Chapter 22 - Let's Marvin Gaye And Get It On - Part 1.

4302 Words

Set After Lucifer Left The Dungeons... Crystal's P.O.V. Call me a lunatic, call me sadistic, call me vile, call me repugnant, call me whatever you want I don't care because I absolutely love it when I get to torture a prisoner especially one who is affiliated with those who hurt my own kin. I love hearing their screams and their pleas for me to stop but I never will especially if you've done something to hurt someone I love or in this case, if you know information that could help us get revenge on the true criminals who have hurt someone I love. I guess this is why the moon goddess paired me up with my beloved man for life because we're basically the same person except for our genders. I remember the first time I met Lucifers family, they were all very welcoming well, everyone except

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