VII – The Encounter in Soho

2839 Words

VII – The Encounter in Soho–––––––– THREE WEEKS LATER AUSTIN received a note from Villiers, asking him to call either that afternoon or the next. He chose the nearer date, and found Villiers sitting as usual by the window, apparently lost in meditation on the drowsy traffic of the street. There was a bamboo table by his side, a fantastic thing, enriched with gilding and queer painted scenes, and on it lay a little pile of papers arranged and docketed as neatly as anything in Mr. Clarke's office. "Well, Villiers, have you made any discoveries in the last three weeks?" "I think so; I have here one or two memoranda which struck me as singular, and there is a statement to which I shall call your attention." "And these documents relate to Mrs. Beaumont? It was really Crashaw whom you saw th

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