"Jenny, you've consumed enough soju for today. Let's quickly wrap up and leave, eoh? I'll drop you home before doing my grocery shopping." I try to sound as persuading as I can so that Jenny will at least agree to stand up. I intend to drag her out of the restaurant if she refuses to get up.
There is somewhere I need to be in the next one hour, but I might miss the appointment if Jenny continues to be stubborn. Something which I have no intention to allow from her.
"Hya," she sniffs, "just leave me here let me drink to my grave." She empties another cup of soju in her mouth, turning up her nose and frowning at the bitterness.
A wave of impatience washes over me. Anyone can tell that she isn't in her right state of mind, crying over a breakup. But then again, I don't think anyone would be able to hold their liquor after consuming four large bottles of soju and are about to finish their fifth.
"We can talk about your break up tomorrow when you're in your right state of mind. For now, you need to go back home before your Mother starts worrying about you."
"Ya!" Jenny yells, slamming the table with her fist and causing other customer's eyes to start sneaking glances at us. "How dare you call yourself my friend when you can't understand my frustration?" She throws a long glare at me, narrowing her eyes and pointing two fingers accusingly.
I nod my head and start mumbling out apologies to other customers on behalf of Jenny's drunken behavior.
She sigh out in frustration before dropping her hand to the bottle and pouring out the remaining content into the glass cup, "urghh... why bother saying it, of course she will never understand my frustration. Guys only look down at poor and ugly girls like me, she's so lucky to be born beautiful and her family is rich, how can she understand the feeling." She murmurs under her breath before emptying the few drops into her mouth and licking her lips afterwards.
And of course, that, exactly is the problem with all the people around me. Everyone admires my fancy looking life, thinking it is perfect. They think because I am beautiful and my family are rich, I have no right to complain about anything.
Yes, I didn't get to struggle to save up tuition fees; I didn't get to work several part time jobs to earn extra allowances; I don't know the pain of not being able to afford a car or a three square meal daily. My life is stable with a well paying job at the age of twenty three, so I have every reason to be okay and not a single reason to not be okay.
Well, that is exactly the side of me I want them to see. At least to keep my self esteem intact. No one has to know the truth about me. I don't need anybody pitying me and treating me like some kind of a weak damsel in distress. Not even my friends.
"Jenny come on, there's nothing more in the bottle. We need to go." I stand up and head to Jenny's side and pull back her chair. She fights me tirelessly to remain in the seat, but fails in the end and gives up. All through the process of dragging her out, I keep on mumbling out apologies to other customers who don't even care to look. Except for one guy, stealing a few glances at me.
The moment we step outside of the restaurant, the cold wind cause me to shiver, but I take the woolen scarf off my neck and wrap it around Jenny because she needs it more. Catching a cold is something very easy for her; she's like a child that needs a lot of care and attention.
Jenny leans on me and continues muttering out her nasty prejudices against the rich population of Korea who don't even know about her existence.
We walk to my black SUV which I parked on the opposite side of the restaurant, and I press the remote and open the door, shoving her inside and locking the door before she can think of running out.
I arrive just in time at my appointment place after I have successfully drop Jenny at their home.
Parking my car, I run my fingers through my brown hair and smoothened the texture while at the same time, checking out my face in the rear-view mirror. I'm wondering why people think I'm beautiful despite having such a nasty under eye bags and a fat, fleshy lips. Perhaps, it may be because of my oval face and my cute pointy nose. Or maybe because my skin is pore-less and flawless, thanks to my Father's genetics. Either ways, I secretly love it whenever people compliment my beauty.
Without wasting another minute, I push my legs into my heels and step out of the car. The building I'm about to head to is short, in comparison to the other tall buildings by its sides.
As I enter, the receptionist behind the counter, Miss Choi greets me with a hand wave to which I responded by smiling and waving back at her.
My heels assault the tiles all the way, heading straight to office number 006 which is towards the end of the long lobby. My phone vibrates, making me to halt a feet or two away from the office to check the message content. The sender is my Father. 'Make sure to come home before you leave for Seoul. Otherwise I shall disown you!' The text says.
I smile and put the phone back into my pocket. Then I hear the voices. . .
"Thank you Doctor Park, I'll make sure to follow the prescription and take the drugs properly. Have a great weekend."
"Your symptoms will get better. Just don't miss your next appointment by Sunday."
I have no intention to eavesdrop, but the moment the office door swings open, my lips starts dripping with apologies as if I have been caught in the bad act. Embarrassment sweeps over me as I debate with myself whether to explain the situation or not. But explaining will make me seem even more guilty so I press my lips into a thin line and kept it shut.
The person who has just stepped out of the office has a p-cap on, so I can't see the face. But his dressing is funny, like, who wears an expensive looking suit with such a cheap, childish looking p-cap that is all sparkling with glitters?
He does not look at me but he huffs very loudly when he pass by me as thought he intends to trample on me and crush me to my death. The intimidation is only heightened by the fact that he's much taller and thicker, else my heart wouldn't have shook at all.
I'm not scared. He's just another rude piece of trash! Besides, this isn't my first encounter with such arrogant jerks, so it its totally normal. Its not a big deal, I'll just erase that from my memory.
But then he leaves behind a very soothing and pleasant perfume scent which now lingers in my nose for more than thirty minutes into my therapy session. Or maybe it's not lingering in my nose alone, but rather in the whole office.
"Sarah, try to relax your mind and focus on the memory. Is something distracting your attention? Should I turn off the heater if its the sound that is distracting you?" Doctor Park asks as he turns off the fan heater faster than I can reply him.
"You don't have to, but its okay, maybe it'll help me to focus." I don't even know if my reply is needed. Anyway, I rest my weight on the softness of the arm cushion and try to distract my mind from the bewitching scent in the office.
Focus! Focus! Focus!
The tension in my head is beginning to build slowly as I zone into the collection of my most messed up memories of my childhood.
'There's a loud music popping in my ears. I am inside a room filled with teddy bears. Lots and lots of smiling teddies around me. I am lying down on a small bed with my hands tied with something like a belt. Beside me are several bottles of wine, most of them are empty only one has a remainder and its spilling on the bed. Its a red wine. Very red and thick like blood...
Someone is miming the song loudly, his voice is irritating but he's becoming even louder than the music. And he's laughing like a psycho. . . He jumps on me and I. . ."
"Do you see the face?"
I snap out of my memory panting and trying hard to catch my breath. My head is spinning around in circles, feeling weightless like I am being pulled into a black tunnel with the most darkest pits. The air feels choking and my throat is burning like a drop of fire has been secreted into my esophagus. I hold my neck and scream, pushing away the person trying to touch me. I'm wheezing and I can't control my heartbeat. I hold my head and try to touch something, anything in the thick darkness, struggling to find my way out.
My way out. . . "Breathe! Sarah ya! Sarah ya! Its okay, its Doctor Park. You're safe." Doctor Park's voice rings into my brain, forcing me out of the darkness.
Everything stops. The world stops moving for a second or two before it all comes bouncing back to life, and I find myself now struggling with the door handle and Doctor Park is holding and pulling my waist.
"Its... okay. You're fine Sarah." Doctor Park says, and I don't know why his words cause me to feel weak. I crouch down by the door and I begin to sob, subsequently bawling my eyes out.
Dr Park moves close to me and holds my two hands tightly in his. "Sarah ya, don't be so hard on yourself. I don't like the idea of you going through this over and over all because you want to remember the face of that bastard who may not even be alive."
No! I have to be hard on myself! I have to remember! "I'm going to keep trying until I remember the face of my assaulter no matter what." I inform Dr Park. "I must bring him to justice. I can never be at peace with myself knowing that there's a possibility of him being alive and healthy." And this is the oath I have sworn to fulfill since a long time ago when I finally decided that I'm not going to stay messed up.
Why do I have to suffer so much pain, anger and sleepless nights over an incident that should never have happened?