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"Are you okay?" Justin approached me from behind, taking my hand in his as he enveloped me in a hug, wrapping his entire self around me like a warm blanket. "I wasn't cold, Justin." I leaned forward and out of his embrace, and he sighed and stepped around me, leaning against the rails next to me as I looked out into the town. "I just wanted to hold you for a bit." He answered blowing out a puff of steam as the cold winds gently blew by. "It's cold out, and you aren't wearing any weather-friendly clothes right now, if someone sees you-" "I know that but I can't say I care much about exposure at this point." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "The Bureau knows what I look like thanks to you coming for me when you did, and if that wasn't enough I made myself known even before that with the council, we're well past that point already." I huffed and Justin sighed and nodded. "Do I need an excuse to hold you now then, am I supposed t always wait?" He asked, and I took a moment and thought about the way I had said it, it sounded bad, I didn't mean to be that accusing, but I had made it sound like he was the one to blame; that was unfair. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, Justin," I leaned on his shoulder and hooked his hand with mine. "I just… I have a lot to think about right now." I tried explaining but he sucked in a breath, and I felt his heart skip a beat as he held back what I presumed would have been a harsh retort and instead looked at me. "Kay, you're not alone, you do not need to act like you are, you set aside the life you wanted to pursue something that you believed in, you want your people free, and I understand that; I do." He placed his free hand on my head and ran his nails through my hair, getting a pleased sigh out of me as I closed my eyes and let out what sounded like a purr, surprising both of us, but he still continued what he was saying despite the amusement in his eyes. "I chose to support you, there could be terrible consequences to what you've decided on doing, but there was no way I could let you do it alone; I know you have the capabilities to do so but I am your mate, you are the love of my life, we share a destiny, your people are my people." He rested his hand heavily on my head. "Remember that." "That was so corny," I chuckled beneath his palm as the winds blew my buttoned-down blouse open. "The hotel isn't that bad is it?" I asked looking down and through the town. "It is a lot more like a getaway resort than a hotel, to be honest," Justin answered. "I still say something is off about this place though so I don't think I'll be able to relax a bit while we're here." He shrugged. "Do we need to?" I asked looking up at him and slowly shifting my head until his hand fell on my shoulder and then bit him. "We are in one of the most secluded places on earth, right, should we be relaxing right now?" I asked, snuggling beneath his hand and turning my back to the cold air as I trapped myself beneath his body. "I don't think I want to relax," I added, and Justin with a wide smirk grabbed me by my hips and raised me onto the rails slowly trailing his fingers around my back and undoing my bra with one hand while the other took a fist full of my hair and pulled my head backwards exposing my naked neck to his lips. "I hate to break up the fun, but something's come up," Jason called to us from outside of the hotel room and Justin immediately let out a loud groan of displeasure, biting into my neck and then releasing me and looking through the room to the door as Jason turned the knob and opened it, stepping in with a smirk on his face. "I prefer not to be the c**k-block, I know she is an intoxicating woman but…" Jason stopped for a few seconds when Justin turned to him, blocking his view of me as I buttoned my nearly transparent blouse with my back turned to them and growled at him. "Come on Justin, I mean no harm, I came with the intention of being the serious one this time, since I figured you would still be in the honeymoon phase and choose the most inopportune moments to forget why we are here." He chuckled, brushing off his brother's obvious hostility with a wave of his hand, and I got what he meant, their roles were reversed to the first time we met, it was Justin now who was more distracted, I admitted to that sure, but even with all my focus I was just as distracted as he was as soon as I let my guard down. "Fine then, whatever," I turned, picking up my bra off the ground and walking back inside, sliding the balcony window shut and sitting on the bed next to it. "What is it?" I asked, ignoring the obvious fact that he was ogling me in favour of hearing what was important enough to enter uninvited. "The town is being evacuated," Jason answered. "You know, I never seem to get any appreciation for my helping out." "Do you blame her?" Justin retorted as soon as Jason said it, but it was what he said prior that picked at my brain. "Wait, what do you mean by the town being evacuated?" I asked and Jason visually applauded me for being focused while his brother took the chance to retort and lose his cool, he seemed to enjoy tormenting Justin, but I was not going to play into his games, I was better than that. "Exactly what it sounds like dear Mikayla, the already quiet town is slowly being evacuated, it grows more quiet by the minute, I expected you to notice, but instead overheard the start of something interesting so decided to poop the party, I hope you understand." He explained while Justin looked back at me with a perplexed look, he seemed upset that I had allowed Jason to speak after what he had said. "Okay then, have you told the others yet?" I asked and he shook his head reaching for the doorknob again. "By the way, you might want to keep it down, the walls here are incredibly thin," Jason added as a side note and then left the two of us in an awkward silence. "You made it look like you hated him at one point," Justin looked back at me and I raised my brow at him, where was this coming from all of a sudden, surely he didn't feel threatened by his brother… even if I did still have Jason's mark, it was just there because Cidelle suggested we keep it an open link in case of emergencies in any case, it was the same as Tori marking Gregory because she didn't trust him, she now knew where he was at all times, just as it was with me forming a bond of kinship with Haiiro because, it was just a mark, I was still his and his alone. "Justin don't mind that right now, we should think about what we're gonna do about the evacuation." I looked at him seriously, but his seriousness seemed to take a 180 turn in another direction instead when he let out a lamenting sigh and walked off, grabbing his jacket. "Please dress properly, I am going to get the others and bring them back here." Justin started walking even faster. "Justin-" "I'll be back." He broke my invitation and shut the door behind himself, leaving me there in silence and confusion, and a few seconds after the sound of his feet vanished Shiro came through staring at me. "Seiya, Justin is upset." She pointed out looking back at the door, but I was still confused, what was I supposed to do, hate and tell his brother to f**k off every time I saw him? I didn't hate Jason like that, I thought I did at one point but it turned into pity long ago, he was a pathetic person for what he did; the keyword being WAS; Jason was a reformed person, whatever their fight revealed to him back in Hollow Valley changed something in him and I saw his efforts to be a better person, even if his personality was still that of an asshole his actions thus far had spoken for themselves… if there were any that I hated it was the Bureau, those who hated me, Jason did not hate me, and for what has been almost two months I have seen and interacted with him on an almost daily basis, Justin's troubles were not my own, I couldn't read his mind to know what he was thinking, but this was not the first time he was like this either, he was also like this several times on our way here, it just took the slightest interaction for him to suddenly become upset. If only he would have said something instead of keeping whatever it was to himself all the time. "I know," I answered Shiro, she was there to witness his mood swings every time as well, I tried several options to resolve it in my head, but I eventually settled on putting it aside and finding something that didn't expose my body even when I wore it since there would be others in here with me at any moment, and the blouse really was for Justin's eyes only, though that might have been it. Several minutes later Justin returned to our room with Jason and everyone else in tow. "Do you have some kind of plan to deal with the evacuation?" Tori looked at Justin and he shook his head and looked at me for an answer, but I had no clue where to even start so I turned to Gregory gesturing that he say something useful. "Um," He stuttered and then raised a book he had walked with. "I don't know really, there is supposedly some kind of mandatory drill for everyone in Vík where they have to make their way to a church near here; the Vík í Myrdal, which is supposed to be some kind of shelter in case of flooding or earthquakes." He explained and I raised my head as that information came sinking through. "That's right, the volcano is active, that's the whole reason the shores are black," I added and he nodded. "So everyone goes to the church?" Jason asked, seemingly hearing this for the first time. "Even tourists right?" He asked again and both myself and Gregory nodded at him. "Nobody has come to us since we came here earlier, it's almost nightfall." Jason pointed out and we all seemed to take a moment to think about that as well. "Wouldn't it make more sense that the mandatory evacuation takes place at daybreak rather than at night?" He asked and Gregory shrugged, at the very least he got us thinking again. "I can check it out, just in case." Tori volunteered, looking outside. "There probably should be alarms too right?" She asked again looking at the speakers in the corners of the room. "Good idea, I'll come along." Jason volunteered as well. "What is the plan then?" Justin looked at me. "Well," I started, looking back at him and outside. "Considering we never planned to be discreet if we were attacked I think it remains the same; we search the town from top to bottom, every nook and cranny until we know where the shrine is, and after that, we bust them out, if we are faced with any hostility we turn it right back onto them."
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