The Rogue’s Initiation Part 8

2030 Words
  When I woke up, it was about eleven in the morning. I felt more rested than I had in ages. Last night, I dreamed the story I was writing. I couldn’t wait to write more. I headed to the bathroom to shower and take care of my morning needs. I had to find a barber who took walk-ins and maybe go out to a store. I didn’t really have any clothing that wasn’t relaxed and comfortable. I wanted to look nice for the date. This was important to Sunny. Even if we didn’t have anything more than tonight, I wanted to ensure that she didn’t regret anything. I’d make certain she got her place back. Once I was dressed, I locked up my room and went to the motel office. There was a good chance Wayne would know where to go get a trim. Most people who worked the front desk at places like this would have recommendations for customers. If not because they knew the town, then because of things they liked or friends they had. Walking into the office, I waved at the old man. He smiled and tipped his head at me. My scent was more like a rogue in the collective, he was more relaxed than he was yesterday. “What can I do for you, young man?” Wayne asked. “I need to know where I can find a barber who takes walk-ins. I have a date.” I grinned. “Congrats. I know just the place. A friend of mine runs it. Let me get you the address. His name’s Gary and I’ve known him since he was a pup. His dad and I used to run together back in the day.” He told me as he started looking through a drawer. He pulled out a notebook and pen, then wrote down the name of the place and the address. I accepted it, thanked him, and headed out. I’d grab something to eat after I dealt with the errands. I didn’t want to waste any time. - Three hours later, I pulled back into the parking lot for the motel and went to the restaurant. I was starving. Waiting to eat was the worst idea I’d ever had, but I got some nice slacks, new shoes, a shirt that wasn’t a t-shirt or a flannel, and my hair and beard were well-groomed. I ordered a couple double cheeseburgers with extra fries and a large chocolate milkshake. The waitress smiled and said she’d have it right out, then went to get me some water. When she came back, she had a basket filled with rolls. “I didn’t know you gave bread out before the meal.” I said. “We don’t, but I know a hungry werewolf when I see one. I wanted to get some food in you as quick as possible. We bumped your order to the head of the line. Everyone will understand. A hungry werewolf is a dangerous werewolf.” She smiled. I chuckled. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” “Sure thing, honey. We gotta take care of each other. Welcome to the collective.” She winked and left. Everyone had been like that today. The woman at the clothing store I went to, the barber, and the man at the shoe store. It was a feeling of community that wasn’t part of my experience as a member of a collective when I was younger. Maybe it was the nature of Queen Bellamy’s influence. She was mated to a pack wolf, it could be the pack energy mixing with her own and giving us more of a connection to each other. It wasn’t long before my food came. It looked amazing. I tried not to eat like it was the first time I’d seen cooked food, but it was delicious and I was starving. In no time at all, my plate was clean. I felt much better. Werewolves tended to be the very definition of ‘hangry’ if we didn’t eat regularly. I made sure to leave a good tip on the bill to show my gratitude for them bumping me up in the cooking order. After my meal, I went back to my truck and got the bags from the cab. I went to the office. Wayne grinned at me as I entered. “What are you needing now?” He asked. “There’s a sign that says there are washers and dryers available. I was hoping to wash these before my date.” I answered. “Hand them over here. I got a load I need to wash and it’ll take less time than the machines we have available for customers. I’ll call your room when they’re done. Looks like my guy did you right with that haircut. Your young lady isn’t going to recognize you.” Wayne chuckled. “I appreciate the recommendation. I didn’t want to show up shaggy for my first date with her.” “Is she a rogue girl, or something else?” “She’s a rogue. Her name is Sunny. She’s an artist.” I answered. “Sunny? Blonde with green eyes?” He asked. “Yeah, why?” “I don’t recommend running around with that girl. She’s trouble. I’m not gonna say anything else about it, but there are better options out there if you’re wanting some companionship.” “Are you sure it’s the same girl?” I asked. “There aren’t many rogues named Sunny in our collective and the only one I know is a girl with blonde hair and green eyes who’s an ‘artist’. Trust me, I’m one of the people who pressed charges against her and her gang. All the ones Queen Bellamy didn’t kill, at least.” Wayne scoffed. Nothing about Sunny made me think she was anything other than an eccentric girl with a fun personality. I kept trying to get Wayne to tell me more, but he wouldn’t. In the end, I didn’t leave my new clothes with him and opted to hit a laundromat to avoid him messing with my clothes. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Wayne, but he was adamant about me cancelling the date with Sunny the entire time we talked. Until I heard her side of the story, I wasn’t going to make any judgements. She was very open when we talked. I was sure she was tired of being judged based on her past. Plus, she paid to spend time with me. If nothing else, she deserved to get what she paid for. I wondered if any of that money had been stolen, though. What sort of crimes could she have committed? I know werewolves are considered a threat and monsters a lot of the time, but she was a sweet girl and there was nothing even slightly intimidating about her. It occupied a lot of my mind while I cleaned my new clothes and drove back to the motel. We were meeting at a store a few blocks away from the restaurant. Sunny wanted to arrive in the same car. There were still a few hours until we were scheduled to meet. I hung up my shirt and laid out my pants, then sat at my computer. I opened it and turned it on. Though I’d intended to write, I ended up searching for news articles with Sunny’s name. Maybe a police blotter thing. She never told me her last name, so I only had ‘Sunny’ to go by. I didn’t get any answers that way. If I knew what ‘Sunny’ was short for, I’d be able to do more of a search. So I started searching the name of the town and gang activity. There it was. The Rogue Kings. A gang of werewolves who terrorized the city. They were mostly ex-packs, but some rogue born wolves had joined. Their crimes ranged from mild vandalism to murder. The articles told about how Queen Bellamy brought werewolf justice to the gang. There were opinion pieces that called for her to kill the members who submitted to her instead of letting human laws take precedence. Some articles critiqued Queen Bellamy’s choices, but I saw there were a lot of retractions on those pieces. She must have taken issue with their criticism. I closed the computer. This was only a year ago. If they submitted to human law, that would mean they were punished according to their crimes. If Sunny had been a killer, she wouldn’t have been at the auction last night, because she’d still be in prison. She said the break up was a few months ago and she’d dated the guy for a year and a half. It didn’t smell like she was lying. How could both things be true? She was a college student while she was a gang member? My alarm went off, telling me it was time to get ready for the date. I had a lot on my mind as I dressed and ran a comb through my hair. I wanted all of the answers. As a mystery writer, I wanted to know the truth as much as my readers did. - Once I was dressed, I went down to my truck and got in. There was only one way to really know. I could ask her. If she wouldn’t tell me, then I’d know we weren’t meant for each other. The person I’m meant for will be as honest with me as I am with her. Sunny was waiting in the parking lot when I got there. She was in a lavender sundress. Her hair was in a high ponytail and she was wearing light makeup. Nothing about her said ‘dangerous delinquent’. I got out of my truck and smiled at her. She tilted her head a little, like she was trying to figure something out. Then she grinned. “I almost didn’t recognize you, Vaughn. Damn, you clean up nice.” My hand went to my hair as I remembered I’d had my beard trimmed up and my hair cut. I went from a full beard to a goatee. I thought it made me look like a professor, but the barber told me I looked like a villain from an old movie. It didn’t really matter what he thought, I liked it. “Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself, Sunny. I miss your glasses, though.” I replied with a wink. “Mm. I know, but I can’t wear them at the restaurant. I know those people. I don’t want to see something I’ll never be able to unsee.” She giggled. “Are you ready to go? We can head out in my truck. A gentleman should drive his lady as much as possible.” “I’m fine with riding in your truck, but you sound like a major dork when you talk like that.” Sunny snorted as I opened the passenger side door for her. “What can I say, you make me a fool.” “I’m paying for dinner, you don’t have to try and make me lose my appetite, Vaughn.” Sunny laughed while she pretended to gag. Closing the door, I came to a decision. It didn’t matter what Sunny’s past was. Just seeing her made my entire day brighter. Then I rolled my eyes because of how sappy that sounded. Maybe she’d be open to an offer from me. I could talk to Queen Bellamy about whatever was going on with her and she could come live with me. No one would ever have to worry about her causing problems again. I’d keep her far away from the bad elements, not that there were any where I lived. She could have a peaceful life with me. Climbing into the driver’s seat, I knew, I’d offer for her if this date went well. She could do graphic design from anywhere. If nothing else, I’d talk to my publisher about having Sunny make my book covers and to some other authors I knew about hiring her to do art for them. She would be mine.  
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