Chapter 17 - Watch What You Say Around Sam.

4421 Words

Oh my freaking goddess. I couldn't believe what was happening in front of my very own eyes but I was so excited that it was. Two men I love and idolise and have done ever since I can remember, are mated to two women who I also love and idolise and are like family to me. This is so freaking exciting. Axel and Alexis were all over each other from the moment they set their eyes on each other but Johnny and Ava were different. They just stood in shock as they looked at each other like they were seeing a myth come to life which to be fair, I don't blame them because second chance mates are said to be so rare that they're practically considered a myth. "I can't believe this, how is this possible?" "I don't know...I always believed second chance mates were a myth" "Me too" Johnny and Ava

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