crazy In This Room

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MARCO'S POV Just watching her sit on my bed gets me hard. She is every f*****g werewolf's dream, and I am about to make her my reality. Focusing on the floral pattern of her dress, she traces the design with her finger. It seems to calm her, which is good because the panic attack that sent her to the bathroom was unexpected. Then the complete denial when I tried to tell her about what we are has left me confuso, confused. Exposing her secrets was supposed to give her clarity. The lost wolves I have found in the past weren't nearly as surprised; they knew, deep down, and the shock quickly turned to relief, especially knowing they weren't alone. Whatever has happened in her life has nearly broken her, and because I am a bastardo, I plan to use that to my advantage. I just need to get her to trust me enough to let me in. Kneeling with my hands on my knees, I am not unaware of how my pose is that of a man worshiping a goddess. She is my goddess. Breaching the invisible wall she has placed between us, I stop her hands from playing with her dress and try to hold them, but she pulls them away from me. "Piccola Lupa, please say something?" Slowly she looks up at me, the corners of her mouth twitch, then she laughs. I mean, seriously, laughs. Her face turns red, her body shakes, tears parading down her cheeks. "What is so funny?" But she doesn't answer; she just laughs harder. My hands resting on her thighs over her dress begin to rub and caress her, hoping to calm her down. The action catches her off guard, and as quickly as the laughing starts, it stops. "Either I am crazy, or you're crazy; maybe we both are crazy. Regardless of who is or isn't crazy, there is a lot of craziness in this room." "No one is craz…." "Stop! Just stop. You expect me to believe I am a werewolf, a she-wolf, and I am destined to be your Luna. Because you are a werewolf too, and the Tweedle Twins are as well. Also, the two guys who kidnapped me earlier; however, the old woman helping them is a witch." Rising, I walk in tiny circles, pacing the area in front of her. The agitation makes my body twitch; I run my hands through my hair just for something to do. I know if I shift in front of her, it will put an end to her doubt, but I think it would send her over the edge. "You are what we call a lost wolf. You're the third one I have ever met. The first was a man in his thirties, raised in foster care. By the time I met him, he already knew, but was smart enough to never let anyone know. When he first heard his wolf, he thought he was crazy, but after a while, his wolf convinced him to go to the woods, he shifted, and he knew. The second was a teenage boy. He was easy to find; he didn't have the sense to keep his talents hidden and quickly became known as the fastest runner alive. At seventeen, he had broken every running record known without even breaking a sweat. It took a lot of magic to cover that up. " "Marco, please…" Her head shakes in a blatant attempt to not hear me, but I just run over her words. "Since you've turned sixteen, you have ignored your wolf and refused to shift. You managed to deny every instinct you have, and for what? Are you going to sit there and tell me that nothing I said feels even remotely true? Nothing, she says absolutely nothing but goes back to fidgeting with her dress. I am running out of time; I can feel it. The potion I gave her while she was passed out would have simulated the mate bond and had her begging me to claim her, but there wasn't enough of it for her to feel the bond entirely. At first, there was a slight pull, enough for her to let her barriers down and kiss me. Goddess, her lips felt amazing. And when she was innocently rubbing against my c**k, fottini, it took all my restraint not to take her right then. We had enough potion to last at least three more weeks, but f*****g Maverick and Bex used our reserves to dope up their bitches. With the tiny bit I had left, I was going to see if the witch from this morning could have reproduced it for me. But now that it is gone because of my failed attempt to dose Bree, I will lose her. 'Mark her; she should have enough of the potion in her for it to make some kind of a bond.' Ricco, my wolf, broke through my internal rant, and he shockingly made sense. 'Even if it doesn't, it should have enough of a hold to block her real bond with the other Alpha if he survived. Then contact the Elders and get more of the potion. It shouldn't take more than a few days, then you can complete the bond.' My wolf is a genius. Within a few steps, I am standing in front of my future Luna and grabbing her hands. Before she has a chance to retract from me, I pull her up and off the bed. I can feel my entire demeanor change; I am no more mister nice guy, she is mine, and I will take her with or without her permission. As she looks into my eyes, I can tell she is affected by their cold and detached vastness. I draw her tighter to me, with one hand resting behind her lower back and the other cupping her head; I place my forehead on hers. A twinge of regret floods me for a moment, then is replaced by sadness; why couldn't she want me on her own. I feel her relax; it's soothing. At this moment, I changed my mind. I want her, but not this way. I want to earn her, deserve her; she has me twisted up. "I'm sorry, Piccolo Lupa, for everything. I was wrong to hit you and to have you tasered and then kidnapped. Now that I have said it aloud, I realize how much of a bastardo I really am." "I can't really argue with that, but you also forgot about scaring me with the whole werewolf thing." A light giggle escapes her beautiful mouth. How she can find the ability to laugh about what she has been through today amazes me. "Do you think you could ever forgive me? Maybe let me start over, give me a second chance?" What in the f**k is happening? This woman has me apologizing and asking for forgiveness. "Honestly, every shred of logic I have tells me to run as far away from you as possible, but something is pulling me towards you, and I can't explain it." I can, and it's not just something, but a potent potion created by an even more powerful witch to mimic the mate bond. And if your wolf wasn't still subdued,, and I had the entire amount, you and I would be fully marked, claimed, and mated right now. "I feel it too. For the first time in my life, I am ashamed of the man I am. I was raised to be a furfante, and I was fine with that until I met you. I want to be worthy of you." 'What are you doing?' Rocco, clearly annoyed with my hesitation, 'mark her already, get this over with.' he demands. 'She is a female Alpha; she will only respect your dominance and strength. Show her who is in charge.' "Are you okay?" Breelynn's soft voice drowns Rocco's out. "You seemed to have drifted away for a minute." "The guy from the Farmers Market, is he your boyfriend?" Breelynn pulls away from me, taking her warmth with her. My body instantly aching for her to return, to thaw everything cold inside of me with her heat. "I have no idea who he is; he seemed to think he knew me though. He was severely wounded and bleeding pretty badly; I think he must have been delirious. But no, he is definitely not my boyfriend." "But he was awake, talking to you?" If he was awake and talking to her, the bond should have started. "Yes, for a little bit, then he passed out. His friend got him to the hospital, and I left." She can't possibly be his mate. There is no way she would have been able to walk away from them if they were fated mates. So why would he lie? Does he have access to the same potion? Breaking the moment, I hear Bex in my head, 'They're here, Sir, the two from this morning, and I am guessing every warrior he has.' So, he is not dead. There will be no waiting then. Goddess, I don't want to do this. "I am sorry, I have no choice; they are here." Just as she is about to ask who 'they' are, my lips take hers. Soft, sweet, inviting, my tongue plays with her lips taunting them to open. When she does, I convince myself it is because she wants me as much as I want her, but I know it's the potion. Her hands rest on my chest, and as I deepen the kiss, my lust takes over, and I feel the first signs of her pushing me away. But I am bastardo, and the more she fights, the more turned on I get. Releasing her lips, she gasps for the air I have denied her with my kiss. Then I leave a trail of smaller kisses down to the nape of her neck, her skin prickles from the contact. Stopping at the area where her neck curves to her shoulder, right above her collarbone, I lick her. She tenses in my arms. This is the moment we will both remember for a long time. "You are mine, Piccola Lupa; you belong to me." My canines elongate and scrape against her flesh. My c**k hardens against her stomach with both the feel of my fangs scraping her neck and her body struggling against mine. I hold her tighter and break the skin, feeling the two sharp punctures rupture her tender flesh, and then tasting her blood is more than my wolf can handle. He is screaming at me to finish this, throw her on the bed, claim her, and complete the bond. But I can taste it in her blood as I lick the area clean, claiming her now would be too soon; the bond hasn't taken hold. I release her and watch her stumble backward as she cups her hand over the fresh bite. "What did you do?" "I marked you; you are my Piccola Lupa; it means my little she-wolf. Somehow your so-called mate survived that knife wound, but it doesn't matter. He will reject you now that you are marked, and nothing will keep us apart." Grabbing her again, I allow myself one last kiss before I leave. When I let her go, I see traces of blood on her lips, and once again, my d**k hardens to stone. As I turn to leave the room, I discreetly adjust myself so she can't see, then walk out of the room as if nothing happened. BREELYNN'S POV He bit me! He f*****g bit me, then walked away. I pull my hand away from the bite, and my fingers are covered in a pinkish-colored puss that smells awful. The bite itself burns, and the skin is very sensitive with sharp pains. My hands are shaking, my adrenaline has spiked, and too much has happened and is still happening. Why would he bite me? Who does that? I walk to the door, but of course, it is locked. All my frustration bubbles over, and I start pounding my fists and kicking my feet against the door. "Let me out, Marco! Open this door. You can't keep me here." But he can and he is. I know banging on the door like a lunatic isn't going to work, but it feels good, so I keep doing it. The burning sensation on the bite starts to get to be too much, so I give up on the futile door battering. I head to the bathroom to put a damp rag on it and clean it up. I don't think this day could get any worse, but I am too afraid to say it out loud just in case I somehow jinx myself.
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