Chapter 26

2076 Words

The rest of the night was uneventful, and when we returned, House remained the same. We went our separate ways; I went up to my room, and he went to the infirmary. It was hard to sleep; Rhett’s story had given me more questions. How did Astrid get the totem? Why did she take it? Hundreds of totems had been taken, and she had one of them. They used some of the totems, like Astrid's, while destroying the rest so the wolves couldn't use them. I felt tainted, knowing my ancestors had been part of such a horrendous time in history. I knew history existed, but never connected myself as a part of it. Where are you Gran? I have so many questions for you. Did she know what the book was when she asked me to find it? Did she know I would need it? I tossed and turned all night, and dark, looming figu

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