Chapter 10 - Ace Is Frustrated.

4601 Words

Ace's P.O.V. "How is she, doc?" "She's fine president, she just overexerted herself, that's all" "Are you sure?" I ask scrunching my face up in confusion. "Before she fainted she was clutching her head and screaming in pain" "It could be from one or both of her head wounds, I may have to run some more tests to find out and be sure, has she had any pains in the head prior to today?" I shake my head no. "Not that I'm aware off, doc" "I see...well, the best thing I can advise you president is to keep an eye on her and if pains in the head become more persistent then you should bring her to the infirmary so I can run some more tests on her and find out what's going on but if I'm being honest with you, I think it was just a transitory event probably brought on by stress or getting over

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