
1043 Words
"I love you, you love me, we are a happy family." Lydia said with a smile as she sat next to her brother on the hospital bed, she held his hand and creased it. Her brother smiled in response and she smiled out tears, she hurriedly wiped it and smile. "Are you feeling better?" She asked and he nodded, it was actually a lie though. Everyday her brother keeps feeling weak but he lies that he is okay to her just to make her feel better. "Okay, you know I have to go now, it's night already." She said and he nodded. She stood up and carried her bag, she kissed his forehead for over ten seconds before pulling away. "I love you Henry." She muttered and he smiled, Lydia stood up and walked out of the hospital. Lydia Anderson, a prostitute who is willing to do anything to save her dying brother 'Henry.' Lydia is twenty twenty two years old while her brother is seventeen. Lydia and Henry are orphans who struggles to survive. Their parents died in an accident and since then life seems cruel to them. Lydia started being a prostitute when she discovered her brother had a brain tumor, she started working at a club then she discovered it is an easy way to get money and could easily let her pay for her brother's treatment. All of Lydia's goal in life was to save her dying brother. ******** Lydia walked into the club and the girls smiled at her. "Hey Lydia." One of them called and she smiled. "Any new update?" Lydia asked as she and the girls head to the changing room. "Nothing much, just heard some big men are coming to the club today." Another one answered as they changed their cloths. "How rich?" "Filthy." "Sweet." Lydia smiled and put on her heels. "Take this, it's the new pills, works better than others." A girl said and stretched it towards Lydia, she sighed and collect it. "You do know how to use it right?" "Yeah, sure." Lydia replied and nodded, the girls all head out and head back to the club. The music was becoming louder as they got closer, immediately they walked in, men cheered as they all walked to them. ******* "Easy man, easy." Lydia giggled as she and a man helped walked to his car. "Am going to make you rich." He said drunkily and Lydia laughed. They both entered his car and he drove to a hotel, the man booked a room and they head to it. They got to the room and the man pinned Lydia to the wall, she struggled with him and he gave her a look. "Will you just calm down? Let's have a drink." "There is no need for that, let us do what we have to do." "What? Hold on. If it's slow you will enjoy it." Lydia giggled and pushed him to the bed, Lydia noticed he wouldn't angry easily to what she said so she decided to be gentle and careful. The man finally ordered the drinks after so much persuading, Lydia successfully drugged him and he slept off. She sighed in relief and picked all the money she could find from him, she counted it and it wasn't up to a thousand dollars. "f**k!" She screamed and hit the table angrily. "f**k you!" She yelled at the sleeping man and burst into tears, she cried her eyes out before walking out. She took a taxi back to the club and walked in. "Lydia." Their boss called and Lydia walked to them. "Yes boss?" "You are back early, what's wrong?" "Nothing." "Are you sure? There are still some men left if the last one was bad." "Don't worry, ma'am, I also have to check up on Henry." "I understand, goodnight." Only Lydia's boss knows the reason Lydia is into this job, she knows about her sick younger brother who needs money for surgery. Lydia got into the changing room and changed into her clothes, she carried her bag and walked out, she said goodbye to her boss and exit the club. She got to the hospital and walked into her brother's ward, she sighed and sat down on the chair next to his bed. "Henry." She tapped him and he opened his eyes, he smiled on seeing her and she held his hand. Henry slowly lifted his free hand and creased her face, he touch her swollen eyes and frowned. "Oh, am fine. Don't worry about that." She lied but Henry didn't seem satisfied with the response, he kept looking at her till a tear rolled down his eyes. "No, no, please don't cry, am okay Henry." "Am damn serious, nothing happened, please don't cry, you will make me cry." She said as her eyes got clouded with tears. "Please don't cry." She muttered and he nodded, she wiped his tears and smiled. "You should rest now, good night." "Night Lydia." Henry said faintly and she smiled, she held her hand and placed her head on his bed, she cried as she closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep. ********** THE NEXT DAY Lydia sat outside Henry's ward as the nurses cleaned him up and changed his clothes, it was never worst like this from the start, the more the treatments and surgery is delayed, the more it gets worst. The nurses were finally done and Lydia walked into the ward to find him sitting up, she smiled happily and sat beside him on the bed. "Are you okay?" She asked and he nodded. "Just say something, anything." "You... you look beautiful." He said but not too loud and she smiled happily. "Thanks, are you feeling weak? I should get the doctor?" "Am fine Lydia." Lydia nodded and the doctor walked in, he smiled on seeing in the ward. He did the routine check up on him and turned to Lydia. "Can I see you outside?" "Sure." Lydia responded and followed him. They got out of the ward and the doctor turned to her. "How fast are you saving up for his surgery?" "Am trying my best doc." "Well, you need to try harder cause he has just a few months left." "What?"
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