The Rogue's Initiation Part 4

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We went into the fairgrounds. No one stopped us, they just waved us through. Alpha Lucien walked off, but I stuck with Queen Bellamy. She was my Queen, after all. People parted to clear a path for her. It was interesting to see her acting as if this isn’t strange at all. Like people just parted to let others pass without a word. As we reached what looked like an event center, Alpha Lucien returned with his arms full of food. Queen Bellamy led us to a door on the side of the building. It wasn’t the door everyone else was entering. Shouldn’t I go in the other doors? She opened the door and let Alpha Lucien in, then waited and looked at me. It didn’t make a lot of sense that I’d go with them in the back. “Are you sure I should go with you?” “Vaughn, you aren’t an official member of my collective. Aurora hasn’t given you the offer again. People will smell a rogue who isn’t in the collective and get uncomfortable. Stay with me until Aurora can put together the energy we need for this, she just accepted a bunch of other wolves and it’s a bit of a power drain.” Queen Bellamy said. That put it in perspective for me. It wasn’t about me or them, it was about her people. She wanted them to feel relaxed. I went in the door. Queen Bellamy walked past me on the left and I followed her. The hall opened up to a large room filled with people. Alpha Lucien was next to a table, setting down the food he’d been carrying. She crossed to the table and started picking through things. I should’ve realized he was getting food for his pregnant mate. Pregnant werewolves ate a lot more than normal werewolves. While I stood nearby, I looked at the bustling room. People were seated in front of a wall of mirrors and counters, having their makeup done or their hair styled. Other people were wandering around in nice outfits, dresses, and suits. I wondered what they were doing. What kind of auction was this? A man approached us. He was just under six feet tall with copper colored hair and the same eyes as Queen Bellamy. His build was on the smaller side for a pack wolf, but the scent of him said he was definitely pack. “Amy, I don’t know if I can do this.” He said softly to Queen Bellamy. “Richard, if your mate is here, she’ll see you and we’ll pull you from the auction. You’re not required to sleep with whoever buys you, just go on a date. All of them know that s*x isn’t part of the deal with this. Do it for the kids? I know you want to help them out as much as possible. If I weren’t mated, I’d be going up there. Even Frankie and Evan are up for auction.” Queen Bellamy answered as she chewed on a funnel cake. They were auctioning people? Like a bachelor auction. It was definitely an interesting idea. “I don’t know why anyone would pay for a night with Evan. Make eye contact for more than a minute and she starts stripping.” Richard scoffed. “There may be people who don’t know that yet. Which reminds me, Vaughn, don’t make eye contact with Evan.” Queen Bellamy said to me. I laughed. There were a couple she-wolves like that in my old collective. Richard looked over like he’d just noticed me. He held out his hand to me. “Richard DuBois, future Gamma of Lune Rouge and cousin to Queen Bellamy.” He said. With a quick glance to her, I accepted his hand and shook it. Her cousin was the future Gamma of the pack her mate was Alpha of? Most people leave the region where their pack was when they get banished. Her family must not have felt it was needed. There were so many twists forming in the way I understood their story. “Vaughn Casey, rogue.” I replied. “Are you joining us for the auction?” Richard asked. “I was just going to watch. Queen Bellamy told me to come with her. I’m not even from around here.” I told him. “Come on. Do it for the kids. We can use another male, most of the people up for auction are female. We only have seven males who volunteered. We have like twenty females.” “Mmm, no, I got Stanton to volunteer. He’ll be here in a few minutes. Talia was helping him get ready at home. There are eight males. You’ll make it nine if you want to help out, Vaughn.” Queen Bellamy said with a pleading look on her face. I shifted uncomfortably. This was for kids who lost their parents. It wasn’t like I had a ton to do and it would make Queen Bellamy happy. My brother did tell me not to piss off the King or Queen…. A movement to my right drew Richard’s attention. I looked over as well. A large man, over six and a half feet and thickly built, walked in next to a woman who was at least two feet shorter than him. He had a stoic expression on his face, brown skin with a red undertone, long black hair, and radiated power. His black button-up shirt had no sleeves and showed off the massive muscles in his arms. He smelled like bear. The woman next to him had hair the same color as Richard’s, violet eyes, pale skin, and a cat-like smile. She was dressed in a tight dress with a cut in the skirt that went all the way to her hip. The top tied behind her neck and was a dark, blood red. She smelled like a vampire…. She looked over me once and sighed before walking over to Queen Bellamy and rubbing her stomach. The vampire looked at Queen Bellamy tenderly, like a parent. The desire to know more tightened my chest. There was a story here and I needed it. “I’ve brought him, pheata.” She told Queen Bellamy as she rubbed the queen’s stomach. “Thank you, Talia. This will definitely help us get better numbers. I know some of the vampires are eager to bid on you as well.” “Anything to help. You know how much I love children.” Talia replied. Queen Bellamy was distracted. There was no way I could talk her out of including me. I wasn’t dressed up like everyone else. I probably wouldn’t draw anywhere near what the bear would. “I should go get the announcement ready. The vampires won’t be here until a few minutes after sunset. We’re saving the ones who will interest them more ‘til the end. Although, we’re going to have you go last, Vaughn. That will give Aurora time to get you connected to us.” Queen Bellamy smiled, getting up from her chair. Damn. She decided I accepted because I didn’t speak up. Alpha Lucien took my arm and pulled me along behind Queen Bellamy. I didn’t really know why. It wasn’t like I was going to run, there wasn’t anywhere for me to go. My home was in her territory and agreeing to this then running away would only make her angry. He stopped us at the side of a stage. Someone handed Queen Bellamy a microphone and she walked out to the center of the stage. I could hear cheers and whistles from the crowd. It sounded like a lot of people. “Welcome to the first annual Eaten Heart Singles Auction, ladies, gentlemen, non-gendered beings, and that one person who is somehow all three.” She said. The audience chuckled while someone shouted “Woo!” in the back. Queen Bellamy smiled and pointed out at the crowd. Her people really liked her. It was good to see. “There’s the person.” Queen Bellamy laughed. “Alright, kids. This is a singles auction to benefit the collective’s orphanages and the children who live there. All of the people we have up for auction tonight have not found their mates or are in open relationships that permit for this sort of thing.” People cheered again. Alpha Lucien watched her with pride. I could tell he really loved her. That was also something good to see. “We have a few rules I want to make certain are absolutely clear. First, these purchases are for dates. Take them to a show, a meal, a club, your cousin’s wedding, but not to your bed. There is no rule that says they will sleep with you and your purchase does not guarantee s*x. What two willing adults decide to do is their business, but you will be severely punished if I find out you’ve coerced the person you’ve bought to go further than they desire with you.” She told them. The threat in her voice was unmistakable. She wouldn’t tolerate anyone disobeying her. I’d thought pregnant females would be softer, but she was just as threatening and fearsome as a Queen should be. Queen Bellamy radiated absolute authority. “Second, some of our ‘items for sale’ have requested only certain genders for purchasers. If I announce a preference, please refrain from bidding if you do not meet it. There are some other rare exceptions. Very few of them have problems with other species and most are hoping to make a love connection.” There was a murmur through the crowd. I never told her a preference for myself, but it didn’t really matter, she said date and no s*x, I didn’t intend to have s*x with whoever bought time with me. “Third, I see you hiding back there, Derrick Travers. You will not bid on Emmalyn Grove when she comes up. If I catch you paying someone else to bid for you, there will be dire consequences. I can and will send you to Goddess’ Tears. Don’t test me.” Queen Bellamy warned. I looked over to Alpha Lucien questioningly. He saw me and shrugged. “Derrick is in love with Emmalyn and she wants nothing to do with him. He got a little obsessed.” He explained. “Is he an ex-pack? I thought being in a collective was supposed to help with that.” I whispered. “No. He’s rogue born. Just obsessed with Emmalyn.” She must be gorgeous or really special if a rogue born was getting obsessed. We didn’t obsess over just anyone. I’d get to see her when she was up for auction. “Let’s get started. I know you’re all anxious to begin. We will be joined by the vampires shortly. When that happens, I will go over rules again before we continue.” Queen Bellamy announced. A woman came and stood next to Alpha Lucien. She was about 5’9” with silky jet black hair piled on top of her head and blue eyes that seemed to glow. Her curves were luscious and the thin material of her dress seemed to strain over them. She glanced at me and winked. “Don’t make eye contact, remember?” Alpha Lucien said, looking straight ahead. I whipped my attention away from the sultry she-wolf. That must be Evan. I remembered Queen Bellamy’s warning. “You’re no fun, Alpha.” She giggled, as she prepared to take the stage. “First up is Evan!” Queen Bellamy said. The woman sauntered out onto the stage and struck a pose before blowing a kiss to the crowd. There were whistles and catcalls from the audience. Alpha Lucien chuckled. “Evan is a twenty-two-year-old rogue born wolf. She likes movies, hunting, and dancing. When she’s not entertaining herself with one of these, she is my assistant. Don’t let that scare you, though, what Evan does on her own time is her business. She would prefer male bidders. Let’s start at one hundred dollars.” “One hundred!?” Evan squealed in an offended tone. “Evan, everyone knows you. There’s no way we can start the bidding any higher and it would be offensive to start it any lower.” Queen Bellamy told her, covering the mic. “This is bullshit.” Evan muttered, then turned a million-watt smile on the crowd. Alpha Lucian looked like he was trying not to laugh. From what I heard before, Evan usually didn’t make men pay for her attention. I guess this was a good way to see how much Queen Bellamy really valued her collective members.  
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