Chapter One

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    ****Centuries ago, before the elder council existed********     The demons were creeping silently into the massive dragon's keep. The enormous beast, sleeping peacefully protecting his greatest treasure. His black body wrapped snuggly around the sleeping woman, his soft, leathery wing laid protectively over it.      "This is a death wish!" one of them whispered. "If this dragon wakes, we are surely dead!"      "The point is to get him to blow his fire, so we can steal it! Because if we don't get it back to Master we are dead either way." the other whispered furiously. "Now, shut up before he eats us!"      The dragon's eye opened to the rustling of the intruders, he was watching them curiously at first. Then he caught the scent of them.  He grew furious at thought of someone coming into his keep. As gently as he could, he laid the beautiful woman down. Hoping to keep her sleeping.      "Who dares enter my keep?!" the dragon bellowed.      The demons froze in fear, they knew at this point they had been caught. They quickly disappeared into a cloud of black smoke. The dragon knew at this point that what he had smelt was for sure minions of the demon king.  He laid back down, wrapping himself around his sleeping bride. He had no idea what Mavaka was up to, but he knew he and his wife were safer if he stayed as his dragon form.      "I don't know what I fear more, the dragon's fire or Mavaka's wrath if we don't get this for him!" the first minion whispered.      "If you don't shut up, you'll never fear anything again!" the second one snapped at him. "Why was I cursed with such an i***t partner?" he mumbled to himself.      The first one looked slightly hurt at the second's comment, but shut up all the same.      They didn't know much about what Mavaka wanted with this dragon's flame, but they knew they had to be successful. They had seen what their master did to the first three minions he had sent. They didn't want that to happen to them. There wasn't much that could hurt a demon, but the sunlight was downright deadly to them. Their tortured screams as  Mavaka opened the clouds that covered Daemonium Isle, protecting them from their nemesis, still rang in their ears.      Dragons are actually very kind and gentle creatures. The only time a person can feel their wrath is if they are stealing from them. They only protect what is rightfully theirs and will never steal. So if someone dares to enter the dragon's keep with the intent to steal, they should rightfully be afraid.      The woman beneath Alisar stirred softly. He looked down at her, smiling, his expression for her tender.      "Shh, my love, they will be gone soon," Alisar said. He didn't want his love to awaken. She had a long day and would still be mourning the loss of her parents. The battle today was horrible, her pack fought valiantly alongside the dragons, but most of her pack was killed. They dreamed of a day when all the fighting would end.      The demons, seeing the tender side to the dragon, knew what they had to do.      The first one reappeared in front of the dragon, he was shaking in obvious fear, using his ability to transform into a snake. He slithered onto the woman, his fangs bared. He bit the sleeping woman, releasing his venom into her. She woke up screaming in pain.      Alisar, seeing his wife distressed, reared up, grabbing the demon with his teeth and flung it across the keep. His flame shooting from his mouth, burning the demon alive.      The second demon grabbed the first, while he was still burning and ran from the keep.      "What did you do?" the second one demanded.      "I bit his mate," the first said weakly.      "We need to get you to Mavaka. I hope he will spare you," the second one said.      As the demons fled, Alisar looked at his wife, he could see the poison running through her veins. It would only be a matter of time before she joined her parents in the shadowlands. Alisar, full of grief over the inevitable loss of his wife, screamed a curse out into the night at the demons running with his flame.      "Whatever was so great that you needed to steal my love from me will never last! Mark my words, the flame you stole, and the love you killed will only be repaired when the werewolves and dragons have united in love again!"      The demons were paying no mind to the screams coming from the angry dragon, they got what they had come for and were in a hurry to return to Mavaka before the demon died taking the flame with him.  *******     Mavaka was waiting impatiently for the return of the two minions he had sent on the quest to steal Alisar's flame. He was the strongest dragon in their world, and he knew that his flame would burn the hottest for what he had planned.      Finally, he could see the burning coming to him. He smiled, his teeth sharp and pointy, he knew just what they had done.      "Your highness, we brought you the flame of Alisar," the second demon said, "Please, your majesty, will you be able to save him?"      Mavaka laughed at the weakness the second demon was showing, "Save him? How do expect me to save this worthless, thing? You are all expendable to me, I shall have his replacement as soon as I am through with him!" he scolded the demon, grabbing the burning one and throwing him into the forging pit. The demon knew better at this point than to argue with his master as he watched his partner burn to death.      "Now, bring me that steel!" Mavaka demanded, the minions scurrying to do as their master bid. Fearful of not only the sunlight but the bright light coming from the fire. They watched in silent awe as their master forged a beautiful sword, from the fires of the dragon.      "His fire will protect this sword but will also kill any dragon that it touches. Only their lineage will be able to destroy this. I will make sure to remove them all."  Mavaka said evilly as he muttered the curse on the sword. He now had the strongest weapon to take over the land.      "But your majesty, don't they already have a weak spot?" a foolish minion asked.      "Yes, stupid, but with this sword, I can kill them anywhere," Mavaka said, and with a flick of his wrist, ended the minion's life with the sword.      It was then that the second minion remembered what Alisar had screamed at them as they were leaving. He didn't care if it cost him his life, his friend and partner were dead.      "Excuse me, your highness," he began.      "Yes, what is it now?" Mavaka asked impatiently.      "Alisar cursed his flame when we stole it," the second minion informed his master.      "Oh, he did, did he?" Mavaka asked curiously.      "Yes, sire."      "Just what did he say?" he asked cautiously. His whole plan may have just been laid to ruin.      "That whatever you did with his flame would never last. It would break when the dragons and the werewolves were united again," he said boldly. He was happy that his master's plan would fail, even he never got to witness it.      "What did he do, that the dragon cursed his flame?!" Mavaka yelled, angry.      "He killed the dragon's mate," the minion said. With that Mavaka killed the minion.      ********     Alisar was mourning the loss of his wife but knew he had to stay strong. Their twins were still small and would never remember her. This saddened Alisar, but he made sure to raise Conor and Draco, showing them that love and kindness were the way to rule a keep.      Eventually, word got out that Mavaka had forged a sword that was capable of killing a dragon by any touch, and no armor would protect them.      This worried, Alisar and he convinced the rest of the mythics that a council was needed. This would begin the elder council, it would consist of mythical beings from every realm. Their duty would be to help all beings and decide what was right or wrong.      As time went on during a battle with mythical hunters, the humans that thought mythical beings were undeserving of life, the sword of Mavaka was stolen. Even though every mythic and member of the elder council searched for the sword it was never recovered. The story of the sword became just that, a story.      The sword was lost to time and legend, until now.      
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