Chapter 25: Busy Bee

1053 Words

Our classes just ended and I told Dale that I would go ahead of him. I still have to drop to the mall to do some groceries since there are some things that I needed which were not available at home. "Do you want to ride with me? It's just on the way to my condo, you know, I can just drop you off," He offered. I thought about it dor a while but he didn't give me time to decline. He pulled me towards the elevator and oy let go of me hand when we were inside and were going down to the ground floor. I laughed to myself. Does this guy even accept no for an answer? I mean, we were together almost the whole day and now he wants to drive me home to the supermarket? He's starting to look like my driver today. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" I asked as I laughed. "I mean, I know you're

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