Chapter 2: This Is My Guy

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Vel’s POV Wow. That was all I could say when I got out of the public vehicle that I rode on the way to this school. I was just at the gate yet I can already partially see the inside and how extraordinary it looked like. I knew they didn’t call it the most prestigious school for nothing. My excitement and nervousness at the same time were killing me. I didn’t know what to expect on my first day but I definitely was hoping for the best.  I took my enrolment form from my bag since I would be using it in the meantime to enter the school while waiting to receive my ID card. I showed them to the guards and they let me in. I looked around and was amazed by how it looked like from the inside. It was way beyond what I imagined it to be. This place rocks! How do I describe this? Well, the school’s field is far different from my old schools. The grasses were trimmed properly that it almost looked like a golf course and yes, it was huge. I looked to the other side and saw the huge buildings that were surrounding me. Jeez, I think I am going to have a hard time finding my classrooms now. I just wish the professors won’t be hard on us now considering that this is our first day. I looked at how diverse the students here are. Some were on the field and talking to each other while others were at the bench singing while someone was playing the guitar. I also saw other students reading books while they sat under the tree. They all looked rich and expensive; like they are children of the richest of the richest there are. I sighed; I can do this. I am here to get the best education so I can land a good job when I graduate. This is for my family; I can do this.  I looked at my enrolment form and my class schedule; let’s get this on. The earlier I’ll get used to this, the better. This is just college; I can do this just like how I overcome junior and senior high school days. I walked over to the building that says COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and immediately looked for my classroom there. It wasn’t hard to find since each room was labeled accordingly. I saw my room and immediately got inside. I was nervous as I opened the door wider and saw that there were already a few students inside. They didn’t greet me or anything. They just gave me a look of disgust and then turned away as if they have never seen me. I was nervous. Did my choice of clothes give me away? I looked at my skinny jeans, white shirt, and white shoes; I looked fine but I don’t look like them with their branded clothes and expensive bags. Yes, I am not rich but at least I have manners. Maybe they were wondering why a poor-looking woman is at their school. I ignored them and sat down at one of the vacant chairs on the far back and sighed. I looked at each and everyone in the room and they looked busy with whatever they were up to. Some were on their phones while others were talking. I even heard a group of girls gossiping and shrieking that I couldn’t help but eavesdrop on.  ‘He is really our classmate; I heard from his friend,’ ‘Wow, what a lucky day ‘Oh he is just so hot’ ‘and handsome too’ Those were just a few of the things that I heard them say. Who are they talking about? Why do they seem to be so interested in this person that they say is hot and handsome? I mean, this is the first day of school and that is what they were busy for? Come on; we’re here to study and not hunt handsome boys. I didn’t have time to think too much of that since our instructor came in and we settled on our seats. No one is seated beside me which I think is quite a good thing so I don’t have to deal with anyone. ‘Okay class, since this is the first day, I would like to meet each and every one of you. Let me introduce myself first and you do the same as well, would that be fine?’ “Yes ma’am,” We all said in unison. I didn’t know that self-introduction during the first day of school is still a thing when you’re in college but I guess it still is. No one complained and we listened carefully. I guess students here are serious when it comes to academics as well and not just here for anything else other than learning. Ma’am Melendez introduced herself and then we would be doing the same next. I was glad that I sat at the far back so I would go to the front lastly to introduce myself. I listened and tried so hard to memorize my classmates’ names but I was not really good at memorizing names so I ended up forgetting most of them. It was fun; some of my classmates who already knew each other way back made fun of each other which made the whole introduce yourself thing fun. And then it was my turn, I felt a bit nervous since everyone was looking at me as if I was an alien who came to Earth. I cleared my throat and then started talking. Here goes nothing, I thought to myself. I looked at each and every one of them before I started speaking. “Good morning, my name is Yzavella Mortiz, I am a first-year student taking up business management. I am 18 years old and I love playing volleyball. I hope we can get along well.” I said and was about to sit down when the door banged open and to my surprise, he came in. I never thought I’ll be able to see him more so be his classmate on the first day. I sighed as I looked at him who looked like he had just run a marathon. So, this is my guy right here. 
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