Chapter 4: An Envelope

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FLASHBACK CONTINUATION… “Mom, what are they like? Are they strict?” I said. “Do you think they’ll ask me difficult questions?” “Just relax, okay?” Mom said. “You’ll be fine.” “I can’t just relax Mom,” I said. “This will be my first time to meet them and I have no idea what it’s going to be,” “They’re good and I’m pretty sure you’ll be just fine,” She said. “Alright,” I said and breathed heavily. We were in a public vehicle going to where my Mom works. It was just a few kilometers away from our house. Although it was going to be my first time there, I had already seen the house from the outside when Mom told me to drop by so I could get money for groceries. It was huge, like the mansion that one could see on televisions. Basically, I already have an idea of what the house looks like but I am clueless about the people there. “We’re here,” Mom said and she asked for the driver to stop. I saw the house again. Nothing has changed since the last time that I came here although I was basically just at the gate during that time. I didn’t think that any visitor was allowed to go inside. Mom walked to the gate and the guard immediately recognized her and opened the gate for us. “This is my daughter, Vel,” Mom said. “She was invited here by the owners of the house,” “Yeah, come on in,” He said and motioned for us to move forward. Mom nodded and I was just beside her. At that moment, I had the time to look at the house up close and personally. When I said that it was huge from the outside, I think that it was an understatement. It was way bigger and more spacious when you’re inside. I saw several house helpers who were already starting their day; some were watering the plants and the others were cleaning some windows. Wow, how rich can this family be? “Vel? Vel?” Mom called out and I didn’t notice that I was already behind her. I just can’t help but be amazed at everything around me. “Come here; we don’t want them to wait.” “Y-Yeah,” I said and ran towards her. “Mom, this house is like a mansion. Can they even see each other here, considering how big this is?” “Of course they do,” Mom said. “They eat together and that’s the only time that they are together, so we had better get going. Come on,” “Alright,” I said and followed her. I thought that we were going to enter through the main entrance through the glass doors, but I was wrong. We went to the back of the house and entered through a small door that led us to the kitchen. Gosh, we walked by the parking space and they have multiple cars. How many exactly are living here? They have LOTS of cars. “Mom, why didn’t we use the main door?” I said. “We, the workers here, are not allowed to use that door. We shall always enter and get out through the back.” She said. “Oh,” I said. That, I think, is discrimination. I mean, it is just a door, right? Why aren’t they allowed to use it when it is more convenient? “Stay here,” Mom said and she led me to a small room with four beds as she went out to probably check on her employers. This is probably the maid’s quarter. It was a little bit bigger than our rooms at home and a bit more spacious too. I sat on one of the beds as I waited for mom to come back. Jeez, I can’t even imagine how tiring mom’s work could be and she still has to take care of us when she gets home. She had been a stay-in-house helper before but she requested from her employers to let her go home every night and come back every morning and they agreed. She said that she wanted to spend time with us, even just during dinner time, and I appreciated that of her. “Vel?” Mom called out as the door opened. “Come on,” I stood up and took my sling bag with me and followed her. “They wanted to talk to you in the study room alone.” She said when we were walking through a hallway. “Study room?” I said. “What is that?” “That’s where they work when they’re at home,” Mom said. “It’s like their home office.” “Oh,” I said. How cool is that? They have their own office at home? Hell, we don’t even have a spare room at home, yet they have their own study room. “Listen,” Mom said when we stopped at a wooden door. “Just answer their questions politely and you’ll be good to go. I’m sure they just want to get to know you a little bit more so they’ll be sure to grant you the scholarship.” I breathed out and nodded. “Well, I’ll do my best,” “Great,” She said and then turned the door handle and opened the door wider. She told me to get in and so I did. She then closed the door behind me and I started getting nervous. I looked around the room and I saw books, laptops, and other office-like stuff there. Until I looked at the corner and saw two individuals; I guess these were the owners of the house. I breathed heavily again and started walking towards them. The woman was smiling at me while the gentleman was keeping a poker face. He looked scary. I smiled and greeted her, “Good morning ma’am, sir,” I said. “I am Yzavella, daughter of your house helper Alicia,” “Good morning dear,” The woman said. “It’s nice to finally meet you,” “It’s nice to meet you too,” I said delightfully. “Take a seat,” Mr. Sanders said and offered me a seat at their table. “I am Hailey Sanders and this is my husband, Damian Sanders,” She said, and I nodded. “So, your mom told us that you have decided to take the scholarship,” Mr. Sanders said. I gulped and turned to him. “Yes, I did.” “That’s great,” Mrs. Sanders said. “We are delighted by that good news, dear.” “Oh,” I said. “I am just thankful that you have chosen to finance my college studies.” “No, we are thankful to you and your mom,” Mrs. Sanders said. Listen, Vel, right?” Mr. Sanders said. “Yes, Vel is fine,” I said. Where is this conversation going? “We are grateful that you are accepting our offer,” Mr. Sanders said. “And there is just one thing that we want you to do for us.” Oh, oh, why do I feel like I am not going to like what I am going to hear next?  “What is it? “Our son, Dale Ian Sanders, is going to college at that school too. We want you to keep an eye on him while he’s on campus. We want you to report to us whatever he’s doing, whether he’s bullying some students, getting into fistfights, or even dating girls at school. We want to know everything he does there.” Mr. Sanders said. They want me to spy on their son? But, why? It just doesn’t seem right. “Why do you want me to do that?” I asked curiously. “Well, our son is stubborn and we want him to learn a lesson from his mistakes, so we want to know what he will be up to when he gets to college.” Mrs. Sanders said. “I don’t think that’s fair,” I said. “Listen, we just want you to tell us what he’s up to when he’s at school, okay?” Mr. Sanders said. “There’s nothing hard about that, right?” He was scary. It was as if he could get the life out of me just by looking at me straight in the eyes. I had no choice. I didn’t think that they would still grant me the scholarship if I declined their request, so I nodded. “Great,” Mr. Sanders said. “Now, I’ll get going and I have a meeting to catch. Hon, you can carry on from here on, right?” “Of course,” Mrs. Sanders said. I stood up when he left after kissing his wife goodbye. Now it was just the two of us. “I’m sorry about that,” Mrs. Sanders said. “He can be a little intimidating sometimes.” A little? I even thought that I was going to die there and she said that he was just a little intimidating? Hell, he is more than just that. “I-It’s fine,” I said. She walked towards me and held both my shoulders. “I want you to know that you are doing us a huge favor and we are thankful for that. My son, he’s just too proud and playful, we just want him to learn a lesson and be serious in college. So when he does something and you let us know about it, we can give him the punishment that he deserves; it might be getting his phone, cutting his allowance, or taking his car from him. We would do that and would even go beyond that just for him to get his life on the line.” She said. “I hope you understand where we are coming from.” I sighed and nodded. Now I get what they wanted and I am more than willing to help them. “I understand and I am more than willing to cooperate,” I said. “Oh, thank you, dear,” She said, and then, without saying anything, she hugged me tightly. “You are really a huge help to us.” “You’re very much welcome, ma’am,” I said. “This is nothing compared to the scholarship you are giving me.” “Oh, don’t even mention that,” She said. “It’s nothing.” I smiled and nodded. She is kind; I can see that. They just wanted their son to be on the right path and take his studies and life seriously. There’s nothing wrong with helping them achieve that. “So, are you ready to meet my son?” She said. Uh oh, I didn’t even think of it. For Christ’s sake, I haven’t even met their son. What if he looks like a gangster or a mafia boss? Would I be able to spy on someone like that? “M-meet him?” I said and gulped. “No, no,” She said. “It’s not what you think? You cannot meet him in person or else he’s going to recognize you at school.” Oh, yeah, I haven’t thought of that either. What is going on with me? It felt like my brain cells weren’t functioning at that particular moment. “Here,” She said and handed me an envelope. “That’s everything you need to know about him.” I took the envelope and opened it in front of her. I saw pictures of a young and handsome man; although he looked rugged and playful in some of the photos and bossy in some. He had long hair and a nice body built. Well, he and Mr. Sanders kind of looked alike; the resemblance can’t be missed. “He is studying business management too,” Mrs. Sanders said. “I heard from your Mom that you would be taking up the same.” “Yeah, I do,” I said while I was still busy looking at his photos. His face can’t be hard to miss. I’m sure I can immediately recognize him when we bump into each other on campus. “So, what do you think?” Mrs. Sanders said. “Well, I think I can pull this off,” I said and smiled. “Great!” She said and then clapped her hands. “She can’t know about this deal, alright?” “Of course,” I said and nodded. “Well then, I think we’re settled here,” She said and handed me another envelope. I accepted them thinking that it was another set of photos of their son but I almost dropped it when I saw what was inside. “Ma’am, what is this?” I said as I tried to give her back the envelope that was full of cash. “I am not asking for any payment from you. I will do it freely.” “No, no, don’t think of that as a payment,” She said. “That is just a part of my graduation gift for you. Please, take it.” “Ma’am, this is really too much,” I said. “I cannot accept this.” She held my hand and sighed. “Just please accept it, will you? You can use that when classes start.” I saw the determination in her eyes and I knew that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I sighed and nodded. I put the envelope in my bag and thanked her. That morning, I left the mansion with a task on my hand that I needed to fulfill. This is going to be crazy!
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