Chapter 69

1079 Words

The sliding door slammed behind me as I walked out onto the patio. I tried adjusting my pants that were now too tight. I thought of things to make myself flaccid, but controlling my thoughts was difficult. Such a cruel, seductress woman with her soft lips and her scent and- I growled at myself as my c*ck grew harder, making my jeans painful. I walked around the lilac bush and Mitch stood out by the edge of the forest. My leg stung as I limped towards him. Is this d*mn leg ever going to get better? The fresh helped calm me. I didn’t need him smelling what I’d just been doing. I hope this doesn’t take long. After all the commotion with Amaryllis coming back, the day had gone by faster than I thought. It was well past noon, and the sun would set in a few hours. As I got closer, he waved,

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