Chapter two

1120 Words
She kept her posture straight as she followed the woman down the hall. Hugging the tiny box of her belongings, a photo and some books to her chest she tried to keep up. It was ridiculous, she was much taller than the short dark skinned nurse that led the way to her office down the tiny white tiled corridor floor with medium grey walls. For a short woman she seemed to have the speed of a cheetah. Maybe it had been all the rushing she was required to do in case of emergency, that she had forgotten it wasn’t an emergency at all but a tour. But the girl could not blame her, a hospital was a busy place. There was no time to relax at all, it was always patient after patient. Now that would soon be her life. “Right this way.” the woman squealed in excitement as she took a left turn down the corridor. It was not like the staff lacked female staff, but they did, mostly doctors. The nurse was beyond happy, honoured in fact to be the one showing the lady doctor to her office. It was a privilege most never got, they had to stay in their lane, do their job and nothing more. Rose gave older lady a friendly smile as she walked passed her. It was too much of respect, she was younger then the nurse but yet she held the door open for her. She wasn’t accustomed to it, people always looked down on her, her age to them was a joke. But to the lady beside her, she didn’t seem to be bothered that the girl was still in her early twenties. She studied the room, empty and clean, a bit too spacious for her alone. Still in shape and renovated, the sky blue coloured walls held no cracks no any foreign object upon them. The desk situated right in the middle of the room, two chairs right in front of the desk, their backs facing the door where she stood. The extra furniture giving it it’s cozy office vibes. Rose walked further into the room, placing the box on her new empty desk the girl smiled with content. She liked already, she already liked the new environment. The nurse that had accompanied her to her new work space cleared her throat gaining her attention. “When you’re all settled in darling find us in the lounge.” the nurse spoke. If she remembered correctly her name was Betty or Beth, but it certainly started with a b. She turned to face the nurse, confused she furrowed her eyebrows. “Us?” she questioned looking at the nurse. The older lady shook her head as a smile grew on her face. “Yes, the rest of the staff would like to meet you.” she had already been the talk between the staff even before she arrived. With a nod she acknowledged, accepting and understanding. Joyful, the nurse turned to leave but before she could, she turned back to the younger lady. “You will find your way right. You won’t get lost?” concerned the woman asked, PurpleValley hospital was large enough for a strange face to get lost, in all the rooms and floors around. With a faint smile on her face, Rose spoke. “I will try.” The woman gave her one last hopefully smile before she turned leaving, closing the door behind her. Alone in room, Rose sat on her chair resting her legs. It had been a ridiculously long walk to her office, her feet weren’t used to long walks, mostly in a hospital so big. Pulling the box towards herself, Rose brought out the only family photo she had of both her parents together with her. She was young, not more than seven and most definitely not less that four. She had a toothless grin on, standing between the two parents who also had been smiling at her silly self. “I miss you.” the girl sighed placing the picture frame down on the desk. With another tired sigh she got off the chair walking towards the door. Gripping the door handle she opened the door widely. Looking closely at the name tag she sadly smiled. ‘Dr. Rose LaSalle’ It read. How her parents would have been proud of her, her hard work paid off. Letting the door close behind her she walked down those corridors once more. § “Welcome to PurpleValley Dr. Rose!” the crowd of nurses and doctors shouted as she pushed the lounge doors open. Shy, Rose smiled at them all, mumbling a quiet thank you. A few of them welcomed her with a friendly hug or a formal handshake. Physical touch wasn’t something she was used to but she endured. Spotting the nurse from earlier on with a colleague laughing and drinking from her beverage, Rose slipped away from the talkative male doctor. Pulling her aside the girl frustrating mumbled, “You shouldn’t have. This is too much.” she complained looking at all the decoration and the crowded room, full of people she didn’t know. “Nosense, you deserve a proper PurpleValley welcome.” the woman squealed. Patting her on the shoulder lightly she smiled, “Enjoy it, it’s your party!” with those said she walked back to where she was. Rose stayed behind the room seated on one of the couches, watching the party from as far as she could. She would have left but it was disrespectful to leave a function held for you. “Not fond of parties?” A male voice asked. Looking up from her barely drunk cup Rose looked at the man getting a sit right beside her. He was dark curly haired man with a dark skin complexion, he smiled friendly at her. Shaking her head, her short dark hair covered her face. Blowing the hair away she pouted, “Sadly, yes.” Slouching the man spoke again, “Shame, they have some pretty good chocolate cake.” Rose hummed opposing. Staring at the girl in disbelief the man turned his head facing her, “Not fond of chocolate either?” Rose nodded, “I’m more of a strawberry mix blueberry cake stan.” she announced looking a head. “Nice?” Turning back to the man the girl smiled, “Heavenly!” she squealed. Smiling back at her, he extended his arm. “I’m Joseph by the way.” he introduced. Taking his hand she shook it, “Rose..” Her hand still in his, the man smiled before bringing her hand to his lips. “Pretty name for a—” Rose pulled her hand away be he could peck them. “Don’t flirt with me. It will get you nowhere.” the girl hissed, standing on her two feet she turned to him unimpressed. “I’m a lesbian.” turning away from the man she walked out the lounge.
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