13: Second Day

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I was lying on my bed thinking about what just happened that night. Things were a bit fast and I didn't know how I ended up having dinner with Dale Sanders,of all people. Can you believe it? I was already preparing myself for bed when my phone beeped. It was almost nine in the evening already. It was friend and follow request from,none other than, Dale himself. Wait, how did he find my account? I didn't think he had my last name. I accepted it and not long after, he messaged me. 'Hi.' A simple word but it made me smile somehow. I didn't know why maybe because I appreciate him being friendly to me seeing that I was new to this place. 'Hello' I messaged him back. 'You have cute photos,' He said and then notifications of him liking my online photos came through. Oh my gosh, he's stalking me! 'Stalker' I typed. It took him longer to respond probably because he was busy liking my old posts. Wow, now I felt conscious about what I posted from before. I just let him do that. If we're going to be friends then so be it. He can see my chubby face from before, I don't mind at all. I arranged my pillows and turned off my lights leaving the lamp alone. My phone beeped again and it was another message from him. 'Good night, chubby cheeks,' He said and I groaned. Yeah, he did saw my old pictures. I admit, I was a bit chubby back then but I guess I went through puberty and I look better now, healthier and more energetic than before. 'Whatever you say, latecomer, good night,' I messaged him back and put my phone on the bed side table. I need to sleep already. I have early class tomorrow and I didn't want to miss it just because I woke up late. I closed my eyes but every time I do that I recall what happened on my very first day at the campus. I met Max and found a friend in him. There goes Dale as well, who, I think isn't so bad after all. Everything was just too overwhelming for me. These two guys who I happen to had an encounter with are famous at school and now I think girls wouldn't want to hang out or even befriend me since they would think that I was flirting with them. Jeez, not even my slightest intention. The thoughts of Max winning the game and Dale coming up to me kept me awake for quite some time. It felt like I've did so much considering that it was just my first day. Wow, things are going on fast. I didn't report much to Mr. and Mrs. Sanders today. I don't know if they had him followed or if I was being followed as well. If they did, then they would know now that we went out. My guess was that they didn't seeing that they didn't ask me about it when I got home. ~~~ If only I could kill the alarm clock then I would, I was still sleepy yet I had to get up. I turned it off and softly rubbed my eyes before opening them. It was almost seven in the morning and I have to be in school at nine. Jeez, I still have to shower and eat. I make sure that I get to have breakfast at my apartment since the cafeteria foods are so expensive. I didn't want to spend money on something that I know was overpriced. It just won't make sense when I can do it at home and save a fortune. I immediately went out of my room and decided to make some coffee first. I still have time since the school was near. I like having coffee in the morning since it keeps me awake. I toasted some bread as well and then took some to butter to eat it with. That was my breakfast already; nothing fancy. I stayed in the kitchen for a while enjoying my cup of happiness before I decided that it was time to shower and get ready. I chose a white halter cropped top and high waisted denim skirt paired with white rubber shoes to go for the second day. I know my outfit isn't exactly in line with most of the students there who look like they are on the runway of some fashion show but it was what makes me comfortable and I also don't have the same clothing line that they have. Plus, I'm going there to study and not work as a model or something. I laughed at that thought. I fixed my hair which I curled on the end part and then put it on a ponytail leaving some strands of my side bangs to make me look more chic. It's actually one of my favorite go-to hairstyles. I don't do makeup but I use lip tints just to gave colour to my lips. You know, just to look fresh, since I was using a shade of pink. I don't want to raise my own here but I do know that I have the body and the face as well; a lot of people at our small neighborhood told me that a couple of times. They say I could pass as a model or as an actress but I don't think I am interested in such things or I don't know, maybe yes maybe no. Maybe I just wasn't presented the opportunity yet or that I didn't make on for me either. All I know is that I need to study so that I could land a good job that can help me and my family. I sprayed perfume on me and looked at myself on the mirror. I looked ready for another day, I guess. I was all good. I took one last glance before I took my white backpack and headed out. I just hope this would be a great day.
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