Chapter 1. The First Meeting

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As Solstace remained in Gabriel's dining room, he was determined to map out a plan to capture Zoltan. I have to redeem myself to her for what I've put her through, he thought to himself. The room, nestled within the heart of the Moondance packhouse, reflected Gabriel's traditional personality. Tapestries depicting noble ancestors adorned the walls. The dining table, a massive oak slab worn smooth by countless gatherings, dominated the center of the room. The room's atmosphere reflected the pack's unique heritage. Solstace's tall, broad-shouldered frame spoke of physical strength honed over many battles. As he pored over the myriad of documents before him, the room's dim light played off the sharp angles of his jaw and the deep-set furrows of concentration on his brow. The jerked duped me, Sostace thought to himself. Solstace's sharp, hawk-like eyes occasionally squinted as if trying to discern some hidden message from the maps and texts before him. His posture, usually so upright and commanding, was now hunched, the weight of his responsibility causing a slight curve in his spine. She trusted him with this mission. He couldn't let her down. This mission was his opportunity for redemption. The room's silence was broken only by the rustling of his maps and the distant crackling of the bonfire outside, where the rest of the Moondance Pack and their allies enjoyed some well-deserved downtime. As the hours wore on and the fire burned, more paths seemed to lead nowhere. A shadow of desolation crept into Solstace's eyes. The weight of his mission, the lives depending on him, and the elusive nature of his quest threatened to drown him in despair. The sound of someone walking into the room brought Solstace back to reality. Looking up, he saw a tall, slender woman with crazy hair color smiling at him, not so innocently. "Do you know where I can find King Vlad?" she asked, a twinkle in her eye and lightness in her voice. Solstace's eyes narrowed instinctively, assessing the stranger in front of him. The woman's sudden appearance was unexpected. "Who are you?" Solstace asked, crossing his arms and squinting as if to assess her. She giggled, a sound like chimes in the wind. "Names are but labels." She walked around the dining room and looked curiously at her surroundings. "Someone told me that the Moondance Pack and allies were having an important meeting. Where is everyone?" She continued to walk around. Or was she gliding? Her movements were so fluid. Solstace felt a tinge of annoyance. Yet this carefree woman intrigued him. Was she aware of her unwelcome status? "What is your business with King Vlad and the Moondance Pack?" She stepped closer, the twinkle in her eyes mischievous. "Oh, King Vlad and I go way back." She was now beside Solstace. So close. Too close? Her fingers started reproducing the tattoos on his forearm. "So, where's everyone?" she asked again casually, staring at his tattoos' intricate designs. Is she for real? Solstace thought, taken aback by her blatant disregard for personal space. Compared to wolves, dragons and their human counterparts shared one spirit. So, no one could reply to Solstace's interrogation. "You think you can just waltz in here and ask for King Vlad, and then what?" Solstace asked, his eyebrows furrowed. "You might be here to cause trouble. Who's to say you're not an enemy to us and our allies? Why should I tell you where he is?" The girl's laughter was infectious. "Well, considering how easily I got to this room, thank me for being a friend, not an enemy. I could have caused harm if I wanted to." Solstace turned his back to her, returning to his maps and documents. Maybe if I ignore her, she'll disappear. She continued to wander around. The song she hummed was vaguely familiar to him. She got closer to him. Again. Her fingers traced the edge of the map Solstace had been studying. "Chasing after Zoltan, I presume?" Solstace tensed. Taking a purposefully long breath and tilting his head to look at the ceiling, he questioned her, "What do you know about Zoltan? Why the interest in him?" The girl smirked, her eyes still on the map. "Oh, it's been quite the challenge to locate him. Even for me! I guess desperate times require desperate measures and all. I gather that's why we're reaching out for some help." She shrugged and continued to peruse the documents in front of her. She puzzled him. But he had enough of her snooping. He positioned himself between her and the table. Crossing his arms, he leaned onto the table now behind him. His towering frame exuded an imposing aura, his piercing eyes demanding submission. She merely leaned back, her relaxed posture and detached gaze signaling her complete disregard for his authority. What is it with this girl? He thought to himself. In all his centuries on this earth, no one had dismissed his powerful aura when he exerted it. There was a playful, almost mocking undertone to her words, but her gaze was sharp and assessing. "If you're here for Zoltan, then maybe you should leave. We have plans for him, and nobody told me a little girl would be playing with the grown-ups. So you should skedaddle out of here before I escort you out." She shook her head. Her crimson hair reflected the light in a mesmerizing way. "I'm not here for him. I told you, I'm here for King Vlad. But I must say, you're quite intriguing and entertaining, Mr. Serious." She winked at him, making Solstace blink in surprise. "Who the f**k are you?" Solstace almost roared. He was at the end of his patience. She laughed, and the sparkle in her eyes captivated Solstace. What's happening to me? he wondered. She leaned back, eyes still fixed on him. "I could be anyone. A wanderer, a spy, or maybe just a girl who loves werewolves. Why does it matter?" "Considering you've waltzed into our operations like you own the place, asking for King Vlad, I'd like to know if I can trust you." She finally met his gaze, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Oh, Mr. Grumpy, straight to business. Tell me, how would my name be useful to determine my trustworthiness?" He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. "Are you done with your games, little girl? The grown-ups have work to do." She leaned in. "I could play all night long with you, Mr. Grumpy." Her eyes widened with amusement. "I like that name for you. It suits you." She seemed too pleased with herself. He crossed his arms, feigning annoyance. "This isn't a game." "Isn't it?" She winked. "Alright. If you share a story of yours, maybe—just maybe—I'll consider revealing a fragment of mine. Tell me about your first heartbreak. Every grumpy character has one." He looked taken aback. "You're deflecting." She smiled, "Observant. Your turn." The banter between them flowed easily, too quickly, Solstace thought. They challenged each other, their words dancing with wit and -could it be flirtation? The sun had long set, and the events outside were starting to wrap up. The girl perched on the arm of a highchair intrigued Solstace. Her fingers played with a trinket she had picked from the table without him noticing. Approaching her, he smirked, "What's your name, little girl? Has no one taught you to respect your elders?" She chuckled, not looking up. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He crossed his arms, leaning back, trying to make sense of this being. "I would like to know. Who are you?" She smiled. Yet, a hint of sadness touched her eyes. "My past is a maze, Mr. Grumpy. Every time you think you've reached the center, another turn appears. But I'll give you this—I've danced with light and shadows. And sometimes, the shadows lead you to the most unexpected places." Solstace grunted. He was intrigued and even more determined to uncover her secrets. He anticipated it would require significant effort and time – which he didn't have any of now. The girl sighed. A momentary seriousness replaced her playfulness. "I do need to see King Vlad. There are things we need to discuss." Solstace nodded, accepting he was getting nowhere with her. "Come with me. But just so we're clear: I'll end it quickly if you're up to no good." She smiled. "Sure. You tell yourself that," she said, saluting Solstace as if he was her commanding officer. "Lead the way, Mr. Grumpy." And she laughed that enchanting laugh again. Solstace foresaw increased complications if this girl was to stick around. Hopefully, King Vlad will send her on her way. Solstace led this woman through the corridors of the pack house. Now and then, he would glance at the girl, trying to decipher the enigma she presented. She walked gracefully, her head held high, seemingly unbothered by him. As they rounded a corner, a tall figure emerged into the hallway. "King Vlad," Solstace greeted. "I found this one, or should I say she found me and hasn't stopped pestering me." He looked at the girl sideways. "She says she's with you." King Vlad's eyes bore into the girl, a mixture of frustration and weariness clear in his gaze. "Crimson," he began, his voice deep and resonating, "I thought I made myself clear. You were to remain out of sight." Crimson met Vlad's gaze without flinching. "The shadows are my friends, Vlad. And the walls have ears. I thought it better to discuss our matters face-to-face." She stopped to look at Solstace like she was eyeing delicious candy. "Plus, I was bored. And this one is entertaining!" she said, pointing at Solstace. Solstace scoffed. He could sense the history between them. "King Vlad," he interjected, "I gather you've got things under control from here?" King Vlad sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yes. Thank you, Solstace," he paused before looking at Crimson. "You've always been a wildcard, Crimson. I would have preferred you stay hidden until the Moondance pack and our allies decided on your involvement in this mission." Solstace, who was about to leave them to their argument, did a double take. "What now? She's not the one going to be tagging along? You can't be serious!" He was looking between this girl called Crimson and King Vlad. The vein on Solstace's forehead was now threatening to burst. Crimson tilted her head, feigning innocence. "Mr. Grumpy doesn't want company on his little adventure?" Solstace stared at her, his disbelief suspending him in a surreal detachment as if he were an outsider to the unfolding scene. She edged nearer to King Vlad, her gaze softening to a disarming warmth. "I'm here because I can make them listen. Sure, I play by my own rules, but I'm on your side. You know that." Vlad held her gaze for a moment before nodding slowly. "Very well. But you have to learn to play with others from now on." Crimson smiled, a mischievous glint returning to her eyes. "As you command, Your Majesty." The silence grew heavy, and Solstace got the chills — the bad kind. A gnawing feeling in his gut told him letting Crimson in was a game-changer, and not in a good way. Something big was about to go down, and they were right in the middle of it.
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