Chapter 1

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I gazed out at the landscape as the Sonoran desert flew past me.  My long wavy auburn hair blowing in the wind.  The windows open in the BMW SUV and Sugar Ray playing over the radio.  I was enjoying the cool breeze blowing across my face. I felt my skin absorbing the sun rays.  My plane had just landed.  Coming in from Vancouver Canada which saw rain about ninety percent of the year.  Here I was moving to the sunniest region in the world.  This was obviously going to be a shock to my system.  There were things that I was going to miss about Vancouver. The deep greens of the almost jungle like forest.  The moss grows on the roofs.  The scent of the ocean on the air.  But the Phoenix mountain system was poking up in the distance and it had its own unique charms.  The song on the radio changed and Adele cried to my ears.  I thought to myself.  Hello to the other side from me too Phoenix.  I could see the typical desert flora poking out from the dry and almost dead looking landscape.  Succulents poked up from the red soil, cacti towering above the dry ground below.  The ever populous tumbleweed scattered throughout the scene. I did not know all of the plantlife visible, and I wondered if I ever would.  My fear of snakes would probably keep me to the city and out of the wilderness.  I wondered to myself how many types of venomous snakes happened to reside here.  Then I quickly shook it off.  I did not want to force myself to change my mind, and get on a plane back to Canada.  At 17 I was a senior in highschool, and after this final year I would be going to university.  I didn’t have to move to Phoenix with my father. But I couldn’t stand the emotional turmoil at home any longer.  My mother Caryl and her new husband Harry were currently expecting a new baby.  I did not want the screaming child to keep me up at night. I could hardly believe that my mother was bearing me a sibling.  When she had sat me down for the announcement I had a typical teenage fit.  Why was this happening to me at such a bad time? I had asked for a sibling for years and years.  She decided to wait until I was so much older.  Too much older.  I had yelled and screamed, stomped my feet like a child.  Threatened to run away, threatened to drop out of school.  Told Harry I hated him.  When they had told me that I was going to have to share my room with the invader it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.  Little did I know that when the hormones kicked in my mother was going to throw her own fits.  Every single day.   I couldn’t do it and so I had concocted a plan.  That was what had brought me here to Phoenix.  I was coming to live with my father, Tim.  Tim was the bachelor type, never marrying especially after my mother had packed up and left while she was pregnant with me. After seeing her pregnant with the new baby I had decided it had not been his fault as she had originally claimed.  I had been born in her hometown.  The cold and wet northern city of Vancouver. I got most of my features from Tim.  He had pale skin and freckles, with auburn hair.  His Irish ancestry obvious at one glance.  He was tall with broad shoulders and big hands.  Not a fat man but definitely heavy set.  His full head of hair looked brown inside the car, but as soon as the sun hit it I knew it would shine with the same dark red as mine.  His blue eyes were the exact same shade as mine and the freckles on his nose gave me something to look forward to.  I knew the sun here would give me more spots than I already had.  I did not really know Tim that well.  I had spent the summers with him while he was living in New York.  But as soon as he moved to Phoenix I found the summers far too hot.  From then on I would only spend christmas break with him.  The decision to move here had been a hard one.  As stressful as living with mom had been, I didn’t actually want to leave.  I had stood at the phone, my hand shaking for twenty minutes, trying to gather up the courage to call him. I loved Vancouver and I loved my mother.  But I just couldn’t fight with her anymore.  The phone had rang through only once before he had answered.   “Caryl?” “Ummm no dad it’s Liv” “Olivia! Wow how are you doing baby?” Oh how I hated it when he called me Olivia.  He refused to use any other name.  Insisting that it was part of my identity.  His mother’s name had been Olivia, hence my calling.  I hated people who dragged their feet.  So I quickly cut to the chase.  There was no way I would ask if I sat there sugar coating it.   “I’m fine Ti.. Dad,” I said, quickly changing from Tim to Dad, it hurt his feelings when I called him Tim.   “I was wondering if I could come live with you in Phoenix?”  His excitement had been evident immediately.  His demeanour changing rapidly to upbeat and overly happy.   “What! Of course you can! I would love to have you I can register you in the local highschool and you’ll have your own room.  Oh this will be so perfect.”  Had I known he would be so abundantly accepting of my idea I would have had nothing to be nervous about.  And so the move was planned.  My mother, sad to see me go but happy to get a nursery for her new baby had been teary eyed dropping me off at the Vancouver International Airport.   As I was quietly remembering to myself how I got here I noticed Tim taking an exit into a subdivision of nice new homes.  Adobe style homes with palm trees and agaves flashed by until we turned into the driveway of his brand new development home.  In the back of my mind I wondered if he had just purchased this home specially for me.  I knew that it wasn’t the house he had been living in at christmas time. This was much larger and more extravagant.  It was a modern style adobe home, with a dark auburn roof and doors.  The windows were large arched and beautiful.  The front yard a beautiful rock garden.  There were some strange trees I did not recognize, as well as some flowering shrubs as a little extra decor.  Ferns and large rocks scattered within the yard.  He parked in front of the garage and I wondered to myself why he didn’t choose to go into the garage.  I opened my door of the car.  As Tim ran to grab my bags for me.  Then he unlocked the dark red door for me letting me into the foyer.  I was stunned, why hadn’t I lived with him forever? Talk about upgrade Liv.  The foyer was large and bright.  With an intricate spiral staircase leading to the upstairs.  In front of me was the huge living room.   With an open ceiling showing the balcony for the upstairs.  I figured that it must be at least 25 feet to the roof.  A fireplace was glowing on the wall in the living room.  I chuckled to myself it has to be at least 90 degrees today the fireplace is not needed.  A huge cabinet located next to the fireplace must hold a flat screen but I wanted to explore before I settled in too any electronics. I could see part of the back yard through the window in the far wall of the living room it looked beautiful and I prayed for a pool.  To the left I could see a bright open dining room.  It joined in with the kitchen that I could also see through the living room.  Beautiful tall oak cabinets with dark countertops and stone backsplashes.  A gas range and a dishwasher.  I could hardly contain myself at the sight of a dishwasher. To the right was an open office space.  With a beautiful dark desk and cute shelving set up.  He had to have hired a decorator.  This was definitely an upgrade from the 2 bedroom cabin mom and Harry had me living in.  Around the corner I could see a hall with doors.  But Tim was leading me up the spiral staircase to what I assumed was my room. From the top of the stairs I could see down into the living room over the balcony.  It only made the house appear even more beautiful.  He led me into a huge bedroom.  Painted a beautiful pale blue with a pale brown accent wall.  Two doors led off of it I would explore those when I was alone.  I turned to Tim,  “Thanks Ti… errr Dad… this room is beautiful.” He smiled warmly at me, I was surprised to see the love in his eyes.  “Let me know if you need anything Olivia, I will let you settle in.  My room is just down the hall.” He left me to explore knowing the kind of person I am would make me search the whole house.  I looked around at the room.  I was in awe.  I had never been so spoiled.  When I had lived with him before my rooms were never this indulgent.  Even though I knew Tim had money he had always seemed conservative with it.  I had been given an allowance at home from him of a thousand dollars a month.  I had paid my cell phone bill with it.  Kept a little bit for myself and gave the rest to my mom to help her with bills.  Through one of the doors in my room was a massive walk in closet.  It had bars full of hangers, shelves upon shelves of storage space and drawer after drawer.  I could have fit my entire old room into this closet.  The funny thing was that I had everything I owned crammed into 3 bags.  Then through magical door number 2 was a beautiful ensuite bathroom.  Oak cabinets that matched the kitchen.  A shower that was separate from the tub with stone wall and floor and a fancy steam rain shower combo.  I could barely contain myself and was tempted to climb directly into the huge jacuzzi but I needed to explore first.   Out my door and down the hall was a family room with a huge comfy looking couch, cozy nesting chair and another flat screen.  Down the hall from that was Tim’s bedroom as well as two spare rooms.  He was coming out of his room as I peeked my head into one of them.   “Olivia if you ever want anyone to come stay here, friends, or even your mom we have more than enough room.”  I smiled at him and nodded, knowing very well that my mother would never come to stay here with Tim in the same house.  I never knew what had happened, why she had left but she had a deep distaste for Tim.  I wondered how they would fare when I graduated and how they would get through all the large things that would happen to me in my life.  One day I would get married.  Possibly make them grandparent’s.  They couldn’t even have a conversation right now.  It had been 17 years and I couldn’t really see the situation repairing now.   “I’m going to go look at the yard ok Dad!” I shouted over my shoulder as I headed down the stairs and walked out through the french doors in the kitchen.  No pool was immediately visible.  There was a cute little patio with a table.  Around the corner there was a gorgeous outdoor living space.  A cozy looking patio couch with two chairs.  An outdoor fireplace and a water feature off the side of it.  I felt myself deflate a little bit.  I wanted a private pool in this desert I was going to have to live in.  Tim came through the doors behind me.   “Olivia, I have something for you if you want to come with me.” He said.   He had always been so gentle spoken.   I followed him through the door on the wall behind the sitting area.  This was down the hall from the foyer and I could see into another bedroom.  This house was big enough for 8 people easily.  Tim led me to the right and out into the garage.  When he flicked on the light in front of me was a cute little car.   A red BMW.  This one was smaller than Tim’s.  The top was down and the black leather interior was perfectly spotless.  I looked up at Tim who was smiling down at me.  He was obviously hoping that I would approve.  How could I not? He coughed and said,  “I thought that you might need a car to get around with.  Pretty sure that you don’t want to ride the bus.”  Beside myself with joy I wrapped my arms around his waist. I wasn’t sure that I had ever hugged him before.   “OH MY GOD! Tii…. Dad thanks so much! This is so much better than a pool.” He looked at me with a funny look for a second and then said,  “Oh we have a pool, it’s two houses down, it’s a communal pool there is also a work out room and a library.  It’s only for people living in this complex so outsiders cannot just walk in and use it.”  “Oh, that’s great thanks dad.” I did not let him know that I would never use it.  I had wanted a private pool for a reason. Then I said, “You know you don’t have to buy me fancy things right? I’m just happy to have my own room.” I meant it too.  I didn’t need materialistic things.  He smiled and gave me a peck on the forehead. “I needed an SUV so I kept my old car for you. Call it a welcome home gift Olivia.” He answered.  After gracefully offering him another thank you I excused myself and headed up to my room to unpack, shower and jump into bed.  I was exhausted from my air travel and I felt dirty from being in airports.  Plus it was well after dinner and the sun was going down.  I had a few days to explore before school started.   I loved my room it was so big and bright and beautifully furnished.  I had never really had anything nice.  I pulled my old black suitcase up onto the bed and opened it up.  Every article of clothing that I had was crammed into this small bag.  It was really quite depressing.  I would get a job now that I had a car and buy myself some clothes.  I put my jeans into the dresser only filling one drawer.  Hung my hoodies in the closet leaving the huge walk in bare.  Then I put my plain cotton t shirts into one more drawer and reserved one for underwear.  My wardrobe was really quite pitiful.  I then opened up my carry on.  Pulled out my pajamas and my bathroom bag and headed for the shower.   The rain shower head was amazing.  Like standing underneath a waterfall.  The best part was that when I turned the shower on it began to steam and a heat lamp turned on.  I had brought my shampoo but the shower had been fully stocked with what appeared to be really expensive hair products.  Leave it to Tim.  He had always been so thoughtful.  The shampoo smelled like floral foam and felt great in my hair.  The conditioner was silky smooth and the body products were fantastic smelling and soft.  By the time I exited the shower I smelled like an english garden and I was extremely sleepy.  As I stepped out I realized that I had no idea where the towels were.  I began opening doors.  The last one I opened looked somewhat like a fridge.  Pulling it open I realized that it was actually a built in towel warmer.  I was so blown away by this amazing new home.  Quite excited now that I was here.  Even if I was already a little homesick.  I wrapped the huge warm towel around myself and brushed my teeth.  Then I slipped into my flannel pajamas and a baggy t-shirt and headed into my bedroom.   The huge canopy bed with a giant fluffy duvet looked so comfy and welcoming.  Giant feather pillows littered the head of it.  I took my hair out of the towel and started to run my fingers through my loose wavy waist length hair. I could always appreciate my hair.  Minimal attention and it always looked great.  In the huge full length mirror beside the closet I saw my pale skin.  I hated my pale skin.  It looked so sickly to me.  Made only paler by my hair.  If I spent time in the sun I got awful freckles that drove me insane.  My eyes drifted down to my chest.  Large and perky for sure.  Definitely something that I could use to my advantage if I could ever rid myself of that stupid belly.  It protruded from between my hips like a pool tube.  I hated it so much.  I had tried diets and exercises.  I was active and I ate well.  But I could never get rid of it.  When I did ab workouts it only seemed to get harder but larger.  With a huff I pulled my shirt back down on it.  Flicked on the small lamp on the bedside and flicked off the overhead light.  As I was pulling back the covers which were heavy and thick a roar began to fill my ears.  I stopped to listen for a minute.  The roar getting louder turning more into a rumble and slowly into something I recognized.  A motorcycle.   My curiosity peaked  and I walked over to the large floor to ceiling windows across the room.  I peered out.  Then realized they were not windows.  They were patio doors.  I had a balcony.  Oh my gosh I was so spoiled.  Beside myself excited I opened them and stepped out into the hot Phoenix night.  The heat washed over my body.  For a minute I felt a pang of desire for the brisk air of Vancouver.  The motorcycle was continuously growing louder.  I stared out over the street below.  Looking around at the neighbouring houses.  The house across the street was where the motorcycle went.  It pulled up into the driveway and then silenced.  The man who was sitting astride it was dressed in all black leather.  I could see that he had wide broad shoulders.  As he pulled his helmet off it revealed his short dark chocolate brown hair.  Still sitting on the bike he removed his leather jacket revealing a white wife beater and large bulging muscles.  Tattoos littered his arms and shoulders moving as his muscles ripped.  Damn he is sexy I thought to myself.    I leaned onto the railing of my balcony placing my chin onto the palm of my left hand.  Watching this good looking neighbour definitely would not hurt my feelings any.  He stood up and swung his leg over the beast of a machine.  Placing the keys to his bike into the pocket of his jeans that were under his riding chaps.  I noticed a dog tag around his neck and I felt the desire to know what it said.  For some strange reason instead of turning to walk into his house he turned and looked directly at me.  I straightened quickly.  Embarrassed at being caught gawking.  My eyes instinctively met with his.  I wondered instantly what colour they were.  His skin was quite dark making me look even more pale.  I was surprised by how young he appeared.  He had to have been only a few years older than I was. Despite the extremely mature muscling of his body.  His face was young.  He was clean shaven with a strong and sturdy jaw bone.  His nose was small and straight and he had a slight shadow of facial hair.  There was no denying he was sexy.  He turned and began unzipping his riding chaps.  As he moved the light from the street caught a scar a long his collar bone.  It was relatively new.  Still pink from healing.  It was around six inches long and thick.  It made him look more rugged and I found myself desiring to touch it.  I wondered where it had come from.  I found my curiosity holding me in my spot. Staring at this man.  In that one instance the universe pulled me towards him and I knew instantly he was someone I wanted in my life.  After removing his chaps he turned and looked at me again.  I still stood there watching him.  Then his lips curled up into a sly little smirk I wasn’t sure if he was laughing at me and he suddenly turned and headed into his house.
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