CHAPTER 1 Sins In Italy, Trouble In Paradise

1497 Words
  Evelyn   "Wow! This is your apartment?" I glanced around, taking in our surroundings. We had touched down in Italy just half an hour ago after enduring the gruelling eight-hour flight. Our journey followed shortly after bidding a fond farewell to Dad and Clara, with us boarding our flight about an hour later. I could only hope when they got back, Clara would be pregnant-Don't judge me, I never had a sibling, so my biggest wish was to have one. Well, I wouldn't mind if there were two, but the minimum requirement was one, just one.   "Yes, baby," Jacob chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist as he planted a kiss on my shoulder. I absolutely loved it when he did that. "Do you like it?"   "It's gorgeous," I replied, utterly captivated. The living room felt like an oasis of comfort, with its soft, oversized sofas and a breathtaking city view. I could catch a glimpse of the kitchen, a modern marvel with its sleek design and high-end appliances. Everything was predominantly black, and I knew it was his favorite color-no need to ask.   "Can we check out the bedroom?"   "Already?" A mischievous smirk played at the corner of his mouth as he looked at me. "Let them deliver our luggage first, at the very least."   My jaw practically hit the floor-did he really think I had that in mind? I asked for-   Oh, yes, he did!   "Jerk! I just wanted to see the bedroom! I didn't mean to imply that you horny dog!" I nudged his stomach with my elbow, and a soft groan escaped his lips.   "Hey, that's unfair! Why would you want to see the bedroom if you didn't want to do anything?" He protested, attempting to grab my wrist, but I swiftly darted away on a mission to find the bedroom.   The first three rooms I entered immediately signaled they weren't his. I knew him well enough to recognize that if any of them belonged to him, they would be draped in more shades of black, have more clothes scattered on the floor, and most importantly, have an ashtray. My man, I knew, had a fondness for cigarettes. He wouldn't smoke around me much, but he was fond of cigarettes, a whole lot of it.   Throughout my exploration, he trailed behind me, all the while complaining about my tiny elbow causing his rock-hard stomach discomfort. Given his muscular physique, the only one who was likely to be injured was me, but since I hadn't sustained any injuries during my "don't-try-this-at-home" mission, I could confidently say no one was hurt.   And so, I reached the fourth room, which turned out to be the master bedroom, unmistakably his. It was drenched in black, from faded to washed, and jet, in a way that left no room for complaint. The walls were entirely black, with subtle white lines aligning with the decor. The king-sized bed, draped in inviting, soft linens, boasted a headboard washed in black, while the curtains, in the lightest shade in the room, were a soft gray. Even the floor was black.   This had to be his room. No doubts. It was undoubtedly his.   "So this is your room," I commented as I strolled inside.   "How can you be so sure?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow as he leaned against the doorframe. "It might not be."   "If this isn't your room, then I'd have to assume you either sleep in the living room, or you're a vampire who doesn't sleep at all," I shrugged as I made my way to the closet. "Or maybe you're just too used to sleeping in other women's beds?" As the thought crossed my mind, I turned to look at him, my expression growing more serious.   I wasn't interested in dwelling on past issues, but if that were the case, he wouldn't be getting any s*x for a week. Call me petty-I didn't care.   He fought to conceal his smile, attempting to maintain his composure while slipping his hands into his pockets. The amusement in his green eyes was evident nonetheless. "Which one do you think is more fitting?"   This jerk...   "It had better be the first two because the last scenario comes with consequences," I warned, raising an eyebrow.   "Um," he cleared his throat, "What consequences?"   "I think you already know, Mr. Adriano."   "Well..." He scratched the back of his head. "I suppose it's better to lie sometimes than..."   God! So the third option was true? I swear I'd f*****g kill him today.   "You f*****g-" I began, advancing towards him, ready to impart a lesson with either an ear-pulling or, maybe, resorting to a full-blown act of violence by punching that stupid handsome face of his.   But before I could put my plan into action, he swiftly slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me close and switching our positions. Now, I was pressed against the doorframe, and he loomed over me, his face inches away.   A soft gasp escaped my lips at his sudden maneuver, and before I could speak, he broke the silence.   "Hey, firecracker," a breathtaking smile spread across his lips as he leaned in closer. His cologne, as always, wafted into my nostrils, even though I was simmering with anger. Call me an overreacting b***h, but I couldn't stand the thought of him being with other women, even if it was in the past, "I was just messing with you. I've had my fair share of women, but I've always preferred spending the night at my place-"   "So that means you-"   "No," he shook his head as if he'd anticipated my question before I even asked it. "It's a no, I assure you. I've never brought any women to this bed, and I plan to make you the first." He leaned even closer to my face, brushing his nose against the side of my cheek as he took in my scent. "So, should I just do that?"   I fought back a blush, trying to hide my smile. "You're using your ways on me again," I meant for it to be a complaint, but it came out sounding more like I enjoyed it. The truth was, I did. I loved it- I loved him, the best and worst parts of him, and every bit in between.   "And you like that, don't you?" he chuckled, the husky sound sending shivers down my spine. His handsome face and enchanting features, even when considered individually, were still incredibly distracting, making my heart race. I could already feel the sparks on my skin and tingling sensations at the back of my neck.   "I do... but shouldn't we unpack first?"   "I'd rather undress you than unpack the stupid luggage," he declared, lifting me effortlessly. A gasp escaped my lips as he wrapped my legs around his hips.   "Jacob, we've just arrived in Italy. We can't just do this the whole time," I protested, though an inadvertent laugh escaped my lips as he let me fall onto the bed, him now on top with his body positioned between my thighs.   "I'll just take one hour of your day," he smiled against my lips before he kissed me.   One hour?   He had to be f*****g kidding me. I'd have no energy left by the time he was finished.   As he reluctantly ended the kiss, my breath was already ragged. "An hour seems far too long, don't you think?" My words barely rose above a whisper, though I could see the smoldering desire in his eyes. It sent electric thrills racing through my body, sensations both new and yet oddly familiar.   "It's almost too short, Evelyn," he confessed, his hand finding its way beneath my shorts, touching my bare p***y. I arched my back, a soft moan escaping my lips. "And I believe I can make it seem even shorter for you, my love." He traced his lips along my neck, leaving a trail of delicate kisses that left their mark.   I had been right to anticipate that Italy would be anything but ordinary, much like the days spent in our private rooms back home, lost in passionate moments with Jacob.   "So, what's our plan now? Are we going to make love?" I inquired, my breath still heavy. "I haven't even had a chance to see the entire apartment yet."   His fingers suddenly slipped inside of me, eliciting a soft moan, and my body quivered in response. "Well," he whispered, "I can show you the entire apartment and f**k you at the same time. Would you prefer that, baby?"   God, this man was killing me.   "A different kind of apartment tour?"   "Yeah...and all you have to say is a 'yes', Evelyn," His thumb circled my clit, putting pressure. I almost threw my head back at that.   "To hell with the yes," I finally breathed out, grabbing his collars and pulling him closer, I'd already lost it, "f**k me. Right now."   And he slammed his lips against mine without having to be told twice.
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