The Vampire's Second Chance Part 9

1749 Words
I woke in a large bed. It was warm and I snuggled under the blankets for a bit before I opened my eyes. The room was beautiful. Everything was expertly decorated. Looking off to the side, I saw a gorgeous man with glowing aquamarine eyes. I smiled at him. My master. “Sybil.” He whispered. In a flash, he was sitting on the bed, holding me to him. I loved being held by my master. He smelled amazing. “I’m hungry.” I murmured. “Feed on me, darling.” I licked over the part of his neck where I was going to bite. Something said I should numb it more, but I was so hungry I ignored it. My fangs ran out and I plunged them into his skin. He grunted a little, but then started rubbing my back as I drank from him. His blood was so powerful. It was so delicious. “That’s my girl. Good girl, Sybil. Drink as much as you need, darling. I’m right here.” Master repeated softly as he stroked my back. When I was done, I licked over the bite again. This time, I listened to the little voice inside me and kept going until I was sure he was healed. Master didn’t let me go when I was done. He kept holding me and rubbing my back. I wrapped my arms around him as much as I could and hugged him back. “How are you feeling, Sybil?” He asked. “I feel fine, Master.” I replied. He pulled away from me and caressed my face. I could see tears in his eyes. Did I make Master sad? I didn’t want Master to be sad. “Call me Dennis, Sybil. I’m Dennis to you. Do you understand?” “Yes, M-… Dennis.” Master Dennis smiled and held me again. I was happy he wasn’t crying anymore. He was so handsome when he smiled. I always wanted to make Master Dennis smile. I don’t know how long we stayed there like that, but I was sad when he stopped hugging me and stood up. He held out his hand and I took it. Something flashed in my mind, but I shook it off. Master Dennis pulled me out of the bed and took me to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. “I want you to take a shower and brush your teeth. There will be clothing laid out on the bed when you’re done. I have to go call Master Nightshade.” He said. With a nod, I went into the bathroom and showered. When I got out, I stood in front of the mirror. My hair was dark red and went a little past my shoulders. My skin was pale and white. I traced over the scars on my abdomen and wondered how they got there. More flashes, I saw claws and sharp teeth. I felt fear. I noticed my eyes were the same color as Master Dennis’ and it made me smile. Those eyes kept me safe. My teeth were white and I could see the canines looked sharp. It reminded me that I needed to brush my teeth before I went to dress. I found the things I needed and made sure to carefully brush each tooth. If it weren’t important, Master Dennis wouldn’t have mentioned it. Finally, I went out to the bedroom and found clothes laid out for me. I put on the lacy bra and panties followed by the blouse and pants. They were made of very nice material that felt wonderful on my skin. I left the room and went in search of my master. A large dog with poofy hair stopped me in the hall. I tilted my head and it did the same. I smiled and knelt down. The dog came up to me carefully. The name Francesca whispered in my mind. She smelled like Master Dennis. She must be his pet. I talked to her softly and scratched behind her ears. She licked my face and I knew she’d accepted me. I got up and we made our way down the hall. I heard voices. “I appreciate you making time in your night for this, Master Nightshade.” “Dennis. This is important. Billie is your first childe, correct?” “Yes. I’m still learning everything I need to know. The books you lent me helped. I was prepared for her waking hungry. I knew she would be too hungry to prepare the bite properly. I was able to keep calm and not upset her.” Master Dennis answered. “You did the right thing, Dennis. There was no way the human medics would have been able to save her. Master Marius said she’d make a good vampire. I know she will.” “Now I just have to worry about her finding her Solus Amor one day and leaving me. I think I’m destined to be alone.” I came around the corner and saw my master looking sad again. I rushed to him and wrapped my arms around him. I didn’t like it when he was sad. It hurt my heart. “I’ll never leave you, Master Dennis. I swear. I’ll be with you forever.” I promised. “Just Dennis, Sybil. I only want you to call me Dennis.” He whispered. “Dennis. It’s going to be hard for her to drop the ‘master’ for the first couple years. I know it was different for you when you turned, but she’s just like a normal young vampire.” Master Nightshade said. Master sighed. He didn’t like that. I’d work harder to only call him Dennis. “Sybil, this is Master Nightshade. He’s the Master of the territory. You need to remember to obey any commands he gives you and you need to swear your loyalty to him as a vampire in his territory.” Master Nightshade came close. I let go of Master Dennis and turned to bow to him. If I did something wrong, he might take it out on my master. “I need your hand, Sybil.” Master Nightshade told me. I put out my hand. He took it and drew a blade over it quickly. He did the same to his own hand and held our palms together until they healed. “Your blood and mine have intermingled. You are now one of my people. From this day forward, everything you do will be in the name of the Nightshade rule. Do not shame our people. Listen to your sire. Never bite without express permission. Do not start fights with other species. Do you understand?” “Yes, Master Nightshade.” I replied. “Good. I need to get going. When she’s a month old, bring her by the house so she can get to know Echo. We have a trip to Europe coming up in November, but we should be here for the first week or so of it. Echo will want you both at Christmas as well.” Master Nightshade said. “Thank you. We’ll make sure to be in attendance. I’m going to take the next month off of work to take care of Sybil and get her ready for the world. If you need to reach me, I’ll be here.” “Of course. Have a good night.” Master Nightshade answered with a slight bow and left. I went to my master and smiled at him. He smiled back and held out his hand. I took it and he drew me close to him. “Do you know how much I love you, Sybil?” He murmured in my ear. “How much, Dennis?” “I’d give up eternity just to have the real you by my side again for even a few moments. I waited over seven hundred years for you. Thirty shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I wonder if you’ll still love me when you wake up from this.” “I will, Dennis. I love you. You made me. You take care of me. You’re the man of my dreams.” I sighed. He pulled back and looked into my eyes as if searching for something. I looked at him curiously. Did I say something wrong? “Am I really the man of your dreams? Do you remember dreaming?” “No. I remember you, though.” I smiled. “What do you remember?” He chuckled. “I remember you holding me in the dark. I remember feeling safe with you. I remember you saving me.” “I didn’t save you. You’re a vampire because I couldn’t save you.” “Dennis. I want to be a vampire. I knew what you were offering. I love you and I want to be with you forever.” I insisted. “You don’t remember anything. Everyone knows vampires don’t remember anything until they’re thirty.” Dennis sighed. “It’s a good thing I’m thirty-five then.” I smirked. “Sybil? You remembered how old you were?” “I don’t remember everything, Dennis. Bits and pieces come in flashes. There are a few things I know for sure. I know my age. I know I love you. I know I understood that you were asking me to be a vampire. And I know you kept me safe in real life and in my dreams. Everything else is a blur. I may accidentally call you Master or Master Dennis. I may not remember every detail. But I will always remember that the love I have for you was so strong I decided eternal life was better than letting go and dying when I was experiencing the most excruciating pain of my life.” I told him. “Thank the goddess. Even not knowing your past, you sound like you.” He chuckled. “Will you bear with me while I learn who I am again, Dennis?” “Forever.” He kissed me deeply. I moaned with pleasure at the feeling. It was familiar. We must have done this a lot. I grabbed his hair and pulled him tighter to me. I wanted to be connected to him like this forever. When I let him go, his eyes were glowing. I think mine were too. I was so happy to love and be loved by him. My master, my Dennis, my love, my forever.
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