Chapter 66

1648 Words

Pepper By the time I woke up, the sun was shining bright outside. Even though my dreams were clear of nightmares, I didn’t feel rested. My head laid on his chest, and I could hear his heart’s rhythmic beats. He looked peaceful, but I couldn’t stay and watch him. Instead, I left the warmth of the bed and quietly changed and snuck downstairs. Everything that had happened last night made my stomach turn. The image of Emily’s face when I grabbed her kept flashing in my mind. Of her falling, and her lifeless body hitting the ground. I couldn’t tell if I truly remembered it, or if I had fabricated it in my mind. All I truly knew was what I had done. I had killed her. I’d seen people die before when I couldn’t cure their illness. But it had never been at my own hand. I knew it had to be done;

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