The Cast.

1289 Words

Below is some information about our cast including their road names, their spouses and family members. I can understand it can get confusing sometimes when you see different names for the same character or if there are so many characters and you're unsure of who is mates with who, who's family to who or whose club/pack they belong to so I hope this is clear enough for you all. MizzLaura Giovani DiFranco. Road Name - Jawz Mate - Kayden DiFranco Family - Older brother of Ryan, Ryder and Samantha Role - Alpha and president for the Wild Riders MC Ryan DiFranco. Road Name - Manic Mate - Maxine Daniels Family - Younger brother of Giovani and older brother of Ryder and Samantha Role - Sergeant at arms for the Wild Riders MC Ryder DiFranco. Road Name - Mayhem Mate - Angel Mendez Fa

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