The Torturer and the Assassin Part 5

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“King Fuller.” I said, holding Tim’s hand harder when he tried to slip away from me. “Well?” Kingston asked. “We’re taking the rest of the day off. I learned a potion quickly and watched Mr. Scarlet show off his skills. Everything is moving along faster than planned.” I told him. “What’s with the hands?” He questioned. “I’ve claimed Tim as mine. Is that a problem, sir?” I tilted my head and made eye contact with Kingston. “But… I thought you were straight. You’ve been with dozens of women. I can understand, he’s kind of pretty and if you were already on the fence you might want to take a different model out for a spin, but claiming him? That’s ridiculous.” Kingston snorted. “Go have your little experiment. I’ll pick out a woman for after your palate cleanser. Or whatever this is.” “I respect you because of what you did for me. I am loyal for that reason. If you insult my chosen mate one more time, we will leave this collective. I will not stand for it. If you want to lose your assassin and torturer, then open your mouth one more time. Otherwise, get out of our way.” I warned in a low tone. “I’m still your king.” He growled. “You won’t be if you insist on saying things like that. Wolf holds no loyalty to you and you’re making him even less interested in allowing our bond to stand.” I told him. “Wolf wants this? You’re sure about that?” Kingston asked. “He has known what he wanted from the moment I met Tim. Please, stand aside. Sir.” I said. Kingston sighed and shook his head. “I’ll never understand ferals. Fine. Just, don’t offer for him until you’re sure you’re not just fooling yourself because you’re bored.” He moved and gestured to the door with a flourish. There were some times when Kingston really annoyed me. I pulled Tim along with me, out the door and down the road. He didn’t try to catch up with me. He just let me drag him along in a daze. Instead of going to Tim’s house, I took him to mine. I unlocked the door and turned to him. He had a worrisome expression on his face. I pulled him into my living room and locked the door behind us. Tim didn’t move. He didn’t look around. He just stared straight ahead. “Tim. What’s wrong? Don’t let what he said get to you. This isn’t an experiment or a palate cleanser or anything else he implied.” I told him. “You’ve been with dozens of women. You don’t just turn gay one day, Silas. Are you bored with women? Am I just something different? I mean, I’ll still sleep with you. You are hot. But pretending that you want to claim me… that’s going a little too far for a piece of ass.” Tim scoffed. Wolf was cursing out Kingston in my head and I agreed with him. If he hadn’t gotten involved, Tim wouldn’t be doubting me. I couldn’t imagine my future without Tim. “What can I do to prove to you that he’s wrong? I slept with a lot of females. They threw themselves at me and it felt good. I never felt this way about any of them. What did I do to make you doubt me? I’ve been here. I’ve been with you. I saved you. I want you, not just your body.” I said. “What if I like males and females? It can’t possibly be that it’s only one or the other. Most of the time, I’m not even concerned about s*x. Frankly, the time I have spent with you has been the most I’ve been interested in someone who wasn’t a target in a very long time.” “You’re saying you’re bisexual and only discovered it because of me?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. “It doesn’t matter. Just take off your clothes.” He started stripping off his clothes. After taking off his shirt, he started unbuttoning his pants. He paused and looked up at me.     “Why aren’t you undressing?” “I don’t just want s*x with you. I feel like having s*x with you now will only cement the idea that I want your body in your head. Tim, let me make you lunch. We can talk. Please.” I pled. “Begging doesn’t work on me, Silas. You want another notch in your bedpost, I’m down for that. Drop the act. It’s okay if you got caught and you don’t want to seem like the bad guy. You probably figured you’d sleep with me for a while then break it off when someone better appeared. I get it. A weak rogue doesn’t have a lot of options.” Tim said softly. Tim crossed the room and started undoing my pants. I tried to caress his cheek, but he turned his face away from me. He lowered himself to his knees as he pulled my pants down. When he looked up at me, his eyes were empty. I shook my head at him as he slid me into his mouth and started sucking. I realized there was nothing I could say to change his mind right now. If I stopped him, he would only think that I didn’t want him now that my plan had been outed. If I had s*x with him, he would think that I got what I wanted. I pulled him away from me and pulled my pants up. “Stop. Tim. I want you. Not your body. I’ll give up this collective for you. We can go together. I grew up feral. I lived as a wolf from the time I got my wolf. I can show you, teach you. We can be together with no one else adding pressure to it. Please. Come with me.” “I’m weak even in my wolf form. I need a collective to survive.” He replied. “Then, I’ll make an offer to the goddess for you. That will prove how I feel, won’t it?” “Just the sort of impulsive thinking I should expect from a feral. We’ve only known each other a couple days. This is infatuation. Not love. I got carried away. I was in love with the idea of someone wanting me, all of me. I should have realized that you were like all the others. You aren’t the first to decide that I would be a nice change of pace.” Tim told me. “I’ll kill them. Every single one who made you feel like this and doubt me. Wolf and I want to take care of you forever. We rely more on instinct than most rogues do. It’s not impulse. It’s our heart saying that you are the man we’re meant to be with.” I insisted. “Go find a female to breed with. Like I said, I’ll sleep with you, but don’t expect more from me. I don’t have anything else worth giving to anyone.” He said softly. I pulled him to stand and held him against me. Tim struggled for a while, but stopped. I hated using my strength against him, but I couldn’t let him go. I couldn’t let him believe that he wasn’t worth anything. Gently, I kissed the top of his head. “You are worth everything. Your heart is what I want. That secret soft side of your personality that you hide with your confidence and coldness. That’s what I want. I love you. I love the man who was afraid that I was overcome and didn’t want to let me make a mistake. I love the man who blushed at the idea of three kisses. This may be fast for you, but I’ve never been in love before and it feels exactly right to me.” His arms wrapped around my waist and I felt him shake. The smell of tears hit me as a sob ripped from him. I couldn’t imagine what it had been like growing up so weak and having everyone give up on me. I wouldn’t give up on him. “You’re my forever, Tim Scarlet. I’ve already decided it. You’re mine. I’ll never let you go, my sweet torturer. If anyone ever takes you from me, I’ll cut a bloody swath from our home to whoever has you. I’d give up everything for you.” I murmured as I rocked him. “You deserve to be loved. I deserve to be the one who loves you.” “Why are you so persistent? Why don’t you just use me like the others did? Let me just be another hole to you. Don’t take my heart. It’s even more fragile than the rest of me.” He sniffled. “Oh, Tim. You can’t keep your heart from me. I’m not like the others, because I’m not like any standard rogue wolf. I’m exactly what you need. I understand things differently and think differently than anyone else. And it is because I’m feral. But, don’t misunderstand, I’m not taking your heart and leaving you with nothing. I’m giving you a straight trade. My heart for yours. I can protect your heart with my strength, and my heart can give you the power to become stronger than you’ve ever been.” I told him. “We’re an odd couple. Normally, you want your mate to be someone who isn’t like you, so they can help you have a place to be different. We’re killers. We do horrible things to people and we love it.” Tim sighed. “No one else understands what we need outside of work as much as we do. Let me help you heal from what was done to you over the years. You can help me be more like a normal rogue. Teach me how to be human.” I said. “Like I know how to be human.” He chuckled. “Then f**k it. Let’s be monsters together. Let’s become the most feared people in this collective, next to Kingston. When we’re home, away from all of them, we can be whoever we want. But, out there, we can be Mr. Greene and Mr. Scarlet, two wolves you definitely don’t want to cross.” I suggested. “I think I like that idea. My darling assassin.” Tim purred. I felt his hands slide down inside of my pants and he began stroking me. I looked down at him. His blue eyes sparkled as he gripped me firmly. I kissed him and swore I felt sparks. I pulled back in shock. “My wolf never agreed with me. He asked the goddess to make you our mate.” He smiled. ‘I accepted, because I knew we both wanted it.’ Wolf told me. “My mate. I’ll never let you go.” I promised. “You better not. Or you’ll end up on my table.” Tim warned. I chuckled and quickly scooped him into my arms. He was a lot lighter than he looked. Tim put his arms around my neck. “You won’t be able to do this once you make me all big and strong like the other wolves.” He grinned. “I’ll just have to make myself bigger and stronger so I can always do this.” I said as I carried him to my room. Carefully, I set him on my bed and finished undoing his pants. He lifted his hips up so I could pull them off and I tossed them aside. I ran my hand down his chest and over his erection. I had no idea what I was doing, so I decided to wing it. I knelt on the floor next to the bed and kissed his tip before sliding him into my mouth. As I sucked him, he moaned and ran his hand over my head. I kneaded his balls with my hand as I alternated swirling my tongue around his tip and trying to push him as far down my throat as possible. “Goddess, I thought you said you’d never done this before.” Tim moaned. I chuckled as I kept on going. If I thought the sounds he made when I nibbled his ear was sweet, then there was no description for how beautiful the sounds he was making now were. As I suckled at him, I felt his balls start to tighten. I was going to make him c*m. I could tell as he panted. I wrapped my hand around his base and started stroking as I focused all my attention on his tip. Tim groaned and I felt him shoot into my mouth. I swallowed and licked him clean before looking up at him. His eyes searched mine and he leaned down to kiss me. He slid into my lap and I pressed him against the edge of the bed as I deepened the kiss. He ground his bottom against the bulge in my pants. I groaned and thrusted a little. Tim pulled away. “You really have never done this before?” He asked. “Really. Am I doing something wrong?” I worried. “I’m just realizing that you probably don’t have any lube here. I have some in my nightstand. I can run over and get it.” Tim offered. “No. I just got you naked. I still have pants on. I’ll go get it. You stay right here. If I have to hunt you down, you’re going to be in trouble.” I warned. “I’ll be right here.” He said and got off my lap. Tim pulled his house keys out of his pants pocket and handed them to me. “Don’t take too long, or I’ll worry.” I loved the idea of having someone worry over me. I stood, zipped and buttoned my pants, and took the keys from him. As fast as I could, I ran back to his house, opened the door and rushed to his room. There were a couple bottles in his nightstand, so I grabbed all of them and only stopped briefly to lock up again before running back to my house. When I got back to my room, Tim was sitting on the edge of my bed looking thoughtful. I set the bottles on the mattress next to him, pulling him from his thoughts. “What’s wrong? I didn’t think I was gone long enough for something to happen.” I asked. “I was thinking. Just four years ago, I was being passed around in that collective in Europe. I was too weak to fight back. And it was even worse when someone was kind and I thought this was the one who would save me and keep me as theirs. In the end, I had to save myself before I could find the one who would keep me forever.” He replied. “This isn’t the time for that, though. I’ve never been someone’s first. I can’t wait to be yours.” “Let me make love to you, Tim. You are my precious mate. This won’t be normal s*x. I want to make it special for you, too.” I said. “There’s nothing more special than being with someone who loves me.” Tim smiled. I took off my pants and shoes, then climbed on the bed with him. I leaned in and started nibbling on his ear. He moaned. I pressed him into the mattress and kissed down his neck. “You’re so perfect.” I murmured against his skin. “I’m broken, Sy. How can I be perfect?” He chuckled. “Some of the most perfect things are a little broken.” I told him. He reached over for one of the bottles and smiled at me. Tim opened it and poured some of the gel into his hand. He stroked me, spreading it over me. I groaned and thrusted into his hand. “Calm down, we can’t have you going all crazy.” Tim winked. “I’ve never felt like this before. Maybe I’m already crazy.” I smiled. “Give me your hand.” He instructed. I did as he said and he poured some of the gel on my fingertips. I started lubricating him feeling the strain as my body became more and more excited to have my mate for the first time. Moving on top of him, I started pressing in slowly. He hissed a little and I stopped. “Are you alright?” I asked. “It’s been a while. I’m fine. Keep going.” Tim whispered. Again, I pressed into him. It wasn’t long before I was buried in him and I breathed carefully. I wrapped my arms around him and cradled him close to me. Tim kissed my cheek. I pulled back and stared into his eyes. “How do you feel?” I asked. “Safe.” He replied. No one ever feels safe with me. I kissed him and started moving. Tim groaned and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. We moved together. With every thrust, Tim raised his hips to meet me. I couldn’t get enough of the feeling of his body. I’d never felt anything like him. Not in all the women I’d been with. I knew he was the one. Our bodies started slipping against each other as a thin coat of sweat covered our skin. I found myself gazing into his eyes again. Something about the deep ocean blue of his eyes drew me in. They calmed me. He was my peace. My happy place. My humanity. I felt my end nearing as I worked to keep myself under control. I didn’t want to lose it and start taking him roughly. This was our first time together. It wasn’t f*****g, it was making love and all the sappy romantic things that went along with it. Finally, I couldn’t hold on anymore and released into him. I kissed him as I came. It was the most intimate orgasm of my life. I felt fully connected to him. When I pulled away from the kiss, Tim caressed my cheek. He smiled at me and I knew, in that instant, that I would kill for him more easily than I had ever killed for Kingston. I would even kill Kingston if Tim asked. “I’m going to go clean up. Stay right here, okay?” Tim murmured. “I’ll wait for you forever.” I told him and kissed him lightly before pulling out and getting off him. I watched him leave, heading for the bathroom. Wolf rolled around contentedly inside me. We had our mate. I needed to mark him. I wondered when he wanted to do it.  
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